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This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
#2494 (ICB: cleaning icbutl interpolation routines) – NEMO

Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#2494 closed Bug (fixed)

ICB: cleaning icbutl interpolation routines

Reported by: mathiot Owned by: mathiot
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: ICB Version: trunk
Severity: minor Keywords: ICB,
Cc: nicolas.jourdain@…


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  • icbutl contains 4 routines for interpolation:
    • icb_utl_bilin_h to manage array with extra halo
    • icb_utl_bilin as _h but with the extra halo
    • icb_utl_bilin_x as icb_utl_bilin but for longitude only
    • icb_utl_bilin_e for scale factor

All of these subroutines have the same structure:

  • Firstly, we find the variable ii and ij (indices) for T point or T/U/V/F point depending of the variables and first estimates of interpolation weights zi,zj
  • Then, we apply a sanity check on the bound very similar for all 4 subroutines (it should never go in otherwise it break reproducibility)
  • Finally we compute the weights depending on the case (mask needed, longitude case, scale factor, normal case)

There are, per RK4 step, about 15 calls of icb_utl_bilin* subroutines gather in icb_utl_interp and the first 2 steps (positions+pre weights and sanity checks) are only dependent of the position and the target point T/U/V/F (which don’t change between the various calls).

Suggestion for simplification

  • Get rid of icb_utl_bilin and icb_utl_bilin_x by using icb_utl_bilin_h
    • Integrate in icb_utl_bilin_h an option to deal with longitude (Similar to how we deals with coastline in the interpolation)
    • Create a lon and lat array with extra halo
  • Compute ii,ij and zi,zj for each point T/U/V/F before call all the interpolation routine icb_utl_bilin_h
    • Move the corresponding bloc from icb_utl_bilin_h and icb_ult_bilin_e into a new subroutine icb_utl_pos
    • Move the sanity check on position (on land ?, out bound ?) into the new subroutine icb_utl_pos. Maybe run this test if a new flag ln_icbdbg = .TRUE. as NEMO should never go trough.
  • Add after the call the icb_lnk (maybe need to move it into icb_dyn instead of in the middle of icb_stp), a check if all the icb are inside the inner domain (under debug flag).

Why doing this ?

  • Make icb_utl by limiting the number of interpolation routine.
  • Make icb_utl_interp computing position and pre weight only once per T/U/V/F point (ie 4 times instead of about 15 times).
  • Skip debug test (icb inside the inner domain, …) only if debug flag is true.
  • Nacho work available in a tarballs (#1900) adds a lot of icb_utl_bilin_h calls (1 per level between the surface and the deepest level affected by an iceberg (could be at a depth of 250m). So making icb_utl_bilin simpler and faster could be useful now and much more useful once Nacho work included.


  • We should have an idealized test case with a lot of icebergs in it, running for long time (offline iceberg ?). Nothing in mind yet, I have to see if something already exist in the literature.
  • These changes should not changes NEMO results (identical run.stat).

Commit History (4)


ticket #2494 and #2375: wrong point type inn lbc_lnk_icb for umask_e and vmask_e (see ticket #2492)


ticket #2494 and #2375: remove useless lbclnk mentioned in ticket #2375


ticket #2494 and #2375: ticket #2494 changes and part of ticket #2375 (lbc_icb_lnk on extended variable at T point removed), ff_e initialisation and lbc_lnk move in the icbini.F90; tests on possible useless lbc_lnk in icbclv not yet done


ticket #2494 and #2375: creation branch

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot

In 13243:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:2 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot

In 13265:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:3 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot

In 13273:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot

In 13276:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by mathiot

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Type changed from Feature request to Bug

included in the trunk as part of 2020 merge (revision r14030)

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