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This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
#2688 (restartability issue with ISF at NEMO 4.0.x) – NEMO

Opened 4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#2688 closed Defect (fixed)

restartability issue with ISF at NEMO 4.0.x

Reported by: davestorkey Owned by: davestorkey
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: SBC Version: v4.0.*
Severity: minor Keywords:



My eORCA025 configuration at NEMO 4.0.4 fails restartability and I have traced this to the following lines in sbc_isf_init:

         !! compute first level of the top boundary layer
         DO ji = 1, jpi
            DO jj = 1, jpj
                ik = 2
!!gm potential bug: use gdepw_0 not _n
                DO WHILE ( ik <= mbkt(ji,jj) .AND. gdepw_n(ji,jj,ik) < rzisf_tbl(ji,jj) ) ;  ik = ik + 1 ;  END DO
                misfkt(ji,jj) = ik-1
            END DO
         END DO

(This applies to the parametrised option with closed cavities). For one particular ice shelf the initialisation of misfkt is changed after a restart, thus changing the results. If I follow Gurvan's suggestion in the comment and use gdepw_0 instead of gdepw_n, it fixes the problem.




I see that the equivalent code in the trunk uses gdepw_0, so I propose to make this change in 4.0_HEAD as well. (But I would like to understand the initialisation of gdepw_n a bit better to see exactly what is going wrong - isn't this potentially a problem for other bits of the code??).

Commit History (1)


4.0-HEAD: small bug fixes following tickets #2644 #2679 #2688

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by clem

I'll do the change because I'd like to release a 4.0.7 soon

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by clem

In 15231:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by davestorkey

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed at 15231

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