- 15:46 Changeset [1210] by
- Tagging nemo_v3
- 15:23 Changeset [1209] by
- Correct a stupid mistake I did in previous commit, and desesperately …
- 14:19 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 12:23 Changeset [1208] by
- Correct syntax error with the conv, thanks to Steven, see ticket #261
- 10:02 Ticket #261 (AGRIF syntax problem with allocation of FLD arrays) created by
- I hope no one minds, but I've been trying the new AGRIF code from trunk …
- 20:15 Changeset [1207] by
- Suppress a vectorization optimisation leading to inexact results with vopt
- 16:32 Changeset [1206] by
- Suppress key_passive_trc => key_top
- 16:28 Ticket #260 (add compilation options for NEC platforms) closed by
- fixed
- 16:25 Changeset [1205] by
- add compilation options for NEC platforms, see ticket: #260
- 16:25 Ticket #260 (add compilation options for NEC platforms) created by
- 16:10 Ticket #259 (compilation error when using -C debug (NEC) du to missing subroutines in ...) closed by
- fixed
- 16:10 Changeset [1204] by
- add subroutines for dummy module, see ticket: #259
- 16:09 Ticket #259 (compilation error when using -C debug (NEC) du to missing subroutines in ...) created by
- 15:56 Changeset [1203] by
- Update BB_make and co
- 15:45 Changeset [1202] by
- Correct a mistake in agrif improvement
- 15:24 Changeset [1201] by
- Fix a bug in tke, see ticket #238
- 15:05 Changeset [1200] by
- Adapt Agrif to the new SBC and correct several bugs for agrif (restart …
- 11:16 Ticket #256 (LIM2 ice ocean stress (2)) closed by
- fixed: Replying to nemo_user: > I found that the ice-ocean stress …
- 17:55 Changeset [1199] by
- update BB_make files for configurations with TOP, see ticket:248
- 17:48 Changeset [1198] by
- change key_cfg_1d to key_c1d in trcbbl.F90 module, see ticket:135
- 17:33 Ticket #258 (Problem with the name of input restart file "restart.nc") created by
- In the IPSL coupled model, the name "restart.nc" as name of restart is …
- 11:32 Ticket #257 (mpp_init_ioipsl sets incorrect halo attributes for mean files if jpnij ...) created by
- The mpp_init_ioipsl routine in mppini.F90 is used to set the values used …
- 10:03 Changeset [1197] by
- remove useless CPP key, key_mpp_omp in passive tracers transport routines, …
- 09:57 Ticket #12 (computation of horizontal divergence needed to calculate vertical ...) closed by
- fixed
- 09:55 Ticket #245 (v3_beta fixes to allow a 1d configuration to initialise from a full model ...) closed by
- fixed: Replying to nemo_user: > A couple of changes are needed to …
- 15:37 Ticket #256 (LIM2 ice ocean stress (2)) created by
- I found that the ice-ocean stress tio_u/tio_v computed in limdyn and later …
- 15:25 Ticket #255 (LIM2 ice-ocean stress instability) created by
- We found that for the global ORCA1 setup (UK) and nemo_2.3, ice-ocean …
- 09:07 Changeset [1196] by
- change jpdom_local into jpdom_autoglo in the iom_get call sequence, see …
- 20:12 Ticket #254 (use of jpdom_autoglo rather than jpdom_local to read with iom restart ...) closed by
- fixed
- 20:12 Changeset [1195] by
- use of jpdom_autoglo rather than jpdom_local to read with iom restart …
- 20:11 Ticket #254 (use of jpdom_autoglo rather than jpdom_local to read with iom restart ...) created by
- 14:48 Ticket #229 (add an example of MY_TRC tracer model) closed by
- fixed
- 14:48 Ticket #248 (New trends diagnostics organization in TOP) closed by
- fixed
- 14:47 Ticket #249 (Add a sediment model) closed by
- fixed
- 14:46 Ticket #253 (Correction of transport module to ensure reproductibility for TOP ...) closed by
- fixed
- 14:46 Changeset [1194] by
- Correction of LOBSTER modules to ensure reproductibility for GYRE_LOBSTER, …
- 14:45 Changeset [1193] by
- Correction of transport module to ensure reproductibility for TOP …
- 14:44 Ticket #253 (Correction of transport module to ensure reproductibility for TOP ...) created by
- 10:36 Ticket #252 (impossible to run 2 years in a row) closed by
- fixed: fixed, see changeset:1192
- 10:34 Changeset [1192] by
- fix ticket #252
- 10:33 Changeset [1191] by
- improve control print for debugging ticket #252
- 10:23 Ticket #252 (impossible to run 2 years in a row) created by
- model crashes a few time steps after model reaches year 2. From year 2, …
- 09:33 Ticket #251 (new tracers advection scheme) created by
- the routine have been completly rewritten
- 09:25 Ticket #250 (new quick tracers advection scheme: traadv_qck.F90) created by
- The routine have been completly rewritten.
- 13:42 Changeset [1190] by
- update scripts files for all TOP configurations, see ticket:248
- 13:20 Changeset [1189] by
- update transport modules to take into account new trends organization, see …
- 12:09 Changeset [1188] by
- update modules for the sediment model, see ticket:249
- 11:36 Changeset [1187] by
- change CPP key key_trc_ldfiso to key_trcldf_iso to compute vertical …
- 19:40 Changeset [1186] by
- update scripts files for all TOP configurations, see ticket:248
- 19:32 Changeset [1185] by
- update PISCES modules to couple with the sediment model, see ticket:249
- 19:17 Changeset [1184] by
- update job_GYRE_LOBSTER.ksh file to take into account modifications in …
- 19:13 Changeset [1183] by
- update scripts files and namelist for all TOP configurations, see …
- 18:48 Changeset [1182] by
- update config files to include the new sediment model, see ticket:249
- 18:47 Changeset [1181] by
- update modules to take into account new trends organization, see …
- 18:41 Changeset [1180] by
- update PISCES modules to couple with the sediment model, see ticket:249
- 18:39 Changeset [1179] by
- add new routines for the sediment model, see ticket:249
- 18:34 Changeset [1178] by
- directory to add a sediment model, see ticket:249
- 18:32 Ticket #249 (Add a sediment model) created by
- A sediment model is add and works only in coupled mode with PISCES
- 18:27 Changeset [1177] by
- update modules to take into account new trends organization, see …
- 18:26 Changeset [1176] by
- update LOBSTER modules to take into account new trends organization, see …
- 18:26 Changeset [1175] by
- update transport modules to take into account new trends organization, see …
- 12:21 Changeset [1174] by
- New trends diagnostics organization in TOP, see ticket:248
- 12:13 Ticket #248 (New trends diagnostics organization in TOP) created by
- The trends diagnostics in TOP are computed in the same way than in OPA - …
- 11:30 Ticket #247 (Pb with the use of indices ji+1,jj+1in limsbc_2.F90 subroutine) closed by
- fixed: Replying to arnaud.caubel@lsce.ipsl.fr: > In the case of the …
- 11:30 Changeset [1173] by
- repalce fs_2/fs_jpim1 (associated to the key_vectopt_loop cpp key) with …
- 17:39 Ticket #227 (wrong interpolation for Levitus climatologies) closed by
- fixed
- 17:33 Ticket #246 (print misstake (CLIO/CORE instead of CLIO/CLIO)) closed by
- fixed
- 17:32 Changeset [1172] by
- transform CLIO into CORE print in the ocean.output file, see ticket: #246
- 17:30 Ticket #242 (Wrong air temperatures when using CORE and LIM3) closed by
- fixed
- 17:30 Changeset [1171] by
- now input air temperature data for CORE & CLIO bulks must be in Kelvin, …
- 16:24 Ticket #247 (Pb with the use of indices ji+1,jj+1in limsbc_2.F90 subroutine) created by
- In the case of the use of key_vectopt_loop, we have in limsbc_2.F90 : Do …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.