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#766 (share the deepest ocean level indices (mbkt, mbku & mbkv) among the whole code) – NEMO

Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#766 closed Enhancement (fixed)

share the deepest ocean level indices (mbkt, mbku & mbkv) among the whole code

Reported by: gm Owned by: nemo
Priority: lowest Milestone:
Component: OCE Version: v3.3
Severity: Keywords:


In v3.3b, the deepest ocean level indices (mbkt, mbku & mbkv) are computed and store locally in trabbl.F90. Since these arrays can be used elsewhere (zdfbfr, zdftke, zdfgls... etc), their declaration can be moved in dom_oce.F90 and their initialization in domzgr.F90.

Note that this change is necessary step to remove the tricky trick used in mbathy which has been a source of bugs (see (mbathy redefined in dommsk as the vertical index of W-points, with 2 over lands)

On a longer term, all the occurrence of mbathy in the time-stepping loop should be removed (replaced by mbkt,u and v). mbathy will only remains in domzgr and dommsk.This will require changes in OPA, TOP and OFF. Note that by doing so properly, the code will be able to manage areas with only one ocean level, a necessary step to introduce wet & drying option.

Commit History (6)


Updated DIA/diadct code for the volume transport across cross sections, and bugfix for region mean code #766: Created /branches/dev/hadjt/r8666_NEMO_CO6_shelfclimate_fabm_noos from /trunk@8666.


v3.3beta: #766 & #671 share the deepest ocean level indices: bug correction in domzgr.F90


v3.3beta: #766 share the deepest ocean level indices (end) & #767 bug in dynbrf


v3.3beta: #766 share the deepest ocean level indices continuation: opa.F90 missing


v3.3beta: #766 share the deepest ocean level indices continuaton


v3.3beta: #766 share the deepest ocean level indices (mbkt, mbku & mbkv)

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by gm

done in v3.3beta, see changeset:2443

other OPA modules that can benefit from mbkt, mbku and mbkv :

DOM: dommsk.F90 ( together with the suppression of mbathy tricky trick when all OPA TOP and OFF module will be modified)


DYN: dynbfr.F90 dynhpg.F90 dynzdf_imp.F90 dynspg_ts.F90

LDF: ldfslp.F90 ldfeiv.F90

SBC: sbcrnf.F90

DTA/dtasal.F90 DTA/dtatem.F90

ZDF: zdfmxl.F90 zdftke.F90 zdfgls.F90 zdftmx.F90 zdfbfr.F90 zdfkpp.F90

TRA: traldf_bilap.F90 traldf_iso.F90 tranpc.F90 traldf_iso_grif.F90 zpshde.F90 traldf_lap.F90

TRD: trdvor.F90

DIA: diaar5.F90 diahth.F90

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by gm

use the mbkt, mbku, mbkv arrays in the all the OPA_SRC modules except in DYN: dynbfr.F90 dynspg_ts.F90 (which will be done together with the bug correction described in #767, and in DOM: dommsk.F90 which can be only modified when the use of mbathy has disappeared from all TOP an d OFF modules.

Note that the changes includes:

  • some style modifications
  • the level at which partial cells specific computation starts is now the first level (dynhpg, dtatem, dtasal, zpshde) so that a 1 ocean level should be now possible. This is done having in mind the introduction in a more or less close futur of a wet & drying option.
  • the bug described in #771 has been corrected in both traldf_iso and traldf_iso_grif modules

full list of modified modules: DOM/domwri.F90 DYN/dynhpg.F90 DYN/dynzdf_imp.F90 LDF/ldfslp.F90 LDF/ldfeiv.F90 SBC/sbcrnf.F90 DTA/dtasal.F90 DTA/dtatem.F90 ZDF/zdfmxl.F90 ZDF/zdftke.F90 ZDF/zdfgls.F90 ZDF/zdftmx.F90 ZDF/zdfbfr.F90 ZDF/zdfkpp.F90 TRA/traldf_bilap.F90 TRA/traldf_iso.F90 TRA/tranpc.F90 TRA/zpshde.F90 TRA/traldf_iso_grif.F90 TRA/traldf_lap.F90 TRD/trdvor.F90 DIA/diaar5.F90 DIA/diahth.F90

see changeset:2450

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by gm

see also changeset:2451   as opa.F90 has also to be modified since zdf_hde_init does not exist any more

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by gm

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Achieves the changes (see changeset:2460 and #767) as mbathy is no more used in TOP and OFF (see #774)

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by gm

corrects an error introduced in domzgr.F90 in the initialization of mbk arrays. The position of the CALL to zgr_bot_level where at the wrong place for zps and zco coordinates. In addition, moving also the CALL to zgr_bat_zoom and zgr_bat_ctl corrects the bug described in #671.

see changeset:2463

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by gm

Correct a bug in zdfhde.F90 introduced in changeset:2463

see changeset:2569

comment:7 Changed 6 years ago by hadjt

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