New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Timeline – NEMO



matching tags


17:08 ticket/0680_latphys created by acc
16:55 Changeset [1927] by acc
Create branch DEV_r1924_nocs_latphys, see ticket #680
16:50 Ticket #680 (lateral ocean physics) created by acc
Create branch for enhancements to the lateral ocean physics related to the …
13:06 Changeset [1926] by acc
First implementation of mpp scalability modifications …
12:45 ticket/0679_mpp_sca created by acc
12:44 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
11:57 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
11:56 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
11:37 Changeset [1925] by acc
Create branch DEV_1879_mpp_sca, see ticket #679
11:27 Ticket #679 (mpp scalability) created by acc
Create branch DEV_1879_mpp_sca to introduce mpp scalability improvements. …


17:22 Ticket #678 (LIM2 reproducibility problems) closed by charris
fixed: Fix committed to trunk in [1924].
16:12 Changeset [1924] by charris
Fix for reproducibility problem in LIM2 - see #678
11:12 Ticket #642 (ORCA2_LIM: correct the est-west periodicity for runoffs & coef in the ...) closed by rblod
10:51 Ticket #672 (Ticket example) closed by rblod
10:46 Ticket #625 (About limtrp and limtrp_2) closed by rblod
10:46 Changeset [1923] by rblod
Add a stop on coriols parameter computation in case of f or beta plane, …
10:25 Ticket #605 (alternate direction for LIM advection) closed by rblod
10:24 Changeset [1922] by rblod
Correct alternate direction switch frenquence in LIM2 and LIM3, see ticket …
10:13 Ticket #673 (AGRIF and OBC) closed by rblod
10:12 Ticket #415 (runtime array allocation error with AGRIF) closed by rblod
10:12 Changeset [1921] by rblod
Use fortran include for mpif.h instead of C style, see ticket #415
10:01 DevelopersCommittee/2010questions edited by gm
09:57 Ticket #443 (Coordinates cannot be read under AGRIF) closed by rblod
09:43 ticket/0677_mpp_rep edited by rblod


14:01 ticket/0677_mpp_rep edited by rblod
13:45 Changeset [1920] by rblod
Add modifications for mpp reproducibility, see ticket #677
10:21 ticket/0677_mpp_rep edited by rblod
10:14 Ticket #678 (LIM2 reproducibility problems) created by charris
I've just had a quick look at the LIM2 reproducibility issue and it seems …
09:23 ticket/0677_mpp_rep edited by rblod
09:18 ticket/0677_mpp_rep edited by rblod
09:13 ticket/0677_mpp_rep edited by rblod
09:10 ticket/0677_mpp_rep created by rblod
08:59 Changeset [1919] by rblod
Create branch DEV_1879_mpp_rep, see ticket #677
08:51 Ticket #677 (mpp reproducibility) created by rblod
Create branch DEV_1879_mpp_rep to introduce mpp reproducibility …


16:28 Changeset [1918] by flavoni
copying vendors into the DEV_r1897_FCM branch
16:27 Changeset [1917] by flavoni
copying vendors into the DEV_r1897_FCM branch
16:26 Changeset [1916] by flavoni
copying vendors into the DEV_r1897_FCM branch
16:25 Changeset [1915] by flavoni
copying vendors into the DEV_r1897_FCM branch
16:24 Changeset [1914] by flavoni
creating EXTERNAL
16:24 Changeset [1913] by flavoni
16:23 Changeset [1912] by flavoni
16:21 Changeset [1911] by flavoni
copying vendors into the DEV_r1897_FCM branch
16:17 Changeset [1910] by flavoni
move NEMO directory
16:15 Changeset [1909] by flavoni
move UTIL directory
16:14 Changeset [1908] by flavoni
move NVTK directory
16:14 Changeset [1907] by flavoni
move EXTERNAL directory
16:13 Changeset [1906] by flavoni
move CONFIG directory
16:10 Changeset [1905] by flavoni
16:10 Changeset [1904] by flavoni
16:08 Changeset [1903] by flavoni
creating NEMOGCM
16:03 Changeset [1902] by flavoni
tagging AGRIF vendor version r_00
16:02 Changeset [1901] by flavoni
importing AGRIF vendor
15:59 Changeset [1900] by flavoni
tagging XMLF90 vendor version r_92
15:59 Changeset [1899] by flavoni
importing XMLF90 vendor
15:54 Changeset [1898] by flavoni
tagging XMLIO_SERVER vendor version r_51
15:52 Changeset [1897] by flavoni
importing XMLIO_SERVER vendor
15:50 Changeset [1896] by flavoni
tagging IOIPSL vendor version v2_1_9
15:47 Changeset [1895] by flavoni
importing IOIPSL on vendors
15:34 Changeset [1894] by flavoni
creating vendors, see ticket : #676
15:31 Changeset [1893] by flavoni
creating FCM branch, see ticket : #676
15:25 ticket/0676_FCM created by flavoni
15:18 Ticket #676 (open an fcm branch) created by flavoni
Open a branch to create a new organisation's tree for NEMO before …


18:41 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
18:40 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
18:30 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual/approximations edited by cdlod
18:29 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
18:27 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual/directmodel edited by cdlod
18:22 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
18:15 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual/srcorganization edited by cdlod
18:15 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
18:13 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual/NemoTamBasics edited by cdlod
18:07 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual/Introduction edited by cdlod
18:01 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
18:01 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
18:00 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
17:58 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual edited by cdlod
17:56 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual/Introduction edited by cdlod
17:55 WorkingGroups/TAM/ReferenceManual/Introduction edited by cdlod
16:05 Ticket #675 (Missing salt flux into the ocean when using vvl and sea-ice) closed by acc
16:00 Changeset [1892] by acc
Added missing salt flux in trasbc.F90 (vvl case only), see ticket #675
13:47 Ticket #675 (Missing salt flux into the ocean when using vvl and sea-ice) created by acc
In tra_sbc (trasbc.F90), when running with the vvl option, the salinity …


16:48 Changeset [1891] by flavoni
corrected mistake in opa9.card, see ticket #674
16:33 Ticket #674 (mistake in opa9.card (there is a O(letter) instead of 0 (zero))) closed by flavoni
16:31 Changeset [1890] by flavoni
corrected mistake in opa9.card, see ticket #674
16:30 Ticket #674 (mistake in opa9.card (there is a O(letter) instead of 0 (zero))) created by flavoni
Corrected zero in opa9.card, for error it was uppercase letter O.


21:53 ticket/0663_MLF edited by mlelod
21:51 ticket/0663_MLF edited by mlelod
21:49 ticket/0663_MLF edited by mlelod
21:38 ticket/0663_MLF edited by mlelod
21:36 ticket/0663_MLF edited by mlelod


16:42 Changeset [1889] by rblod
Add a sample configuration for TAM
16:41 Changeset [1888] by rblod
Add a sample configuration for TAM
14:44 Changeset [1887] by rblod
Clean TAM repository
12:13 Changeset [1886] by rblod
Correct mistake done in changesset 1876
11:45 Changeset [1885] by rblod
add TAM sources
11:26 Changeset [1884] by rblod
Light adaptation of NEMO direct model routine to handle TAM
11:23 user/flavoni/libIGCM/tree_IGCM00 edited by flavoni
11:17 Changeset [1883] by rblod
Add scripts for TAM
10:21 Changeset [1882] by rblod
Create a specific branch for TAM with v3
10:13 Changeset [1881] by rblod
Create a specific branch for TAM with v3


11:04 user/rblod/TicketStat edited by smasson
10:57 DevelopersCommittee/2010questions edited by rblod
10:55 user/rblod/TicketStat edited by smasson
10:54 DevelopersCommittee/2010questions edited by rblod
10:54 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
10:52 DevelopersCommittee/2010questions edited by rblod
10:52 user/rblod/TicketStat edited by smasson
10:51 user/rblod/TicketStat edited by smasson
10:46 user/rblod/TicketStat edited by rblod


09:39 Changeset [1880] by aclsce
Put in CMIP5_IPSL branch bug fixes for diaptr code, see ticket:#361


17:04 Changeset [1879] by flavoni
Correcting previous commit
16:48 Changeset [1878] by flavoni
initial test for nemogcm
12:23 DevelopersCommittee/2010questions edited by gm
11:39 clima_plots_1000.pdf attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
11:39 clima_plots_500.pdf attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
11:39 clima_plots_100.pdf attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
11:38 clima_plots_10.pdf attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
11:38 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni


17:30 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
16:11 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
16:10 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
16:03 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
16:00 Ticket #361 (Proposal for diaptr) closed by charris
fixed: Code changes agreed with Olivier Marti and committed to trunk in [1877].
15:56 Changeset [1877] by charris
Bug fixes for diaptr code, see ticket:#361
15:25 Ticket #556 (add in opa9.card example for climatology, using bulk_clio formulae) closed by flavoni
14:51 user/flavoni/libIGCM edited by flavoni
14:49 user/flavoni/libIGCM/appendixpage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/appendixpage to libIGCM/appendixpage (diff)
14:49 user/flavoni/libIGCM/changepage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/changepage to libIGCM/changepage (diff)
14:48 user/flavoni/libIGCM/preparing_tag_v3_2 edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/preparing_tag_v3_2 to … (diff)
14:48 user/flavoni/libIGCM/iom_put edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/iom_put to libIGCM/iom_put (diff)
14:47 user/flavoni/libIGCM/todolistpage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/todolistpage to libIGCM/todolistpage (diff)
14:46 user/flavoni/libIGCM/donepage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/donepage to libIGCM/donepage (diff)
14:46 user/flavoni/libIGCM/resol_ORCA2 edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/resol_ORCA2 to libIGCM/resol_ORCA2 (diff)
14:45 user/flavoni/libIGCM/suggestpage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/suggestpage to libIGCM/suggestpage (diff)
14:45 user/flavoni/libIGCM/errorpage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/errorpage to libIGCM/errorpage (diff)
14:44 user/flavoni/libIGCM/tree_IGCM00 edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/tree_IGCM00 to libIGCM/tree_IGCM00 (diff)
14:43 user/flavoni/libIGCM/parallelpage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/parallelpage to libIGCM/parallelpage (diff)
14:43 WikiStart edited by flavoni
14:43 user/flavoni/libIGCM/postalreadyrunpage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/postalreadyrunpage to … (diff)
14:41 user/flavoni/libIGCM/postprocessingpage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/postprocessingpage to … (diff)
14:40 user/flavoni/libIGCM/common_account edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/common_account to libIGCM/common_account (diff)
14:39 user/flavoni/libIGCM/change_BC edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/change_BC to libIGCM/change_BC (diff)
14:39 user/flavoni/libIGCM edited by flavoni
14:37 user/flavoni/libIGCM/setupsimupage edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM/setupsimupage to libIGCM/setupsimupage (diff)
14:37 user/flavoni/libIGCM edited by flavoni
Name changed from private/libIGCM to libIGCM (diff)
11:22 Ticket #639 (Misread initial biological data files) closed by cetlod


17:35 Changeset [1876] by rblod
Corrections for AGRIF inside OBC see ticket #673
17:34 Ticket #673 (AGRIF and OBC) created by rblod
Agrif is not working inside a coarse grid with OBC. One fix is to define …
17:32 Changeset [1875] by rblod
Update POMME configuration
15:55 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
15:51 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
15:38 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
15:33 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
15:33 clima_plots.pdf attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
15:32 clima_ts.pdf attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
15:32 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
15:30 attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
15:30 attached to IS-ENES/core2_cmip by flavoni
15:29 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
15:24 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
12:44 user/flavoni/libIGCM/errorpage edited by flavoni
12:43 user/flavoni/libIGCM/errorpage edited by flavoni
12:36 user/flavoni/libIGCM/errorpage edited by flavoni
12:18 Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges edited by rblod
12:17 Developers edited by rblod
11:48 user/flavoni/libIGCM/errorpage edited by flavoni
11:42 user/flavoni/libIGCM/errorpage edited by flavoni
11:09 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
11:08 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
10:35 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
10:35 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
10:19 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni


16:17 Ticket #668 (lib_mpp and north fold condition) closed by rblod
16:17 Changeset [1874] by rblod
Bug mpp at north fold when suppressing land processors, see ticket #668
16:08 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
16:06 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
16:03 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
15:59 Changeset [1873] by cetlod
Update PISCES diagnostics for AR5


18:31 WikiStart edited by rblod
18:23 WikiStart edited by rblod
18:19 WikiStart edited by rblod
17:20 WikiStart edited by rblod
16:07 Changeset [1872] by nemodeveloper
add a structure in the module_example, see ticket #672
16:03 ticket/0672_example edited by nemodeveloper
16:01 Changeset [1871] by nemodeveloper
Create a specific branch for Module example
15:58 ticket/0672_example edited by nemodeveloper
15:56 ticket/0672_example created by nemodeveloper
15:53 Ticket #672 (Ticket example) created by nemodeveloper
A ticket example, we plan to change the module_example routine


13:29 ticket/0665_mass_heat_salt_fluxes edited by gm
12:01 ticket/0665_mass_heat_salt_fluxes edited by gm


17:07 DevelopersCommittee/2010questions edited by gm
16:03 ticket/0665_mass_heat_salt_fluxes edited by gm
10:03 ticket/0665_mass_heat_salt_fluxes edited by gm


17:36 Changeset [1870] by gm
ticket: #663 step-1 : introduce the modified forcing term
17:31 ticket/0663_MLF edited by gm
17:30 ticket/0663_MLF edited by gm
15:13 Ticket #671 (mbathy(:,:) field is not initialised when going through the zgr_bat_ctl ...) created by ctlod
Under specific cases a running time error could occur in domzgr.F90 …
15:02 2010WP/2010Action_institutions_LOCEAN edited by rblod
12:53 WikiStart edited by rblod
10:16 user/flavoni/libIGCM/appendixpage edited by flavoni


21:54 WikiStart edited by rblod
17:32 Changeset [1869] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:32 Changeset [1868] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:31 Changeset [1867] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:31 Changeset [1866] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:30 Changeset [1865] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:30 Changeset [1864] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:30 Changeset [1863] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:30 Changeset [1862] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
17:29 Changeset [1861] by rblod
Remocre useless branch
10:24 IS-ENES/core2_cmip edited by flavoni
09:13 user/flavoni/libIGCM/preparing_tag_v3_2 edited by flavoni
09:11 user/flavoni/libIGCM/iom_put edited by flavoni
09:10 user/flavoni/libIGCM/donepage edited by flavoni
09:07 user/flavoni/libIGCM/iom_put edited by flavoni
09:06 user/flavoni/libIGCM edited by flavoni
09:04 user/flavoni/libIGCM/setupsimupage edited by flavoni
06:11 ticket/0665_mass_heat_salt_fluxes edited by gm
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.