New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Timeline – NEMO



matching tags


12:04 Changeset [730] by cetlod
remove unused variables, see ticket:19
12:03 Ticket #19 (remove unused variables) created by cetlod
12:03 Changeset [729] by cetlod
correction of prepocessing syntax, see ticket:18
12:02 Ticket #18 (correction of prepocessing syntax) created by cetlod
12:01 Changeset [728] by cetlod
add tmask_i in global sum, see ticket:17
12:00 Ticket #17 (add tmask_i in global sum) created by cetlod
11:59 Changeset [727] by cetlod
correction of aggregation of small into large particles, see ticket:16
11:59 Ticket #16 (correction of aggregation of small into large particles) created by cetlod
bug in computation of aggregation of small into large particles in …
11:55 Changeset [726] by cetlod
correction of flux feeding formulation, see ticket:15
11:55 Ticket #15 (correction of flux feeding formulation) created by cetlod
11:54 Changeset [725] by cetlod
update of iron aggregation computation, see ticket:14
11:53 Ticket #14 (update of iron aggregation computation) created by cetlod
11:49 Changeset [724] by cetlod
Update modules for passive tracers transport trends computation, see …
11:46 Ticket #13 (Update modules for passive tracers transport trends computation) created by cetlod
11:31 Changeset [723] by cetlod
computation of horizontal divergence needed for vertical active trends, …
11:26 Ticket #12 (computation of horizontal divergence needed to calculate vertical ...) created by cetlod


17:10 Changeset [722] by ctlod
replace the HEAD directory under trunk
17:10 Changeset [721] by ctlod
replace the VALID directory under trunk
17:09 Changeset [720] by ctlod
replace the DOC directory under trunk
17:05 WikiStart edited by ctlod
16:59 Changeset [719] by ctlod
get back to the nemo_v2_3 version for trunk
16:50 WikiStart edited by ctlod
16:45 Changeset [718] by ctlod
Create a specific branch for the New Surface Module
13:03 Changeset [717] by smasson
finalize the first set of modifications related to ticket:3


17:13 Changeset [716] by smasson
continue changeset:700, see ticket:2
14:42 Changeset [715] by rblod
Move DOC location (related to ticket #1)
11:58 Changeset [714] by smasson
replace qt by qns, see ticket:11
11:57 Ticket #11 (replace qt by qns) created by smasson
remove the obsolete qt (total heat flux) variable and replace it by qns …
11:43 Changeset [713] by smasson
reintroduce qrp and erp, see ticket:10
11:40 Ticket #10 (reintroduce qrp and erp) created by smasson
reintroduce qrp and erp for optimization purpose (memory access), they …
11:19 Changeset [712] by smasson
add use sbc_ice, continue changeset:709, see ticket:6


18:55 Ticket #9 (First NVTK environment integration under SVN) created by ctlod
17:40 Changeset [711] by smasson
remove aminus aplus, see ticket:8
17:39 Ticket #8 (remove aminus aplus) created by smasson
remove aminus aplus and cleaning of diafwb.F90
17:36 Changeset [710] by smasson
tau(x|y) -> (u|v)tau, see ticket:7
17:17 Ticket #7 (change tau(x|y) for (u|v)tau) created by smasson
great idea of Gurvan replace tau(x|y) for (u|v)tau …
16:23 Changeset [709] by smasson
continue changeset:704, see ticket:5
15:11 Changeset [708] by smasson
continue changeset:704, see ticket:5
12:48 Changeset [707] by smasson
error during changeset:705... related to ticket:1
12:46 Changeset [706] by smasson
error during the previous commit... related to ticket:1
11:40 Changeset [705] by smasson
Historical date: first beta version of the documentation, see ticket:1
10:19 Changeset [704] by smasson
delete old obsolete routines, see ticket:5
10:14 Changeset [703] by smasson
code modifications associated with the new routines, see ticket:4
10:12 Changeset [702] by smasson
add first set of new surface module, see ticket:3
10:05 Ticket #6 (change the USE) created by smasson
change the USE for the new modules
10:04 Ticket #5 (delete old obsolete routines) created by smasson
delete old obsolete routines
10:03 Ticket #4 (code modification associated with the new routines) created by smasson
code modification associated with the new routines
10:02 Ticket #3 (new surface module routines) created by smasson
add first set of new routines associated to the surface module


14:31 Changeset [701] by smasson
sbc(1.1): put back $
14:24 Changeset [700] by smasson
sbc(1): bugfix on wind stress computation #2
10:38 Ticket #2 (bugfix in the wind stress computation when using seaice) created by smasson
several bugs in the wind stress computation... see pdf dodumenation
10:30 Ticket #1 (Introduce THE documentation) created by smasson
Increadible but true! We introduce the beta version of the new …
10:13 Changeset [699] by smasson
insert revision Id


16:19 WikiStart edited by ctlod
16:19 WikiStart edited by ctlod
14:37 WikiStart edited by ctlod
14:21 WikiStart edited by ctlod
10:08 WikiStart edited by ctlod
10:00 WikiStart edited by ctlod


12:17 Changeset [698] by ctlod
NVTK installation


16:59 Changeset [697] by ctlod
NVTK installation
16:58 Changeset [696] by ctlod
Remove MODIPSL_FILES directory
16:56 Changeset [695] by ctlod
NVTK installation
16:53 Changeset [694] by ctlod
NVTK installation
16:53 Changeset [693] by ctlod
NVTK installation
16:45 Changeset [692] by ctlod
NVTK installation
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.