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#1933 (passive tracers trends) – NEMO

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#1933 assigned Bug

passive tracers trends

Reported by: jpalmier Owned by: cetlod
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: TOP Version: v4.0.*
Severity: minor Keywords: TRD passive tracer trctrd trends
Cc: cetlod, aumont, lovato

Description (last modified by jpalmier)


Working with the UKMO version of NEMO, i got some difficulties to get the trends working proprely.

  • one reason for this is that new trends have been added by UKMO people that are not expected by the final/"outputing" part of trdtrc. the way this final part is written, if an non expected trend arrives here to be written out by XIOS, breaks the model:
          IF( lk_trdtrc .AND. ln_trdtrc( kjn ) ) THEN
             SELECT CASE( ktrd )
             CASE( jptra_xad  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("XAD_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_yad  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("YAD_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_zad  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("ZAD_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_ldf  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("LDF_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_bbl  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("BBL_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_nsr  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("FOR_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_zdf  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("ZDF_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_dmp  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("DMP_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_sms  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("SMS_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_atf  )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("ATF_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_radb )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("RDB_",4a)')
             CASE( jptra_radn )       ;    WRITE (cltra,'("RDN_",4a)')
             END SELECT
                                              cltra = TRIM(cltra)//TRIM(ctrcnm(kjn))
                                              CALL iom_put( cltra,  ptrtrd(:,:,:) )
          END IF
    For example, the JPTRA_TOTAD case has been added by the UKMO team. with a call to trd_trc(..., jptra_totad,...)
    This call will arrive in the foreseen piece of code, cltra will not be defined, and the iom_put call will fail without variable name to look after.
  • A second problem is that these trends still do not take into account the vvl correction from ticket 1877.
  • Some trends we might need for CMIP6 are missing from the list above.
  • the namtrc_trd namelist is looking for ln_trdmxl_trc_restart and ln_trdmxl_trc_instant when namelist_top_ref has ln_trdmld_trc_restart, ln_trdmld_trc_instant instead.
  • the place where namtrc_trd is read in namtrc starts to be problematic as namtrc_dia includes mainly the namelists read if XIOS is not available.
  • Finally the trends are not defined in the field_def.xml file.


  • The output problem, once seen is easy to fix, it needs to move the cltra = TRIM(cltra)//TRIM(ctrcnm(kjn)); CALL iom_put( cltra, ptrtrd(:,:,:) ) sentences inside each CASE.
  • I went to talk to George for the vvl problem. the solution is to copy what have been done for the dynamic.
  • I am not sure about the full list of trends we want for the passive tracers, but at least we want the JPTRA_SMS and the total trend. Is there a definitive list of the passive tracer trends required for CMIP6 ? in the while i have added all the dynamical trends that were missing in the passive tracers, and have added a iom_use call before iom_put.
  • namtrc_dia should be protected under a IF( .NOT. lk_iomput ) test, and move the namtrc_trd namelist reading in the main routine (might be better to move it in a specific trd routine as for the ice with trc_nam_ice)
  • the field_def file needs to be completed.


A NEMO_3.6 branch has been created: nemo_v3_6_STABLE_trdtrc
first changes can be seen here

Still missing:

  • Some of the trends are still not working on my MEDUSA testing branch. Once corrected, i'll import the changes.
  • i am looking for adding the trends vertical inventory through XIOS. It is feasible, i kind of see how, but would be better with an example It would avoid writing tons of 3D fields when we really want 2D.
  • Need to be tested from outside MetOffice? branch version. I removed everything from MEDUSA in this branch, but i cannot test it yet. have to check with Andrew how to test this.

Commit History (4)


v4.0 : bugfix on tracer trends diagnostics, see ticket #1933


JPALM -- #1933 -- typo error


JPALM -- #1933 -- add and correct passive tracer trends - needs improvements and testing


correct trdtrc ticket #1933

Change History (9)

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by jpalmier

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by jpalmier

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by clevy

  • Owner changed from nemo to cetlod
  • Status changed from new to assigned

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by nemo

  • Keywords trends added; trend removed

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by nemo

  • Keywords release-3.6* added

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by nemo

  • Keywords release-3.6* removed

comment:7 Changed 6 years ago by cetlod

In 10096:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:8 Changed 6 years ago by cetlod

  • Severity set to minor
  • Version changed from v3.6 to v4.0

comment:9 Changed 5 years ago by clevy

  • Version changed from v4.0 to v4.0.*
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