- 12:36 Ticket #862 (LIM2 VP/EVP initialisation and allocation corrections) closed by
- fixed
- 12:35 Changeset [2855] by
- Minor corrections to LIM2 initialisation and allocation, see ticket: #862
- 12:34 Ticket #862 (LIM2 VP/EVP initialisation and allocation corrections) created by
- A couple of minor corrections are needed to the LIM2 code. The first fixes …
- 12:11 Changeset [2854] by
- add comments
- 09:05 Changeset [2853] by
- delate Makefile, for unsing maketools.
- 15:10 Changeset [2852] by
- dev_r2787_PISCES_improvment:minor bug correction in nitrogen fixation …
- 14:22 Changeset [2851] by
- corrections
- 14:09 Changeset [2850] by
- add diadct namelist block for ORCA2
- 14:03 Changeset [2849] by
- tools to compute sections pathway
- 12:33 Changeset [2848] by
- add routines for online transports computing
- 09:01 Changeset [2847] by
- create branch for 2011 Mercator-Ocean development: Online computing of …
- 17:45 Changeset [2846] by
- modification of namelist and chapter for floats
- 16:18 Changeset [2845] by
- add missing ln_ascii in namelist
- 15:40 Changeset [2844] by
- minor corrections
- 15:14 ticket/0861 edited by
- (diff)
- 11:00 ticket/0861 created by
- 09:51 Ticket #861 (Discussion about the performance evaluation of the dynamic memory version) created by
- The NEMO version v3.3.1, with the introduction of the dynamical memory …
- 18:32 Changeset [2843] by
- comestic changes for flodom.F90, add call to flo_rst in floats.F90, minor …
- 11:25 Changeset [2842] by
- correction to have one instantaneous value per day
- 11:24 Changeset [2841] by
- cosmetic changes
- 16:33 Ticket #860 (Unallocated arrays qrp and erp sometimes passed from dia_wri to histwrite) created by
- Under some circumstances, dia_wri() will pass the arrays qrp and erp to …
- 15:42 ticket/0846 edited by
- (diff)
- 14:38 Changeset [2840] by
- branches/2011/dev_r2782_NOCS_Griffies ticket #838 bugfixes + preliminary …
- 08:41 Changeset [2839] by
- modified routine for netcdf output
- 17:54 Changeset [2838] by
- New branch for the PPM vertical advection scheme, NOCL
- 17:53 Changeset [2837] by
- New branch for the implicit bottom friction, NOCL
- 17:49 Changeset [2836] by
- New branch for the pressure Jacobian horizontal pressure gradient, NOCL
- 16:13 ticket/0859 created by
- 16:11 Changeset [2835] by
- create branch for 2011 development: MERCATOR 9 - Lagrangian Floats Module …
- 14:38 Ticket #859 (new branch for 2011 development: MERCATOR 9 - Lagrangian Floats Module ...) created by
- 13:19 Changeset [2834] by
- #662 Tidying of sbc_cpl_ice_flx (mainly related to LIM2). There is still …
- 11:37 Changeset [2833] by
- dev_r2787_LOCEAN3_TRA_TRP:correct minor bug to avoid compilation error
- 15:30 ticket/0846 edited by
- (diff)
- 15:23 ticket/0846 edited by
- (diff)
- 15:12 ticket/0846 edited by
- (diff)
- 12:16 Ticket #858 (Bug in thermal conductivity computation for Pringle version) created by
- In the computation of thermal conductivity using Pringle formula, the …
- 15:33 Changeset [2832] by
- #662 Latest code changes for sbccpl. These include bug-fixes, control of …
- 11:19 Ticket #857 (Restarting when using BDY in 3.3.1) created by
- Nemo crashes after one time step, if one does a restart with key_bdy …
- 15:12 Ticket #856 (Enhanced initialization for LIM3) created by
- Current initialization for LIM3 generates negative concentrations, which …
- 13:50 ticket/0846 edited by
- (diff)
- 18:24 Changeset [2831] by
- Change to allow the choice of initial fields as boundary data for each …
- 12:20 Changeset [2830] by
- Updates to average physics variables for TOP substepping.
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.