Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
#1639 closed Task (fixed)
Reactivate Trusting on trunk prior MP2015
Reported by: | nicolasmartin | Owned by: | nemo |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 2015 WP |
Component: | env | Version: | trunk |
Severity: | Keywords: | trusting | |
Cc: |
All the trusting lights have turned red since the merge of the simplification branch dev_r5721_CNRS9_NOC3_LDF.
Now that the trunk is frozen for the Merge Party (revision 5936), it would be useful to fix it or at least having identified where are the potential issues.
Commit History (0)
(No commits)
Change History (3)
comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by nicolasmartin
comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by nicolasmartin
Following the point discussed during last NEMO ST VC, an update on the status of the trusting on 3.6 after the merge of the MP temporary branch at commit 6205 on 4th of January (each compared to last benchmark):
New results from commit 6113 Langmuir cell parameterization should not be used below sea ice by Clément on 18th December
ocean.output : abs(U) max: 0.2870626203516 | abs(U) max: 0.2870626203508 : SSS min: 4.52066224011752 | SSS min: 4.52048581417686 : ----TRACER STAT---- solver.stat (1st diff) : it: 1 iter: 310 r: 0.2746742957E-09 b: 0.3984952235E+03 | it: 1 iter: 310 r: 0.2746814246E-09 b: 0.3984949664E+03 tracer.stat (1st diff) : 3 0.5506961168E-02 | 3 0.5506961170E-02 : 609 of 645 records differ, 559 of 645 records differ more than 0.001 : 49 of 53 records differ : 1495 of 1549 records differ, 930 of 1549 records differ more than 0.001
New results from MP merge
ocean.output : abs(U) max: 0.2870626203516 | abs(U) max: 0.2870626203508 : SSS min: 4.52065843917204 | SSS min: 4.52048581417686 : ----TRACER STAT---- solver.stat (1st diff) : it: 1 iter: 310 r: 0.2746742957E-09 b: 0.3984952235E+03 | it: 1 iter: 310 r: 0.2746814246E-09 b: 0.3984949664E+03 tracer.stat (1st diff) : 2 0.5506960123E-02 | 2 0.5506960124E-02 : 610 of 645 records differ, 560 of 645 records differ more than 0.001 : 49 of 53 records differ : 1495 of 1549 records differ, 959 of 1549 records differ more than 0.001
Regarding the forcing archive ORCA2_LIM_nemo_v3.6.tar, 2 files have been added ('' & '')
New results from commit 6113
ocean.output : abs(U) max: 0.3235192112219 | abs(U) max: 0.2391563786014 : ----TRACER STAT---- solver.stat (1st diff) : it : 1 ssh2: 0.6878043461E+03 Umax: 0.3235192112E+00 S | it : 1 ssh2: 0.6878043461E+03 Umax: 0.2391563786E+00 S tracer.stat (1st diff) : 3 0.5504508868E-02 | 3 0.5504508867E-02 : 1629 of 1902 records differ, 1404 of 1902 records differ more than 0.001 : 257 of 261 records differ : 2887 of 3705 records differ, 2011 of 3705 records differ more than 0.001
New results from MP merge, different behavior compared to ORCA2 (no change on &
ocean.output : abs(U) max: 0.3235192112219 | abs(U) max: 0.2391563786014 : ----TRACER STAT---- solver.stat (1st diff) : it : 1 ssh2: 0.6878043461E+03 Umax: 0.3235192112E+00 S | it : 1 ssh2: 0.6878043461E+03 Umax: 0.2391563786E+00 S tracer.stat (1st diff) : 3 0.5504508868E-02 | 3 0.5504508867E-02 : no record differ : 257 of 261 records differ : no record differ
- AMM12
New results from commit 6036 Fix for ticket #1617 by Tim on 11th December : 103 of 1089 records differ
New results from MP merge (no difference with commit 6036) : 103 of 1089 records differ
Well, if no one has anything to say with the previous results, I will update the benchmark for each configuration after the upcoming !Developers Committee.
comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by nicolasmartin
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
With difficulties and delays, I reinstated the trusting on the trunk for the 2 french HPC (Ada & Curie) for now ORCA2LIM2, ORCA1LIM3 et AMM12.
For 3.6 stable, the trusting is always running for the same configurations since the start-up of each monitoring.
There is still a open topic on the result changes related to computing optimizations of a new release of Intel environment on Ada (#1710).
For the short term, we planned to upgrade from XIOS 1 to XIOS 2 on the trunk when the conditions are met (keep XIOS 1 with 3.6) and to add little by little the remaining reference configurations.
For the long-term, I have an development action in order to improve its diagnostics and to get into a more mature tool as SETTE (reproducibility & restartability tests).
Last but no least, I prompt the developers to keep an eye on the trusting results especially just after their commits. Of course, it should be useless if all the tests have been conducted beforehand.
Regarding the 2 versions of the code (3.6 & trunk) and for now 3 configurations (ORCA2, ORCA1 & AMM12) followed by the tool, I summarized the mainly events on each combination
Cdo diffn on ORCA2 results:
Cdo diffn on AMM12 results: