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#2390 (ticket for KERNEL-03_Storkey_Coward_RK3_stage2 WP2020 action) – NEMO

Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#2390 new Task

ticket for KERNEL-03_Storkey_Coward_RK3_stage2 WP2020 action

Reported by: davestorkey Owned by: davestorkey
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: DOM Version: trunk
Severity: minor Keywords:


Commit History (1)


Preparation for new timestepping scheme #2390. Main changes:

  1. Initial euler timestep now handled in stp and not in TRA/DYN routines.
  2. Renaming of all timestep parameters. In summary, the namelist parameter is now rn_Dt and the current timestep is rDt (and rDt_ice, rDt_trc etc).
  3. Renaming of a few miscellaneous parameters, eg. atfp -> rn_atfp (namelist parameter used everywhere) and rau0 -> rho0.

This version gives bit-comparable results to the previous version of the trunk.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by davestorkey

In 12489:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by nemo

  • Milestone changed from 2020 WP to Unscheduled
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