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#2442 (some tests or cfgs cases (not included in sette) are not compiling) – NEMO

Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#2442 closed Bug (fixed)

some tests or cfgs cases (not included in sette) are not compiling

Reported by: smasson Owned by: systeam
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: MULTIPLE Version: trunk
Severity: minor Keywords:

Description (last modified by smasson)


several tests or cfgs cases (not included in sette) are not compiling
several tests were not updated with the new src/OCE routines


managing MY_SRC files is not so easy...
sources files that are not tested are no more working...


update MY_SRC files
try, at least to compile all cfgs and tests cases...

Commit History (1)


trunk: update/debug of tests and C1D, see #2442

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by smasson

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by smasson

In 12740:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by smasson

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

fixed in [12740]
all tests and cfgs are now compiling.
sette for tests are not modified.

Current code is : NEMO/trunk @ r12739  ( last change @ r12736 )

SETTE validation report generated for :

       NEMO/trunk @ r12736+ (last changed revision)

       on X64_IRENE arch file

!!---------------1st pass------------------!!

WGYRE_PISCES_ST              directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST         directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST         directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WAMM12_ST                    directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST            directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WAGRIF_DEMO_ST               directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WSPITZ12_ST                  directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WISOMIP_ST                   run.stat    restartability  passed :  12736+
WOVERFLOW_ST                 run.stat    restartability  passed :  12736+
WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST            run.stat    restartability  passed :  12736+
WVORTEX_ST                   run.stat    restartability  passed :  12736+
WICE_AGRIF_ST                run.stat    restartability  passed :  12736+

WGYRE_PISCES_ST              directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST         directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST         directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WAMM12_ST                    directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST            directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WORCA2_ICE_OBS_ST            directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WAGRIF_DEMO_ST               directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WSPITZ12_ST                  directory                  MISSING :  12736+
WISOMIP_ST                   run.stat    reproducibility passed :  12736+
WVORTEX_ST                   run.stat    reproducibility passed :  12736+
WICE_AGRIF_ST                run.stat    reproducibility passed :  12736+

   !----agrif check----!
ls: cannot access /ccc/work/cont005/ra0542/massons/NEMO_ALL_VALIDATIONS/trunk/NEMO_VALIDATION/WAGRIF_DEMO_NOAGRIF_ST/X64_IRENE/12736+/: No such file or directory
WAGRIF_DEMO_NOAGRIF_ST      WAGRIF_DEMO_ST               incomplete test

   !----result comparison check----!

check result differences between :
VALID directory : /ccc/work/cont005/ra0542/massons/NEMO_ALL_VALIDATIONS/trunk/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 12736+
REFERENCE directory : /ccc/work/cont005/ra0542/massons/NEMO_ALL_VALIDATIONS/trunk/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 12615

WGYRE_PISCES_ST              VALID     directory at 12736+ is MISSING
WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST         VALID     directory at 12736+ is MISSING
WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST         VALID     directory at 12736+ is MISSING
WAMM12_ST                    VALID     directory at 12736+ is MISSING
WISOMIP_ST            run.stat    files are identical
WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST            VALID     directory at 12736+ is MISSING
WAGRIF_DEMO_ST               VALID     directory at 12736+ is MISSING
WSPITZ12_ST                  VALID     directory at 12736+ is MISSING
WISOMIP_ST            run.stat    files are identical
WVORTEX_ST            run.stat    files are identical
WICE_AGRIF_ST         run.stat    files are identical

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