New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (71 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1911 ENHANCE-04(2017WP) — MLF and RK3 time stepping assigned gm high Unscheduled OCE
#1959 ENHANCE-09_Jerome_freesurface(2017WP) assigned jchanut high Unscheduled OCE
#2057 ROBUST-03_cethe_TOP_doc assigned cetlod high Documentation TOP
#2150 TOP-06_emalod_OASIS_interface_between_TOP_and_NEMO assigned emalod high Unscheduled TOP
#2153 HPC-03_HPDAonlineDiag new epico high Unscheduled DIA
#2156 ASINTER-05_Masson_CurrentFeedback reopened smasson high Unscheduled SBC
#2158 ASINTER-03_laurent_bulk_and_wave new laurent high Unscheduled SBC
#2175 ENHANCE-05_SimonM-Harmonic_Analysis assigned smueller high Unscheduled DIA
#2186 SI3-03_VP_rheology assigned vancop high Unscheduled SI3
#2187 SI3-04_lagrangian_drifters assigned vancop high Unscheduled TOP
#2189 PUB-05_SI3_documentation assigned vancop high Unscheduled SI3
#2191 PUB-03_NDS_CHAPTER assigned vancop high Unscheduled SI3
#2194 ENHANCE-12_SimonM-Tides assigned smueller high Unscheduled SBC
#2195 HPC-08_XXX_fldread_with_XIOS reopened andmirek high Unscheduled SBC
#2436 VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration new clevy high Unscheduled env
#2596 VLD-01_ClaireLevy_ORCA2_ICE_PISCES new clevy high Unscheduled MULTIPLE
#2605 KNL-01_Sibylle_RK3_stage1 new techene high Unscheduled MULTIPLE
#2016 ENHANCE-11 Trusting-SETTE cooperation (previously 2018WP) assigned nicolasmartin normal Unscheduled env
#2036 SEAICE-05_crousset_coupled_interface assigned clem normal Unscheduled OCE
#2044 ENHANCE-09_Gurvan-GEOMETRIC assigned gm normal Unscheduled OCE
#2046 PUBLI-03_SFlavoni-advectionscheme-analysis assigned flavoni normal Unscheduled OCE
#2052 ENHANCE-09(2018WP)_rbourdal_massfluxconvection assigned rbourdal normal Unscheduled OCE
#2055 ENHANCE-14_cethe_PISCES_LBC assigned cetlod normal Unscheduled OCE
#2162 Tiling for TRA and ZDF routines new mikebell normal Unscheduled TRA
#2379 VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE new clevy normal Unscheduled SBC
#2390 ticket for KERNEL-03_Storkey_Coward_RK3_stage2 WP2020 action new davestorkey normal Unscheduled DOM
#2612 VLD-02_Aimie_Moulin_Med_Wave_Coupling assigned amoulin normal Unscheduled SBC
#2634 KNL-02_Jerome_RK3_stage1_tsplit new jchanut normal Unscheduled MULTIPLE
#2662 HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline DiagGPU new mcastril normal Unscheduled DIA
#2715 RK3 time-stepping for TOP new techene normal TOP
#1463 CNRS-13(2015WP) - Subduction diagnostics assigned cetlod low Unscheduled OCE
#1601 Add code for flux adjustment runs assigned ayoung low Unscheduled OCE
#1829 Changes to C06 for climate simulation and reanalysis assigned ayoung low Unscheduled OCE
#1894 mass and heat budgets in NEMO assigned clem low OCE
#1908 ROMS wetting and drying scheme assigned mikebell low Unscheduled OCE
#1918 ENHANCE-17(2017WP) — Multi-Column Ocean scheme (MCO) assigned gm low Unscheduled OCE
#2015 ENHANCE-06 Repository cleaning (previously 2018WP) assigned ayoung low Unscheduled env
#2054 ENHANCE-07_crousset_LIM3adv_valorisation assigned clem low Unscheduled OCE
#2297 Updates to ASM and OBS documentation assigned djlea low OBS
#2319 Create dev branch for PISCES-QUOTA improvments new aumont low Unscheduled PISCES
#2336 AGRIF-01_mathiot_multigrid_load_balancing assigned ayoung low Unscheduled AGRIF
#2338 DATAINT-01_sciliberti_IMMERSE_Interfaces new sciliberti low Unscheduled tools
#2363 VALID-08_gsamson_ORCA-ABL-BLK new gsamson low Unscheduled SBC
#2366 HPC-08_epico_Extra_Halo new epico low Unscheduled DOM
#2385 KERNEL-06_techene_better_e3_management new techene low Unscheduled DOM
#2417 SETTE: Make sette universal assigned smueller low Unscheduled tools
#2427 DATAINT-02_smueller_IOM_revision assigned smueller low Unscheduled IOM
#2485 Add an Shallow Water Eq. (SWE) based on NEMO ocean kernel + associated test case new gm low Unscheduled DYN
#2508 TOP-05_Ethe_Agrif new cetlod low Unscheduled MULTIPLE
#2511 New developments of PISCES new aumont low Unscheduled PISCES
#2550 TOP-02_rlod_SeaIce_Fe_Source new rlod low Unscheduled TOP
#2590 How to shift ice properties among categories new systeam low SI3
#2601 MOI-01_MOI-GRIFFIESTRIADSMOOTHING new cbricaud low Unscheduled LDF
#2604 MOI-02_MOI-GLS-ICE assigned cbricaud low Unscheduled TOP
#2624 HPC-07_Irrmann_try_new_pt2pt_comm assigned girrmann low Unscheduled LBC
#2629 IOM-01_Mueller_DIAMLR new smueller low Unscheduled tools
#2630 VLD-04_Mueller_Tides new smueller low Unscheduled SBC
#2638 AGF-01_Debreu_domcfg assigned ldebreu low Unscheduled AGRIF
#2650 VLD-07_Bricaud_Samson_ORCA4-12-36 new gsamson low Unscheduled MULTIPLE
#2651 KNL-03_Young_Bell_HPG_Schemes new ayoung low Unscheduled DYN
#2654 VLD-08_CEthe_IPSL_Coupled_Model assigned cetlod low Unscheduled MULTIPLE
#2656 VLD-09_RPerson_Antarctic_ice_Sheet_Fe_Source assigned rlod low Unscheduled TOP
#2659 TOP-01_CEthe_PISCES_NEWDEV assigned cetlod low Unscheduled PISCES
#2661 missing diags for turbulence assigned systeam low ZDF
#2663 VLD-10_Mueller_generic_SETTE new smueller low Unscheduled CI
#2700 IOM-02_Ford_OBS assigned dford low Unscheduled OBS
#2707 IOM-03_Copsey_1D_river_coupling assigned dancopsey low Unscheduled SBC
#2708 IOM-04_Copsey_0D_icesheet_mass_coupling assigned dancopsey low Unscheduled SBC
#2709 SI3-01_Copsey_coupled_penetrating_radiation assigned dancopsey low Unscheduled SBC
#2711 KNL-04_ONeill_2D_mode new clne low Unscheduled MULTIPLE
#2722 Branch to import 3rd party GEOMETRIC development new acc low Unscheduled LDF
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.