#1900 closed Bug (fixed)
Considering ocean column properties in NEMO-ICB module
Reported by: | nacho | Owned by: | mathiot |
Priority: | low | Milestone: | |
Component: | OCE | Version: | trunk |
Severity: | minor | Keywords: | ICB OPA |
Cc: | gm, pierre.mathiot@… |
Proposed modifications consists in considering the ocean column properties in the dynamics and thermodynamics parametrizations of the NEMO-ICB module:
1- In the computation of the ocean drag term for the iceberg dynamics equation we propose the use of the depth-integrated ocean velocity as described in equation 2.1 of Merino et al 2016, instead of considering the ocean surface velocity. In the situation where the submerged part of an iceberg is greater than the ocean bathymetry, the integrated velocity considers zero velocity for the part of the iceberg which is deeper than the ocean bathymetry. This parametrization has the effect of reducing the iceberg velocity when icebergs transit through shallow regions of the ocean. We have chosen not to stop or stuck icebergs in such situation since this has a strong impact in the iceberg distribution and it would require a representation of subgrid bathymetry.
2- For the computation of the basal turbulence melt rate term, we propose to consider the ocean temperature at the iceberg depth (equation 2.2 in Merino et al 2016) instead of the sea surface temperature. In cases where the submerged part of the iceberg is greater than the ocean bathymetry we propose to consider the ocean temperature at the ocean bathymetry depth.
3- For the buoyant convection term, we propose to integrate this term along the submerged part of the iceberg (equation 2.3 of Merino et al 2016), instead of only consider the ocean surface temperature. In cases where the submerged part of the iceberg is greater than the ocean bathymetry, the ocean temperature considered in the integral for the part of the iceberg which is found deeper than the ocean bathymetry (no temperature is defined deeper than the ocean bathymetry) is the temperature of the ocean at the bathymetry depth.
Commit History (7)
Changeset | Author | Time | ChangeLog |
13899 | mathiot | 2020-11-27T17:26:33+01:00 | ticket #1900: update branch to trunk and add ICB test case |
13786 | mathiot | 2020-11-12T19:13:23+01:00 | ticket #1900: cosmetic change |
13374 | mathiot | 2020-08-03T15:48:40+02:00 | ticket #1900: fix issue about mask management in icb_utl_bilin_3d_h; add option to ground icb if icb bottom lvl hit oce bottom lvl |
13365 | mathiot | 2020-07-30T18:57:15+02:00 | ticket #1900: add compatibility check (nn_fsbc and ln_M2016, SAS and ln_M2016) and rm useless debug print |
13359 | mathiot | 2020-07-30T15:40:36+02:00 | ticket #1900: add subroutine icb_utl_zavg, fix issue in icb_utl_getkb, add subroutine test_icb_utl_getkb to test awkward cases (will be removed after the review), simplify icbdyn.F90 icbthm.F90 according to the new routine created. |
13357 | mathiot | 2020-07-30T13:20:57+02:00 | ticket #1900: add changes for Merino 2016 works. Results unchanged if flag ln_M2016 is set to .false. . Remaining step: test ln_M2016 = .true. |
13277 | mathiot | 2020-07-09T09:50:25+02:00 | ticket #1900: start dev branch for ticket 1900 (copy of the preparatory work done in tickets_2494_2375) |
Attachments (1)
Change History (23)
Changed 7 years ago by nacho
comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by gm
- Owner changed from nemo to gm
Thanks Nacho to return back to the system this nice and very useful development.
I will add it to the next NEMO version
comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by clevy
- Cc gm added
- Status changed from new to assigned
comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by gm
- Milestone 2015 nemo_v3_6_STABLE deleted
- Version changed from v3.6 to trunk
comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by clevy
- Severity set to minor
- Type changed from Enhancement to Feature request
comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
- branch_review set to pending
- Cc pierre.mathiot@… added
- mp_status set to no
Gurvan did you make any progress on it (comment 2, 3 years ago) ?
- If yes, I am looking at it to port it to version 4.0.X. I am happy to start from Nacho tarball but if you started something it could spare me some time.
- If no, do you want to be previewer and reviewer ? If no (because lack of time or other), don't worry, I will ask the Met Office (Dave or Amy) or MEOM (Jean-Marc) as they are also interested in it, simply tell me if you want to be kept in touch of the dev process (email exchange and other with the MetO) ?
comment:6 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
- Owner changed from gm to mathiot
Suggested implementation:
- start from the branch tickets_2494_2375 which simplify icbutl (weights computed only once per time step, less lbclnk, ...)
For point 2 (basal melt):
Nacho implemented it by adding a subroutine icb_utl_basalMelting in icbutl (here the core of it):
zU(1:jpi,1:jpj) = un(:,:,kLevels) zuvel = icb_utl_bilin_h( zU, pi, pj, 'U' ) zV(1:jpi,1:jpj) = vn(:,:,kLevels) zvvel = icb_utl_bilin_h( zV, pi, pj, 'V' ) ztemp(1:jpi,1:jpj) = tsn(:,:,kLevels,1) zt = icb_utl_bilin_h( ztemp, pi, pj, 'T' ) zdvo = SQRT( (pu-zuvel)**2 + (pv-zvvel)**2 ) pmvo = MAX( 0.58*(zdvo**0.8)*(zt+4.0)/(pL**0.2) , 0._wp ) * z1_rday
I suggest to keep the melt computation in icbthm (zdvo and pmvo) and compute only tob, uob and vob at the icb position in icbinterp => should not change the results
For point 3 (lateral melt):
Nacho implemented it by adding a subroutine icb_utl_buoyantConvectionMelt in icbutl (here the core of it):
DO jk=1,kLevels IF (jk > ibathy) THEN ilevel = ibathy ELSE ilevel = jk ENDIF ztemp(1:jpi,1:jpj) = tsn(:,:,ilevel,1) zt = icb_utl_bilin_h( ztemp, pi, pj, 'T' ) zmv = MAX( 7.62e-3*zt+1.29e-3*(zt**2) , 0._wp ) * z1_rday pmvo = pmvo + zmv*fse3t(mi1(pi),mj1(pj),ilevel) zmetric = zmetric + fse3t(mi1(pi),mj1(pj),ilevel) END DO
As in point 2, I suggest to keep the melt computation in icbthm and only compute in icbinterp tlat(1:jkmax for icb). There are 3d initialization of temp for each icb. I suggest, to do it once between level 1:jkmax(ie jk at 250m) to define toce_e and use toce_e for each iceberg for the computation of tlat(1:jkmax) using an interface icb_bilin_h to manage 2d and 3d interpolation. Obviously this 3d toce_e could be used for point 2. => should not change the results.
For point 1 (verticals integration of velocity)
Nacho implement it like this:
DO jk=1,kLevels zvelU(1:jpi,1:jpj) = un(:,:,jk) zu = icb_utl_bilin_h( zvelU, pi, pj, 'T' ) zvelV(1:jpi,1:jpj) = vn(:,:,jk) zv = icb_utl_bilin_h( zvelV, pi, pj, 'T' ) puo = puo + zu*fse3t(mi1(pi),mj1(pj),jk) pvo = pvo + zv*fse3t(mi1(pi),mj1(pj),jk) zmetric = zmetric + fse3t(mi1(pi),mj1(pj),jk) END DO puo = puo / zmetric pvo = pvo / zmetric
As in point 3, there is some 3d initialization (zvelU, zvelV) and this is done for each ice shelf. I suggest to define as for point 3, uoce_e and voce_e as 3d array (vertical dim 1:jkmax (ie jk at 250m)) once for all and use this one for each icebergs. The interpolation being done with the interface build for point 1. Obviously voce_e and uoce_e could be used for point2. => should preserve results.
This will decrease a lot the copy of array, keep melt in icbthm.
In the mean time:
- lbc_lnk will be added as I suspect a reproducibility issue in point1 as value on the halo is not defined. => will change results and be done at the end
- mi1(pi) looks weird to me as pi is a REAL. Fixing this could change results
- effect of bathymetry will be added as is, even if I am not convince at all (for me we should deal with it the same way we deal with the coastline, ie if draft deeper than bathy, the icb will only move along the isobath or toward deeper ocean, not through the shallow bank).
comment:7 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 13277:
comment:8 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 13357:
comment:9 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 13359:
comment:10 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 13365:
comment:11 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 13374:
comment:12 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
- Type changed from Feature request to Bug
Here are the review comments from Catherine Guiavarch (UKMO):
"I finished to review the code and to test your branch https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/browser/NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 (and https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/browser/NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_2494_23750).
I am happy with the code, https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/browser/NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_2494_23750 is a welcome improvement of the icb interpolation routine and I am happy that https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/browser/NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 represents correctly the modifications proposed by Nacho to consider the ocean column properties in the iceberg dynamics and thermodynamics parametrizations.
I have tested the branches in an eORCA025 config. When ln_M2016 the impact on iceberg dynamics and thermodynamics is as expected (for the first time I spent a bit of time looking at the iceberg trajectories and it is actually fascinating!). I have also tested that when ln_M2016=F, the branch icb_1900 does not change the iceberg dynamics and thermodynamics (using https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/browser/NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_2494_23750 in the control). I have also tested ln_icb_grd (knowing that I can’t do any long run until we improve the calving file). All looks good to me."
comment:13 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
Sette tests results and comparison with reference trunk version for case without functionality activated: SETTE passed and give identical results than reference trunk version.
Current code is : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13277 ( last change @ r13277 ) SETTE validation report generated for : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13277+ (last changed revision) on dahu_ifort arch file !!---------------1st pass------------------!! !----restart----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WAMM12_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WSPITZ12_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WISOMIP_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ !----repro----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WAMM12_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_OBS_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WSPITZ12_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WISOMIP_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ !----agrif check----! ORCA2 AGRIF vs ORCA2 NOAGRIF run.stat unchanged - passed : 13277+ 13277+ !----result comparison check----! check result differences between : VALID directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13277+ and REFERENCE directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/trunk_r13242/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13242 WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WAMM12_ST run.stat files are identical WISOMIP_ST run.stat files are identical WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat files are identical WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat files are identical WSPITZ12_ST run.stat files are identical WISOMIP_ST run.stat files are identical WVORTEX_ST run.stat files are identical WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat files are identical
comment:14 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
Resultat sette ln_M2016 activé:
Current code is : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13277 ( last change @ r13277 ) SETTE validation report generated for : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13277+ (last changed revision) on dahu_ifort arch file !!---------------1st pass------------------!! !----restart----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WAMM12_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WSPITZ12_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WISOMIP_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13277+ !----repro----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WAMM12_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WORCA2_ICE_OBS_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WSPITZ12_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WISOMIP_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13277+ !----agrif check----! ORCA2 AGRIF vs ORCA2 NOAGRIF run.stat unchanged - passed : 13277+ 13277+ !----result comparison check----! check result differences between : VALID directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13277+ and REFERENCE directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/trunk_r13242/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13242 WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are DIFFERENT (results are different after 5 time steps) WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are DIFFERENT (results are different after time steps) WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WAMM12_ST run.stat files are identical WISOMIP_ST run.stat files are identical WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat files are identical WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat files are identical WSPITZ12_ST run.stat files are identical WISOMIP_ST run.stat files are identical WVORTEX_ST run.stat files are identical WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat files are identical
comment:15 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 13786:
comment:16 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
Similar results with ln_M2016 activated after the upgrade to the head of the trunk (merge revision):
------------------------------------------------------------- ./sette_rpt.sh (script will wait all nemo_sette run are done) ------------------------------------------------------------- ./param.cfg: line 71: warning: setlocale: LC_MESSAGES: cannot change locale (en_US): No such file or directory Current code is : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13793 ( last change @ r13786 ) SETTE validation report generated for : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13786+ (last changed revision) on dahu_ifort arch file !!---------------1st pass------------------!! !----restart----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WAMM12_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WWED025_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WISOMIP+_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ !----repro----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WAMM12_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_OBS_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WWED025_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WISOMIP+_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ !----agrif check----! ORCA2 AGRIF vs ORCA2 NOAGRIF run.stat unchanged - passed : 13786+ 13786+ !----result comparison check----! check result differences between : VALID directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13786+ and REFERENCE directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/trunk/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13747 WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are DIFFERENT (results are different after 5 time steps) WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are DIFFERENT (results are different after time steps) WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WAMM12_ST run.stat files are identical WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat files are identical WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat files are identical WWED025_ST run.stat files are identical WISOMIP+_ST run.stat files are identical WVORTEX_ST run.stat files are identical WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat files are identical WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat files are identical WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat files are identical
comment:17 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
When option switch off, result are the same than in the trunk version decided for the merge:
Current code is : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13793 ( last change @ r13786 ) SETTE validation report generated for : NEMO/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900 @ r13786+ (last changed revision) on dahu_ifort arch file !!---------------1st pass------------------!! !----restart----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WAMM12_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WWED025_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WISOMIP+_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13786+ !----repro----! WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WAMM12_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WORCA2_ICE_OBS_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WWED025_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WISOMIP+_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WVORTEX_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13786+ !----agrif check----! ORCA2 AGRIF vs ORCA2 NOAGRIF run.stat unchanged - passed : 13786+ 13786+ !----result comparison check----! check result differences between : VALID directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/branches/2020/tickets_icb_1900/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13786+ and REFERENCE directory : /bettik/mathiotp/NEMO/NEMO_dev/trunk/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13747 WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical WAMM12_ST run.stat files are identical WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat files are identical WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat files are identical WWED025_ST run.stat files are identical WISOMIP+_ST run.stat files are identical WVORTEX_ST run.stat files are identical WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat files are identical WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat files are identical WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat files are identical
comment:18 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 13899:
comment:19 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 14012:
comment:20 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
In 14016:
comment:21 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from assigned to closed
Commited into the trunk in r14030
comment:22 Changed 3 years ago by nemo
- Keywords OPA added; NEMO removed
ICB module with proposed modifications In line with NEMO_3.6_STABLE. (rev 7843)