Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#1401 closed Bug (fixed)
Missing call in lbc_lnk in bdydyn2d.F90
Reported by: | nemo_user | Owned by: | mocavero |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | |
Component: | OCE | Version: | trunk |
Severity: | Keywords: | ||
Cc: |
In bdy_dyn2d_fla :
!!! REPLACE spgu with nemo_wrk work space
! Fill temporary array with ssh data (here spgu):
igrd = 1
spgu(:,:) = 0.0
DO jb = 1, idx%nblenrim(igrd)
ii = idx%nbi(jb,igrd)
ij = idx%nbj(jb,igrd)
spgu(ii, ij) = dta%ssh(jb)
If T and U or V points of the boundary are not located on the same processor, then it does not use spgu to compute Flather velocities at the boundary.
Therefore one should add :
CALL lbc_lnk( spgu(:,:), 'T', 1. )
after the loop.
Commit History (1)
Changeset | Author | Time | ChangeLog |
4999 | mocavero | 2014-12-23T20:13:30+01:00 | bug fix, see ticket #1401 |
Change History (3)
comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by clevy
- Owner changed from NEMO team to mocavero ??
comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by mocavero
- Owner changed from mocavero ?? to mocavero
comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by mocavero
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
I agree with the comment. Let consider the original code:
spgu(:,:) = 0.0
DO jb = 1, idx%nblenrim(igrd)
ii = idx%nbi(jb,igrd)
ij = idx%nbj(jb,igrd)
spgu(ii, ij) = dta%ssh(jb)
igrd = 2 ! Flather bc on u-velocity;
! ! remember that flagu=-1 if normal velocity direction is outward
! ! I think we should rather use after ssh ?
DO jb = 1, idx%nblenrim(igrd)
ii = idx%nbi(jb,igrd)
ij = idx%nbj(jb,igrd)
flagu => idx%flagu(jb,igrd)
iim1 = ii + MAX( 0, INT( flagu ) ) ! T pts i-indice inside the boundary
iip1 = ii - MIN( 0, INT( flagu ) ) ! T pts i-indice outside the boundary
zcorr = - flagu * SQRT( grav * phur(ii, ij) ) * ( pssh(iim1, ij) - spgu(iip1,ij) )
! jchanut tschanges: Set zflag to 0 below to revert to Flather scheme
! Use characteristics method instead
zflag = ABS(flagu)
zforc = dta%u2d(jb) * (1._wp - z1_2*zflag) + z1_2 * zflag * pua2d(iim1,ij)
pua2d(ii,ij) = zforc + (1._wp - z1_2*zflag) * zcorr * umask(ii,ij,1)
iip1 could be outside the range of the first loop (i.e. if flagu is equal to -1), then the call to the lbc_bdy_lnk has been added.
I'm investigating this.