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#2754 (closed seas: mass conservation issue) – NEMO

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#2754 new Bug

closed seas: mass conservation issue

Reported by: clem Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: DOM Version: v4.0.*
Severity: minor Keywords:


The way to deal with the empmr budget in closed seas is not always conservative.
For instance, if there is no region defined by (closea_mask_empmr/=0 and closea_mask=0), then a part of empmr budget in closed seas just vanishes because of these lines:

            ! The following if avoids the redistribution of the round off
            IF ( ABS( zfwfe(jce) / surf(jncs+1) ) > rsmall ) THEN
               ! Add residuals to runoff points and subtract from total to be added globally
               zfwf_total = zfwf_total - zfwfe(jce)
               zcoef    = zfwfe(jce) / surfe(jce)
               zcoef1   = rcp * zcoef
               WHERE( closea_mask_empmr(:,:) == jce .and. closea_mask(:,:) == 0.0)
                  emp(:,:) = emp(:,:) + zcoef
                  qns(:,:) = qns(:,:) - zcoef1 * sst_m(:,:)

In addition, a parameter rsmall is used but I do not understand the purpose of it and it overwrites the rsmall parameter defined in phycst.F90.

I recommand to remove the IF statement above and rewrite this part, so that zfwfe is not removed from zfwf_total when there is no region where (closea_mask_empmr/=0 and closea_mask=0)

Commit History (1)


4.0-HEAD: debug closea, see ticket #2754

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by clem

In 15680:

Error: Failed to load processor CommitTicketReference
No macro or processor named 'CommitTicketReference' found

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by clem


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