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#1346 (bug in BDY for multiple boundaries) – NEMO

Opened 11 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#1346 closed Bug (wontfix)

bug in BDY for multiple boundaries

Reported by: davestorkey Owned by: davestorkey
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: OCE Version: v3.6
Severity: Keywords:


In bdy_dta_init, the initialisation of the bf structure is incorrect if multiple boundary sets (>1) are defined:

jstart = 1
DO ib_bdy = 1, nb_bdy

jend = nb_bdy_fld(ib_bdy)
CALL fld_fill( bf(jstart:jend), blf_i(jstart:jend), cn_dir_array(ib_bdy), 'bdy_dta', &
& 'open boundary conditions', 'nambdy_dta' )
jstart = jend + 1


The jend index is set incorrectly for ib_bdy > 1. The correct formula should be:


Commit History (1)


Fix indexing bug in bdy_dta_init. Ticket #1346.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by davestorkey

Fixed at rev 4673.

I think there is a similar bug in the following lines of bdy_dta (around line 317 of bdydta.F90) :


IF (cn_tra(ib_bdy) == 'runoff') then ! runoff condition

jend = nb_bdy_fld(ib_bdy) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CALL fld_read( kt=kt, kn_fsbc=1, sd=bf(jstart:jend), &

& map=nbmap_ptr(jstart:jend), kt_offset=time_offset )


Jerome (or anyone) do you agree?

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by clevy

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed
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