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#2479 (Inconsistent time scale in aEVP rheology) – NEMO

Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#2479 closed Bug (fixed)

Inconsistent time scale in aEVP rheology

Reported by: jchanut Owned by: systeam
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: SI3 Version: v4.0.*
Severity: major Keywords:


The adaptive rheology solver (ln_aEVP=T) is based on the modified EVP solver of Bouillon et al (2013) in which time stepping of rheology is replaced by an iterative process. In that context the time scale involved in the equations is the "slow" ice time step, "rdt_ice", in contrary to the standard EVP method which considers the substep "rdt_ice/nn_nevp".

NEMO makes no disctinction so that the time stepping, varying alpha/beta coefficients are all wrong. Replacing "zdtevp" by "rdt_ice" at the beginning of the rheology subroutine ("ice_dyn_rhg_evp") solves the problem.

There are potentially other, but minor, inconsistencies related to aEVP such that the missing spatial interpolation of alpha/beta at velocity points.

Commit History (1)


fix ticket #2479. This was a major bug preventing aEVP to work as it should. + Add output of beta

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by clem

In 13064:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by clem

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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