- 11:09 Ticket #199 (sbcblk_core.F90 : division by 0 in blk_ice_core) created by
- In the core bulk formula for ice, latent heat fluxuses an expression …
- 10:52 Ticket #198 (trunk: add prints for the tracer.stat file in BIO_xxx.ksh scripts) closed by
- fixed
- 10:52 Changeset [1088] by
- trunk: add prints for the tracer.stat file in BIO_xxx.ksh scripts, see …
- 10:51 Ticket #198 (trunk: add prints for the tracer.stat file in BIO_xxx.ksh scripts) created by
- The BIO_xxx.ksh script gather the MIN and MAX values for each tracers in …
- 10:25 Changeset [1087] by
- trunk: follow DOCTOR rules for TKE namelist parameters names and …
- 09:07 user/ctlod/ORCA2Runs edited by
- (diff)
- 08:20 Ticket #197 (namelist style in OPA, LIM2 and LIM3) created by
- Style of namelist has to be changed to obtain more compact and readable …
- 08:17 Ticket #196 (TOP namelists) created by
- namelist of passive tracers should be updated : - 1 : …
- 08:07 Ticket #195 (LIM-3 a damping option should be added for regional configurations) created by
- damping of sea-ice does not exist in lim-3 ===>> …
- 08:00 Ticket #194 (LIM-2 damping option) created by
- 2 problemes #1 Hard code calendar in limdmp.F90 (dta_lim …
- 17:29 Ticket #193 (ngrid variable is never used (domain, namdom dom_oce)) created by
- Variable ngrid is defined and declared as a member of the NAMELIST/namdom/ …
- 17:21 Ticket #192 (trunk: remove characters ^M at lines end) closed by
- fixed
- 17:12 Changeset [1086] by
- trunk: remove characters M at lines end, see ticket: #193
- 17:10 Ticket #161 (nemo_trunk : IOM : iom_def : raise max_number of file to 50 for Agrif ...) closed by
- fixed
- 17:10 Changeset [1085] by
- Increase jpmax_files, see ticket #161
- 17:09 Changeset [1084] by
- trunk: remove characters M at lines end, see ticket: #193
- 17:09 Ticket #192 (trunk: remove characters ^M at lines end) created by
- 16:27 Ticket #191 (trunk: small reorgansition of domzgr.F90 module) closed by
- fixed
- 16:26 Changeset [1083] by
- trunk: small reorgansition of domzgr.F90 module, see ticket: #191
- 16:07 Ticket #69 (bug in calculating the Richardson number in zdfkpp.F90) closed by
- fixed: The additional factor 0.5 has been removed. Thanks a lot for your …
- 16:06 Ticket #101 (Bug in zdfkpp?) closed by
- fixed: You were right, particularly since emp will be zero in sea-ice region …
- 16:04 Changeset [1082] by
- Bugs correction in KPP, see tickets #69 and #101
- 15:33 Changeset [1081] by
- update BB_make file for GYRE_LOBSTER configuration, see ticket:190
- 15:30 Ticket #191 (trunk: small reorgansition of domzgr.F90 module) created by
- * include domzgr_zps.h90 into domzgr.F90 and remove it * replace …
- 15:22 Changeset [1080] by
- update BB_make file for ORCA2_LIM_PISCES configuration, see ticket:190
- 15:20 Changeset [1079] by
- TOP re-organization : update trc_oce.F90 module see ticket:190
- 15:01 Ticket #115 (ldf coefficient) closed by
- fixed
- 14:59 Changeset [1078] by
- update BB_make file for ORCA2_OFF_PISCES configuration, see ticket:190
- 14:21 Changeset [1077] by
- update modules, see ticket:190
- 14:19 Changeset [1076] by
- update trcdmp.F90 module, see ticket:190
- 14:18 Changeset [1075] by
- deleting p4zsink2.F90 : inlining in module p4zsink.F90, see ticke:190
- 14:18 Changeset [1074] by
- deleting p4zday.F90 : inlining in module p4zprod.F90, see ticke:190
- 14:15 Changeset [1073] by
- update PISCES model, see ticket:190
- 14:14 Changeset [1072] by
- update LOBSTER model, see ticket:190
- 14:13 Changeset [1071] by
- update LOBSTER model, see ticket:190
- 14:12 Changeset [1070] by
- update CFC model, see ticket:190
- 14:10 Changeset [1069] by
- create trcctl_my_trc.F90 module, see ticket:190
- 14:02 Changeset [1068] by
- delete routine trcctl.pisces.h90, see ticket:190
- 14:02 Changeset [1067] by
- delete routine sms_pisces.h90, see ticket:190
- 14:01 Changeset [1066] by
- delete routine sms_lobster.h90, see ticket:190
- 14:01 Changeset [1065] by
- delete routine trcctl.lobster.h90, see ticket:190
- 14:01 Changeset [1064] by
- delete routine trcctl.cfc.h90, see ticket:190
- 13:58 Changeset [1063] by
- delete module trclsm.F90, see ticket:190
- 13:57 Changeset [1062] by
- delete module sms.F90, see ticket:190
- 13:57 Ticket #190 (TOP re-organization) created by
- Re-organization of TOP : suppression of some modules like sms.F90, …
- 13:04 Ticket #189 (trunk: make the CALL sbc_rnf() before the CALL sbc_ssr() since rnfmsk(:,:) ...) closed by
- fixed
- 13:03 Changeset [1061] by
- trunk: make the CALL sbc_rnf() before the CALL sbc_ssr() since rnfmsk(:,:) …
- 13:02 Ticket #189 (trunk: make the CALL sbc_rnf() before the CALL sbc_ssr() since rnfmsk(:,:) ...) created by
- 11:48 Ticket #188 (trunk: follow DOCTOR rules for TKE namelist parameters names and ...) closed by
- fixed: * DOCTOR rules i.e. using: […] * Further more, the new parameter …
- 11:47 Changeset [1060] by
- trunk: follow DOCTOR rules for TKE namelist parameters names and …
- 11:47 Changeset [1059] by
- trunk: follow DOCTOR rules for TKE namelist parameters names and …
- 11:40 Ticket #188 (trunk: follow DOCTOR rules for TKE namelist parameters names and ...) created by
- 21:14 Ticket #160 (nemo trunk : CPP syntax error (ifort compiler) in various modules) closed by
- fixed
- 21:14 Changeset [1058] by
- Correct preprocessing syntax, see ticket #160
- 20:44 Changeset [1057] by
- ctlopn with dimg diagnostics and additonnal stuff related to dimg
- 19:04 Ticket #48 (averaging in dynspg_ts) closed by
- fixed
- 18:45 Ticket #187 (trunk: solve one compilation error and one warning message when ...) closed by
- fixed
- 18:43 Changeset [1056] by
- trunk: solve one compilation error and one warning message when …
- 18:05 Changeset [1055] by
- Desactived control print (ln_nicep) for LIM3, correct forcing field for …
- 17:57 Ticket #187 (trunk: solve one compilation error and one warning message when ...) created by
- * add declaration of ctmp4 untill ctmp10 in in_out_manager.F90 * …
- 17:48 Ticket #186 (trunk: correct syntax in an IF statement of jobs) closed by
- fixed
- 17:48 Changeset [1054] by
- trunk: correct syntax in an IF statement of jobs, see ticket: #186
- 17:47 Ticket #186 (trunk: correct syntax in an IF statement of jobs) created by
- Remove addtional "=" symbol in the following line: […] To get: …
- 16:49 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 16:36 Ticket #105 (MPI implementation in AGRIF/modmpp.F) closed by
- fixed
- 16:25 Changeset [1053] by
- trunk: remove useless sea-ice/ocean velocities as arguments of CALL …
- 14:40 Ticket #60 (cosmetic changes) closed by
- fixed
- 14:40 Ticket #96 (dev_001_SBC: modification associated to CLIO bulk including namelists) closed by
- fixed
- 14:39 Ticket #76 (Add interface for CLIO bulk through the new surface module architecture) closed by
- fixed
- 14:39 Ticket #36 (make modifications closer to the initial GYRE forcing) closed by
- fixed
- 14:38 Ticket #28 (remove the output of qla, qsb and qlw for CORE forcing) closed by
- fixed
- 14:38 Ticket #27 (Modifications related to the re-organization of new SBC namelist) closed by
- fixed
- 14:37 Ticket #25 (Namelists updated for new SBC) closed by
- fixed
- 14:37 Ticket #59 (correct wrong sign of lbc_lnk on scalar variables in limwri.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 14:37 Ticket #56 (Remove useless CALL day(nit000) in opa.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 14:36 Ticket #31 (move the CALL ice_init line into sbcice_lim.F90 module and remove it from ...) closed by
- fixed
- 14:36 Ticket #30 (remove the "mask multiplication" (1- frld()) applied to field tprecip when ...) closed by
- fixed: Currently this is wrong, it must be kept.
- 14:35 Ticket #10 (reintroduce qrp and erp) closed by
- fixed
- 14:35 Ticket #8 (remove aminus aplus) closed by
- fixed
- 14:34 Ticket #7 (change tau(x|y) for (u|v)tau) closed by
- fixed
- 14:34 Ticket #6 (change the USE) closed by
- fixed
- 13:08 Ticket #97 (dev_001_SBC: use correct component (ztio_v(:,:) instead ztio_u) when ...) closed by
- fixed
- 13:08 Ticket #5 (delete old obsolete routines) closed by
- fixed
- 13:08 Ticket #4 (code modification associated with the new routines) closed by
- fixed
- 13:07 Ticket #3 (new surface module routines) closed by
- fixed
- 13:07 Ticket #58 (apply (1. - frld) to tprecip(:,:) field when computing emp(:,:) final ...) closed by
- fixed
- 13:06 Ticket #57 (use (:,:) instead of (ji,jj) in the computation of p_qla(:,:) field in ...) closed by
- fixed
- 13:06 Ticket #55 (allow good date when perfoming restarts) closed by
- fixed
- 13:06 Ticket #38 (Use the previous version TURB_CORE_1Z from the reference which keep same ...) closed by
- fixed
- 13:05 Ticket #37 (Add CALL day(-1) sequence to initialize the calendar) closed by
- fixed
- 13:05 Ticket #35 (ssst_m() array must be in ° Kelvin instead of °Celcius in the ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:56 Ticket #34 (Bad time step for re-initialization of ssx_m() arrays) closed by
- fixed
- 12:56 Ticket #11 (replace qt by qns) closed by
- fixed
- 12:56 Ticket #93 (update the fait_AA_make and fait_config scripts to take into account the ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:55 Ticket #92 (remove unused modules) closed by
- fixed
- 12:55 Ticket #91 (include the new version of PISCES SMS model) closed by
- fixed
- 12:55 Ticket #90 (rename the directory TOP_SRC/PISCES_SMS to TOP_SRC/PISCES) closed by
- fixed
- 12:54 Ticket #89 (move all the files in directory TOP_SRC/PISCES to TOP_SRC/PISCES_SMS) closed by
- fixed
- 12:54 Ticket #83 (change the starting/ending FCF do loop indices and change jptra to jp_cfc) closed by
- fixed
- 12:54 Ticket #88 (include the USE of the PISCES module - p4zprg - in the main program of ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:53 Ticket #87 (suppression of trb=trn to ensure restartability of passive tracer models) closed by
- fixed
- 12:53 Ticket #86 (initialisation of CFC : add the key_cfc to take it into account) closed by
- fixed
- 12:53 Ticket #85 (bug in computation of ocean volume in case of degrad option) closed by
- fixed
- 12:52 Ticket #84 (change the starting/ending LOBSTER do loop indices) closed by
- fixed
- 12:52 Ticket #2 (bugfix in the wind stress computation when using seaice) closed by
- fixed
- 12:48 Ticket #18 (correction of prepocessing syntax) closed by
- fixed
- 12:46 Ticket #17 (add tmask_i in global sum) closed by
- fixed
- 12:46 Ticket #13 (Update modules for passive tracers transport trends computation) closed by
- fixed
- 12:45 Ticket #14 (update of iron aggregation computation) closed by
- fixed
- 12:45 Ticket #15 (correction of flux feeding formulation) closed by
- fixed
- 12:44 Ticket #16 (correction of aggregation of small into large particles) closed by
- fixed
- 12:43 Ticket #19 (remove unused variables) closed by
- fixed
- 12:43 Ticket #137 (creating new directories for each SMS models : PISCES,LOBSTER,CFC,MY_TRC) closed by
- fixed
- 12:42 Ticket #138 (adding modules for MY_TRC SMS model) closed by
- fixed
- 12:42 Ticket #139 (adding modules the CFC model) closed by
- fixed
- 12:41 Ticket #140 (adding modules for LOBSTER SMS model) closed by
- fixed
- 12:41 Ticket #141 (adding modules for PISCES SMS model) closed by
- fixed
- 12:41 Ticket #142 (deleting unused modules) closed by
- fixed
- 12:40 Ticket #143 (phasing the passive tracer transport module to the new version of NEMO) closed by
- fixed
- 12:40 Ticket #144 (Update modules for new version of TOP model) closed by
- fixed
- 12:39 Ticket #145 (Add modifications related to the GYRE_LOBSTER configuration) closed by
- fixed
- 12:38 Ticket #167 (re-writting trcrad.F90 routine to take into account the new TOP ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:38 Ticket #168 (Update CFC modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:37 Ticket #169 (Update LOBSTER modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:37 Ticket #170 (Update PISCES modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:36 Ticket #171 (re-organization of TOP initialization and outputs phases) closed by
- fixed
- 12:36 Ticket #180 (deleting unused directory C14b) closed by
- fixed
- 12:36 Ticket #181 (local computation of freezing point in trcadv_cen2.F90 routine) closed by
- fixed
- 12:35 Ticket #182 (update trcstp.F90 routine according to new TOP re-organization) closed by
- fixed
- 12:33 Ticket #113 (merge dev_001_SBC branche with the trunk to include the New Surface Module ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:33 Ticket #128 (Manage wind stress at the sea-ice (LIM 3.0)/ocean interface in a proper ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:32 Ticket #177 (trunk: replace freeze(:,:) variable with fr_i(:,:), use the tfreez ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:32 Ticket #185 (trunk: remove useless sea-ice/ocean velocities which are not used in CLIO ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:30 Ticket #9 (First NVTK environment integration under SVN) closed by
- fixed
- 12:29 Ticket #49 (suppress jki subroutines) closed by
- fixed
- 12:29 Ticket #98 (Bound the latent heat flux over sea-ice to avoid negative values (CLIO ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:28 Ticket #109 (Bug in namelist ORCA2 v2.3 with key_flx_core - will be irrelevant with new ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:26 Ticket #116 (MPI bsend) closed by
- fixed
- 12:25 Ticket #117 (1D update) closed by
- fixed
- 12:25 Ticket #118 (trazdf_imp and key_ldf_slp) closed by
- fixed
- 12:25 Ticket #122 (remaove the explicit loop which is not necessary in the computation of ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:23 Ticket #123 (remove the explicit loop which is not necessary in the computation of ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:22 Ticket #125 (Re-organisation of ocean namelists to improve readability) closed by
- fixed
- 12:22 Ticket #126 (Implementation of the BDY package) closed by
- fixed
- 12:21 Ticket #131 (move the set to zero of qsr(:,:) (when more than 50% of sea-ice) from ...) closed by
- fixed
- 12:20 Ticket #132 (Runoff not defined in traadv_cen2) closed by
- fixed
- 12:19 Ticket #136 (change key_passivetrc to key_top) closed by
- fixed
- 11:37 Ticket #148 (call the routine sbc_ice_lim with the right arguments if key_lim3 not ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:58 Ticket #153 (minor compilation bugs) closed by
- fixed
- 10:54 Ticket #163 (Surface Module : need for wind speed in 'new' tke and CFCs (for instance)) closed by
- fixed
- 10:53 Ticket #164 (computation of wind speed module) closed by
- fixed
- 10:51 Ticket #165 (rename initrc.F90 to trcini.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 10:51 Ticket #166 (Update routines to take into account the reorganization of passive tracers ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:50 Ticket #179 (trunk: avoid warning message at compilation step when not using BDY ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:49 Ticket #183 (trunk: update TKE physics) closed by
- fixed
- 10:48 Ticket #146 (phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO) closed by
- fixed
- 10:47 Ticket #150 (Update IOM modules) closed by
- fixed
- 10:46 Ticket #172 (addind wind speed module) closed by
- fixed
- 10:46 Ticket #176 (deleting unused module ocfzpt.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 10:45 Ticket #72 (Clean of comments) closed by
- fixed
- 10:45 Ticket #74 (Modifications to build sea-ice restart files in using IOM interface) closed by
- fixed
- 10:34 Ticket #75 (Add sxyice(:,:,:) and sye(:,:,:,:) missing fields in sea-ice restart files ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:33 Ticket #77 (LIM3 optimization and parallelisation) closed by
- fixed
- 10:33 Ticket #80 (Use ctlopen subroutine to open sea-ice namelist file) closed by
- fixed
- 10:31 Ticket #81 (Correct lines which do not compile on IBM) closed by
- fixed
- 10:31 Ticket #82 (To ensure the restartability with LIM 3.0) closed by
- fixed
- 10:30 Ticket #134 (LIM3 debug and diags) closed by
- fixed
- 10:30 Ticket #154 (lwp logical in wrong place in LIM3 limtrp.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 10:23 Ticket #71 (introduce LIM3 new sea-ice model) closed by
- fixed
- 10:22 Ticket #178 (trunk: remove the treshold step of qsr in LIM 2.0 when there is more than ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:21 Ticket #26 (launch properly jobs interactively) closed by
- fixed
- 10:15 Ticket #33 (Error in the lance_batch.ksh script when substitue $LAUN variable) closed by
- fixed
- 10:14 Ticket #53 (add the GYRE_LOBSTER reference configuration) closed by
- fixed
- 10:14 Ticket #61 (add new variables to allow users to better control compilation and jobs ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:13 Ticket #70 (Change fait_AA_make) closed by
- fixed
- 10:13 Ticket #114 (Update NVTK scripts to take into account LIM 3.0) closed by
- fixed
- 10:12 Ticket #147 (Adapt NVTK to new changes cpp keys names, namelist parameters ...etc) closed by
- fixed
- 10:12 Ticket #149 (creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_LIM_PISCES) closed by
- fixed
- 10:11 Ticket #151 (creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_OFF_PISCES) closed by
- fixed
- 10:11 Ticket #152 (adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_OFF_PISCES) closed by
- fixed
- 10:10 Ticket #173 (update the fait_AA_make and fait_config scripts to take into account the ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:07 Ticket #174 (rename the SMS namelists) closed by
- fixed
- 10:07 Ticket #175 (update files for references configurations using TOP component) closed by
- fixed
- 10:06 Ticket #184 (trunk: update GYRE_LOBSTER job associated to namelist name changes) closed by
- fixed
- 10:06 Ticket #135 (change key_cfg_1d to key_c1d and key_passivetrc to key_top) closed by
- fixed
- 10:03 Ticket #104 (dev_001_SBC: clean & control prints) closed by
- fixed
- 10:03 Ticket #110 (dev_001_SBC: change cpp ket name "key_ice_lim" into "key_lim2" & add the ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:02 Ticket #111 (dev_001_SBC: add the LIM 3.0 component into LIM_SRC_3 directory) closed by
- fixed
- 10:01 Ticket #112 (dev_001_SBC: Step II: adapt new SBC to LIM 3.0 component) closed by
- fixed
- 10:00 Ticket #102 (dev_001_SBC: apply the sea-ice velocity mask tmu(:,:) to the mean ocean ...) closed by
- fixed
- 09:59 Ticket #99 (dev_001_SBC: Bound the latent heat flux (over ocean & sea-ice) in CORE ...) closed by
- fixed
- 09:59 Ticket #100 (dev_001_SBC: add the TURB_CORE_2Z() function to compute drag coefficents ...) closed by
- fixed
- 09:57 Ticket #103 (dev_001_SBC: clean and add freeze(:,:) & tn_ice(:,:) update) closed by
- fixed
- 15:22 Changeset [1052] by
- trunk: update TKE physics, see ticket: #183
- 15:17 Changeset [1051] by
- trunk: remove useless sea-ice/ocean velocities as arguments of CALL …
- 15:16 Ticket #185 (trunk: remove useless sea-ice/ocean velocities which are not used in CLIO ...) created by
- Since the sea-ice and ocean velocities are not taken into account in CLIO …
- 12:25 Changeset [1050] by
- trunk: update TKE physics, see ticket: #183
- 18:40 Changeset [1049] by
- trunk: update GYRE_LOBSTER job associated to namelist name changes, see …
- 17:15 Changeset [1048] by
- trunk: update GYRE_LOBSTER job associated to namelist name changes, see …
- 17:04 Ticket #184 (trunk: update GYRE_LOBSTER job associated to namelist name changes) created by
- 15:44 Ticket #183 (trunk: update TKE physics) created by
- - tke penetration (wind steering) - suface condition for tke & mixing …
- 12:25 Changeset [1047] by
- update trcstp.F90 routine according to new TOP re-organization, see …
- 12:25 Ticket #182 (update trcstp.F90 routine according to new TOP re-organization) created by
- 12:24 Changeset [1046] by
- local computation of freezing point in trcadv_cen2.F90 routine, see …
- 12:21 Ticket #181 (local computation of freezing point in trcadv_cen2.F90 routine) created by
- 12:15 Changeset [1045] by
- remove useless declarations, see ticket: #177
- 11:35 Changeset [1044] by
- remove useless zinda declaration, see ticket: #178
- 11:23 Changeset [1043] by
- update the fait_AA_make and fait_config scripts, see ticket:93
- 11:16 Changeset [1042] by
- deleting unused directory C14b, see ticket:180
- 11:16 Ticket #180 (deleting unused directory C14b) created by
- 18:42 Changeset [1041] by
- trunk: module_example update
- 18:34 Changeset [1040] by
- trunk: avoid warning message at compilation step when not using BDY …
- 18:34 Ticket #179 (trunk: avoid warning message at compilation step when not using BDY ...) created by
- 18:30 Changeset [1039] by
- trunk: remove the treshold step of qsr in LIM 2.0 when there is more than …
- 18:28 Ticket #178 (trunk: remove the treshold step of qsr in LIM 2.0 when there is more than ...) created by
- 18:24 Changeset [1038] by
- trunk: remove the useless ocfzpt.F90 module, see ticket: #177
- 18:21 Changeset [1037] by
- trunk: replace freeze(:,:) variable with fr_i(:,:), use the tfreez …
- 18:20 Ticket #177 (trunk: replace freeze(:,:) variable with fr_i(:,:), use the tfreez ...) created by
- 16:48 Changeset [1036] by
- the variable freeze is rename to fr_i, see ticket 176
- 16:48 Changeset [1035] by
- the variable freeze is rename to fr_i, see ticket 176
- 16:48 Changeset [1034] by
- the variable freeze is rename to fr_i, see ticket 176
- 16:46 Changeset [1033] by
- the variable freeze is rename to fr_i, see ticket 176
- 16:43 Changeset [1032] by
- the variable freeze is rename to fr_i, see ticket 176
- 16:43 Changeset [1031] by
- the variable freeze is rename to fr_i, see ticket 176
- 16:42 Changeset [1030] by
- deleting unused module ocfzpt.F90, see ticket 176
- 16:41 Ticket #176 (deleting unused module ocfzpt.F90) created by
- the variable freeze has been rename to fr_i and defined in sbc_oce.F90 …
- 15:16 Changeset [1029] by
- adding wind speed module variable, see ticket 172
- 15:15 Changeset [1028] by
- adding wind speed module variable, see ticket 172
- 13:32 Changeset [1027] by
- adding wind speed module variable, see ticket 172
- 13:29 Changeset [1026] by
- adding wind speed module variable, see ticket 172
- 13:26 Changeset [1025] by
- adding wind speed module variable, see ticket 172
- 12:37 Changeset [1024] by
- renaming the SMS namelists, see ticket 174
- 12:36 Changeset [1023] by
- update files for references configuration with TOP component, see ticket …
- 12:35 Changeset [1022] by
- update files for references configuration with TOP component, see ticket …
- 12:35 Changeset [1021] by
- update files for references configuration with TOP component, see ticket …
- 12:35 Changeset [1020] by
- update files for references configuration with TOP component, see ticket …
- 12:34 Changeset [1019] by
- renaming the SMS namelists, see ticket 174
- 12:33 Changeset [1018] by
- update files for references configuration with TOP component, see ticket …
- 12:33 Changeset [1017] by
- update files for references configuration with TOP component, see ticket …
- 12:33 Ticket #175 (update files for references configurations using TOP component) created by
- 12:29 Changeset [1016] by
- renaming the SMS namelists, see ticket 174
- 12:28 Ticket #174 (rename the SMS namelists) created by
- For each reference configuration with passive trcacers modeles, we rename …
- 12:20 Changeset [1015] by
- update the fait_AA_make and fait_config scripts to take into account the …
- 12:19 Ticket #173 (update the fait_AA_make and fait_config scripts to take into account the ...) created by
- 12:16 Changeset [1014] by
- update module, see ticket 166
- 12:15 Changeset [1013] by
- adding wind speed module variable, see ticket 172
- 12:14 Changeset [1012] by
- adding wind speed module variable, see ticket 172
- 12:14 Ticket #172 (addind wind speed module) created by
- 11:57 Changeset [1011] by
- re-organization of TOP initialization and outputs phases see ticket 171
- 11:56 Changeset [1010] by
- re-organization of TOP initialization and outputs phases, see ticket 171
- 11:55 Changeset [1009] by
- re-organization of TOP initialization and outputs phases, see ticket 171
- 11:55 Changeset [1008] by
- re-organization of TOP initialization and outputs phases, see ticket 171
- 11:54 Ticket #171 (re-organization of TOP initialization and outputs phases) created by
- suppression of initrc.F90, trcdtr.F90, trcdit.F90 update of trcini.F90, …
- 11:50 Changeset [1007] by
- Update PISCES modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP …
- 11:50 Ticket #170 (Update PISCES modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP ...) created by
- 11:49 Changeset [1006] by
- Update MY_TRC modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP …
- 11:48 Changeset [1005] by
- Update LOBSTER modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP …
- 11:48 Ticket #169 (Update LOBSTER modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP ...) created by
- 11:47 Changeset [1004] by
- Update CFC modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP …
- 11:46 Ticket #168 (Update CFC modules to take into account the re-organization of TOP ...) created by
- 11:43 Changeset [1003] by
- re-writting of trcrad.F90 module to take into account the new TOP …
- 11:43 Ticket #167 (re-writting trcrad.F90 routine to take into account the new TOP ...) created by
- 11:35 Changeset [1002] by
- update routines to take into account the re-organization of passive …
- 11:33 Ticket #166 (Update routines to take into account the reorganization of passive tracers ...) created by
- 11:32 user/ctlod/ORCA2Runs edited by
- (diff)
- 11:31 user/ctlod/NewSurfaceModule edited by
- (diff)
- 11:30 Changeset [1001] by
- renaming initrc.F90 to trcini.F90, see ticket 165
- 11:28 Ticket #165 (rename initrc.F90 to trcini.F90) created by
- Take into account the re-organisation of passive tracers initialization
- 11:24 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 11:24 user/ctlod/NVTKpage edited by
- (diff)
- 11:22 Changeset [1000] by
- computation of wind speed module, see ticket:164
- 11:21 Ticket #164 (computation of wind speed module) created by
- wind speed module is provided by bulk formulae or computed from the stress …
- 11:20 user/ctlod/NVTKpage edited by
- (diff)
- 18:49 Ticket #163 (Surface Module : need for wind speed in 'new' tke and CFCs (for instance)) created by
- When phasing the DRAKKAR 'new' TKE (??) with the trunk, I found that the …
- 12:43 Ticket #162 (sbcrnf : use of rnfmsk unclear) created by
- According to the comments in the routine, rnfmsk is just a 0/1 mask for …
- 17:49 Ticket #161 (nemo_trunk : IOM : iom_def : raise max_number of file to 50 for Agrif ...) created by
- […]
- 16:56 Ticket #160 (nemo trunk : CPP syntax error (ifort compiler) in various modules) created by
- in the following module, the quoted lines give an error when compiling …
- 16:20 Ticket #159 (nemo trunk : diadimg still use OPEN statement instead of ctlopn) created by
- I attach to this ticket the correct version of diadimg ( using ctlopn ) …
- 15:12 Changeset [999] by
- trunk - DOC - LDF update from steven
- 13:53 Changeset [998] by
- trunk - DOC - update .tex due to the change in position of NEMO_book
- 13:16 Changeset [997] by
- trunk - DOC - move NEMO_book directly in the DOC directory
- 12:40 Ticket #158 (nemo trunk : standard Makefile of ORCA2_LIM not updated to nemo3) closed by
- fixed: effectively, ORCA2_LIM's BB_make file has not been updated since a while …
- 12:38 Changeset [996] by
- trunk - DOC update to correct error in previous update
- 12:34 Changeset [995] by
- update BB_make file to take into account new cpp keys name associated with …
- 11:47 Ticket #158 (nemo trunk : standard Makefile of ORCA2_LIM not updated to nemo3) created by
- This ticket refers to the nemo trunk, rev 989 ( which is impossible to set …
- 11:01 Changeset [994] by
- trunk - add steven correction + several other things + rename BETA into …
- 10:15 Ticket #157 (add a missing USE lib_mpp in initrc.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 10:13 Changeset [993] by
- add a missing USE lib_mpp, see ticket: #157
- 10:00 Ticket #157 (add a missing USE lib_mpp in initrc.F90) created by
- 14:28 Ticket #156 (TOP : trcdmp module : mis use of ndmp and nmldmp (instead of ndmptr ...) created by
- in trcdmp module, routine trc_dmp_init, there are write(numout,*) of …
- 16:15 user/ctlod/ORCA2Runs edited by
- (diff)
- 16:14 user/ctlod/ORCA2Runs created by
- 16:09 Changeset [992] by
- update the fait_AA_make and use_cfg script to take into account the new …
- 15:39 user/ctlod/NVTKpage edited by
- (diff)
- 11:14 user/ctlod/NVTKpage edited by
- (diff)
- 11:11 user/ctlod/NVTKpage edited by
- (diff)
- 18:39 user/ctlod/NVTKpage edited by
- (diff)
- 18:06 user/ctlod/NVTKpage created by
- 18:05 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 17:55 Changeset [991] by
- dev_003_CPL: preliminary draft (not working), see ticket #155
- 16:38 Changeset [990] by
- dev_003_CPL: to the trunk , see ticket #155
- 16:37 Ticket #155 (Implementation of a new coupling interface) created by
- Create a new coupling interface for NEMO (merge existing prototypes)
- 16:01 Changeset [989] by
- Correct a stupid bug in mpi with limtrp, see ticket #154
- 09:08 Ticket #154 (lwp logical in wrong place in LIM3 limtrp.F90) created by
- There is a misplaced lwp in limtrp.F90 LIM_SRC_3, which means with MPI …
- 18:07 Changeset [988] by
- Minor bugs, see ticket #153
- 18:06 Ticket #153 (minor compilation bugs) created by
- - in step, stp_cpl is called but not defined - in eosbn2 eos_init has to …
- 14:27 Changeset [987] by
- update namelist.passivetrc for GYRE_LOBSTER configuration
- 12:32 Changeset [986] by
- update files for ORCA2_OFF_PISCES configuration, see ticket 149
- 12:31 Changeset [985] by
- update files for ORCA2_LIM_PISCES configuration, see ticket 149
- 17:54 Changeset [984] by
- adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, …
- 17:53 Changeset [983] by
- adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, …
- 17:53 Changeset [982] by
- adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, …
- 17:52 Ticket #152 (adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_OFF_PISCES) created by
- 17:50 Changeset [981] by
- update files for ORCA2_LIM_PISCES configuration, see ticket 149
- 16:41 Changeset [980] by
- creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, see ticket 151
- 16:41 Changeset [979] by
- creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, see ticket 151
- 16:40 Changeset [978] by
- creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, see ticket 151
- 16:38 Ticket #151 (creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_OFF_PISCES) created by
- 16:24 Changeset [977] by
- phasing traqsr.F90 module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 16:12 Changeset [976] by
- phasing traqsr.F90 module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 16:10 Changeset [975] by
- Update IOM modules, see ticket 150
- 16:10 Ticket #150 (Update IOM modules) created by
- 16:07 Changeset [974] by
- phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 15:28 Changeset [973] by
- phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 15:14 Changeset [972] by
- update files for ORCA2_LIM_PISCES configuration, see ticket 149
- 15:12 Changeset [971] by
- update AA_job file for ORCA2_LIM_PISCES configuration
- 15:10 Changeset [970] by
- deleting unused files
- 15:10 Changeset [969] by
- deleting unused files
- 15:09 Changeset [968] by
- deleting unused files
- 15:06 Changeset [967] by
- update the fait_config script to take into account new reference …
- 15:00 Changeset [966] by
- adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_LIM_PISCES, …
- 15:00 Changeset [965] by
- adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_LIM_PISCES, …
- 14:57 Changeset [964] by
- 14:57 Changeset [963] by
- 14:55 Changeset [962] by
- adding inputs files related to reference configuration ORCA2_LIM_PISCES, …
- 14:48 Changeset [961] by
- creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_LIM_PISCES, see ticket 149
- 14:47 Ticket #149 (creating new reference configuration : ORCA2_LIM_PISCES) created by
- 12:14 Changeset [960] by
- Add modifications related to the GYRE_LOBSTER configuration, see ticket …
- 12:12 Changeset [959] by
- call the routine sbc_ice_lim with the right arguments if key_lim3 not …
- 12:10 Ticket #148 (call the routine sbc_ice_lim with the right arguments if key_lim3 not ...) created by
- call the routine sbc_ice_lim with the right arguments in case of LIM3 is …
- 10:44 Changeset [958] by
- Adapt NVTK to new changes cpp keys names, namelist parameters ...etc, see …
- 10:43 Changeset [957] by
- Adapt NVTK to new changes cpp keys names, namelist parameters ...etc, see …
- 10:37 Ticket #147 (Adapt NVTK to new changes cpp keys names, namelist parameters ...etc) created by
- 18:46 Changeset [956] by
- phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 18:45 Changeset [955] by
- phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 18:44 Changeset [954] by
- creating directory SBC
- 18:44 Changeset [953] by
- deleting directory SBC
- 18:42 Changeset [952] by
- phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 18:42 Changeset [951] by
- phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 18:41 Changeset [950] by
- phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO, see ticket 146
- 18:40 Ticket #146 (phasing the OFFLINE module to the new version of NEMO) created by
- 18:25 Changeset [949] by
- Add modifications related to the GYRE_LOBSTER configuration, see ticket …
- 18:24 Changeset [948] by
- Add modifications related to the GYRE_LOBSTER configuration, see ticket …
- 18:24 Ticket #145 (Add modifications related to the GYRE_LOBSTER configuration) created by
- the structure of the passive tracer namelist has changed and the name of …
- 18:18 Changeset [947] by
- update the fait_AA_make and fait_config scripts to take into account the …
- 18:15 Changeset [946] by
- Update modules for new version of TOP model, see ticket 144
- 18:14 Changeset [945] by
- Update modules for new version of TOP model, see ticket 144
- 18:13 Changeset [944] by
- Update modules for new version of TOP model, see ticket 144
- 18:13 Ticket #144 (Update modules for new version of TOP model) created by
- 18:07 Changeset [943] by
- deleting obsolete module
- 18:06 Changeset [942] by
- deleting obsolete module
- 17:57 Changeset [941] by
- phasing the passive tracer transport module to the new version of NEMO, …
- 17:56 Ticket #143 (phasing the passive tracer transport module to the new version of NEMO) created by
- 17:51 Changeset [940] by
- creating directory TRP
- 17:50 Changeset [939] by
- deleting directory TRP
- 17:42 Changeset [938] by
- deleting SMS directory, see ticket 142
- 17:42 Changeset [937] by
- deleting unused modules, see ticket 142
- 17:42 Changeset [936] by
- deleting unused modules, see ticket 142
- 17:41 Ticket #142 (deleting unused modules) created by
- 17:39 Changeset [935] by
- adding modules for PISCES SMS model, see ticket 141
- 17:39 Ticket #141 (adding modules for PISCES SMS model) created by
- 17:38 Changeset [934] by
- adding modules for LOBSTER SMS model, see ticket 140
- 17:35 Ticket #140 (adding modules for LOBSTER SMS model) created by
- 17:34 Ticket #139 (adding modules the CFC model) created by
- 17:33 Changeset [933] by
- adding modules the CFC model, see ticket 140
- 17:32 Changeset [932] by
- adding modules for MY_TRC SMS model, see ticket 138
- 17:31 Ticket #138 (adding modules for MY_TRC SMS model) created by
- 17:21 Changeset [931] by
- add dummy modules, see ticket 138
- 17:15 Changeset [930] by
- add dummy modules, see ticket 138
- 16:59 Changeset [929] by
- creating new directoy for C14b module, see ticket:137
- 16:58 Changeset [928] by
- creating new DUMMY directory , see ticket:137
- 16:58 Changeset [927] by
- creating new directoy for MY_TRC module, see ticket:137
- 16:57 Changeset [926] by
- creating new directoy for LOBSTER module, see ticket:137
- 16:57 Changeset [925] by
- creating new directoy for PISCES module, see ticket:137
- 16:56 Changeset [924] by
- creating new directoy for CFC module, see ticket:137
- 16:56 Ticket #137 (creating new directories for each SMS models : PISCES,LOBSTER,CFC,MY_TRC) created by
- 16:24 Ticket #136 (change key_passivetrc to key_top) created by
- 16:22 Changeset [923] by
- key_passivetrc to key_top, see ticket:136
- 16:11 Changeset [922] by
- change key_cfg_1d to key_c1d and key_passivetrc to key_top, see ticket:135
- 16:11 Ticket #135 (change key_cfg_1d to key_c1d and key_passivetrc to key_top) created by
- 11:20 Ticket #64 (dev_001_SBC: merge with the trunk's last changesets: #780, #782, #783, ...) closed by
- fixed
- 10:28 Changeset [921] by
- Correct indentation and print for debug in LIM3, see ticket #134, step I
- 10:25 Ticket #134 (LIM3 debug and diags) created by
- Clean debug print in LIM3 : I. indent, clean and control print through a …
- 18:26 user/smasson/IDMisc edited by
- (diff)
- 17:29 user/smasson/IDMisc edited by
- (diff)
- 13:26 Changeset [920] by
- Correct incompatibilities with Agrif (easier part), see ticket #133
- 13:21 Ticket #133 (AGRIF vs SBC) created by
- Severe incompatibilities between AGRIF and SBC : - NAMELIST statement at …
- 12:13 Changeset [919] by
- Fix restartability for LIM3
- 12:00 Changeset [918] by
- Change ice_ocean stress computation, step II, see ticket #128
- 16:50 Changeset [917] by
- Correct a bug in revision 913 (ice/ocean stress computation)
- 12:03 Changeset [916] by
- No runoff case for centered scheme, see ticket #132
- 12:02 Ticket #132 (Runoff not defined in traadv_cen2) created by
- In case of no runoff, runoff arrays are not defined but used for upstream …
- 11:42 Changeset [915] by
- Correct the ldf_slp/trazdf_imp bug in a proper way, see ticket #118
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.