New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Timeline – NEMO



matching tags


17:02 ticket/1006_dev_NOC_2012_rev3555 created by acc
17:00 Changeset [3610] by acc
Branch dev_NOC_2012_r3555. #1006. Step 5: Merge in trunk changes between …
16:51 Changeset [3609] by acc
Branch dev_NOC_2012_r3555. #1006. Step 4: Merge in changes from …
16:40 Changeset [3608] by acc
Branch dev_NOC_2012_r3555. #1006. Step 3: Merge in trunk changes between …
16:24 Changeset [3607] by acc
Branch dev_NOC_2012_rev3555. #1006. Step 2: Add changes from the …
15:46 Changeset [3606] by pabouttier
Create a specific branch for NEMOTAM development, phased with 3.4 version
15:40 Changeset [3605] by acc
Create branch for the merge of all NOC 2012 developments. See ticket …
15:29 Ticket #1006 (New branch for merge of NOC 2012 developments) created by acc
15:22 Ticket #1005 (Adding modules and routines for TAM) closed by bouttier
fixed: Done in
15:21 Changeset [3604] by rblod
Adding routines and modules for TAM - Ticket #1005
15:20 Changeset [3603] by rfurner
Changes from trunk, revision 3452 to 3555 merged in
15:13 Changeset [3602] by rfurner
Changes from dev_r3452_UKMO2_DIADCT, revision 3452 to 3530 merged in
15:03 Changeset [3601] by rfurner
Changes from trunk, revision 3435 to 3452 merged in
14:59 Changeset [3600] by rfurner
Changes from branch dev_r3435_UKMO7_SCOORDS revision 3435 to 3507 merged …
14:52 Changeset [3599] by flavoni
correct tests for AMM12 in, ... even if AMM12 is not restartable …
14:40 Ticket #1005 (Adding modules and routines for TAM) created by bouttier
Adding modules and routines for TAM: - Direct model trajectory handling …
14:36 Ticket #1004 (Variable range for TAM in 3.4) closed by bouttier
fixed: Fixed in
14:35 Changeset [3598] by rblod
Change of some variable range for TAM in 3.4 - Ticket #1004
14:32 Changeset [3597] by rfurner
Creating a branch to contain Met Office 2012 branches for the merge
14:31 Changeset [3596] by rfurner
Mistakenly Created branch at wrong revision! Deleting to recreate
14:27 Changeset [3595] by rfurner
Creating a branch to contain Met Office 2012 branches for the merge
14:24 Ticket #1004 (Variable range for TAM in 3.4) created by bouttier
Some variable that are used in TAM have to be PUBLIC
13:28 Changeset [3594] by rfurner
code not tested through SETTEE, builds and runs, but has not been …
13:22 Ticket #1003 (UKMO merge branch) created by rfurner
A branch needs to be created to hold the Met Office 2012 code updates, …
12:48 Changeset [3593] by vichi
Add in branch 2012/dev_CMCC_2012 changes from dev_r3365_CMCC1_BDYOBCopt & …
12:39 Changeset [3592] by vichi
OBC and BDY optimization by CMCC Also Added ARCH/CMCC folder with …
11:51 Changeset [3591] by vichi
Step 1: Created dev_CMCC_2012 merge branch, see ticket #1002
11:50 Ticket #1002 (Branch for all CMCC 2012 developments) created by vichi
Create a branch for the merge of CMCC developments in 2012 : …
10:23 Ticket #846 (New Branch for 2011 development CMCC.1: improved TOP interface with BFM) closed by vichi
duplicate: Continued in Ticket #961
09:49 Changeset [3590] by vichi
Created branch dev_r3365_CMCC1_BDYOBCopt with optimization of BDY and OBC


21:04 Changeset [3589] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_LOEAN_2012 update from dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB
20:47 Changeset [3588] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB bug correction in fldread.F90
19:04 Changeset [3587] by cbricaud
add miising dummy subroutines
18:42 Changeset [3586] by cbricaud
add modification from dev_r3342_MERCATOR7_SST in dev_MERCATOR_2012_rev3555
18:14 Changeset [3585] by cbricaud
commit modifications due to review for SST night operator
17:59 Ticket #1001 (Merge Mercator Dvpts for 2012) created by cbricaud
17:56 ticket/0944/Review edited by cbricaud
17:21 Changeset [3584] by cetlod
Add in branch 2012/dev_LOCEAN_2012 changes from dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB …
17:18 Changeset [3583] by cbricaud
add modification from dev_r3327_MERCATOR1_BDY branch in …
17:03 Changeset [3582] by cbricaud
create branch to merge Mercator Devpts in 2012
16:43 Changeset [3581] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB bug correction in trcsbc.F90
15:49 Changeset [3580] by cetlod
Correction of surface boundary condition on passive tracers : see ticket …
15:06 ticket/0944/Review edited by cbricaud
15:06 Changeset [3579] by cetlod
Step 1: Created dev_LOCEAN_2012 merge branch, see ticket #1000
15:01 Ticket #1000 (Branch for all LOCEAN 2012 developments) created by cetlod
Create a branch for the merge of LOCEAN developments in 2012 : - …
14:35 Ticket #999 (Bug in TOP/trcsbc.F90 module : the mass flux associated with runoff should ...) created by cetlod
The mass/volume addition due to the river runoff is, at each relevant …
12:53 Ticket #940 (Uninitialized flag for rotation in structure FLD of fld_read) closed by smasson
fixed: You are right, if time interp = false and you want to rotate the fields, …
12:51 Changeset [3578] by smasson
bugfix in fldread when rotating field with no time interpolation, see …
12:47 Changeset [3577] by adani
ticket #998. Step 5: Add in changes from the trunk between revisions 3521 …
12:39 Changeset [3576] by adani
ticket #998. Step 4: Add in changes from the 2012/dev_r3521_INGV7_muscl …
12:29 Changeset [3575] by adani
ticket #998. Step 3: Add in changes from the trunk between revisions 3389 …
12:13 Changeset [3574] by adani
ticket #998. Step 2: Add in changes from the 2012/dev_r3389_INGV4_stokes …
11:54 Changeset [3573] by adani
ticket #998. Step 1: Created dev_INGV 2012 merge branch
11:53 Ticket #795 (limwri_2.F90: wrong average for EVP (NEMO_3.3)) closed by rblod
fixed: Considering your constance in this request, I've fixed it in 3.4 trunk for …
11:42 Ticket #998 (Created dev_INGV 2012 merge branch) created by adani
This branch merges together changes from INGV4 and INGV7 development …
11:23 Changeset [3572] by cbricaud
merge dev_r3342_MERCATOR7_SST with trunk: rev3342 to rev3555.
11:09 Changeset [3571] by cbricaud
merge branche dev_r3327_MERCATOR1_BDY with trunk: rev3327 to rev3555. …
10:58 Changeset [3570] by cbricaud
merge branche dev_r3327_MERCATOR1_BDY with trunk: rev3327 to rev3555
10:20 Changeset [3569] by smasson
update arch file for Curie


19:18 Changeset [3568] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB minor corrections
19:15 Changeset [3567] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB add ORCA2_LIM_CFC_C14b configuration
19:09 Changeset [3566] by cetlod
branch dev_r3387_LOCEAN6_AGRIF_LIM: add some corrections to make AGRIF …
19:06 Ticket #957 (Bug in obcdta : wrong index in allocation) closed by rblod
fixed: Fix on 3.4 trunk, see
19:05 Changeset [3565] by rblod
Fix allocation of msk in obcdta, see ticket #957
18:43 Ticket #908 (3.4beta : compilation with key_lim2 && key_lim2_vp) closed by rblod
fixed: Fix in 3.4 trunk ,
18:42 Changeset [3564] by rblod
fix output average with EVP, see ticket #908
18:35 ticket/0944/Review edited by djlea
18:09 Ticket #962 (Bug in zgr_sco missing lbc exchanges incorrect halo zeroing) closed by acc
fixed: Most likely the same bug reported in #831. Fixed at revision 3563.
18:07 Ticket #831 (ghost line not passed across processors in SUBROUTINE zgr_sco of ...) closed by acc
fixed: Implemented the quick fix solution suggested here at revision 3563. Longer …
18:03 Changeset [3563] by acc
#831 and #962: quick fix to initialise ghost rows of the envelope …
18:00 Ticket #835 (no dffusion option) closed by rblod
fixed: Fix in 3.4, see …
17:18 Ticket #952 (vvl and flux formulation) closed by rblod
fixed: see
17:17 Changeset [3562] by rblod
Fix vvl and flux formulae, see ticket #952
17:14 Ticket #964 (Limitation on meaning periods when using iomput) closed by smasson
17:09 Ticket #951 (typo in bdyice_lim2.F90) closed by davestorkey
16:49 Ticket #836 (default scheme in dynadv_ubs) closed by rblod
fixed: Fixed in 3.4, see …
16:42 Ticket #753 (compilation with AGRIF) closed by rblod
16:41 WikiStart edited by rblod
16:18 Changeset [3561] by vichi
Corrected bug in directory of ocean input files It was not possible to …
16:02 Changeset [3560] by flavoni
correct iodef.xml in SETTE, see ticket #941
13:31 Ticket #997 (Heat flux arrays not initialised in LIM3) created by ufla
In lim_thd_dif, latent heat flux is updated as […] However, the …
11:53 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
11:18 Changeset [3559] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB minor changes for Tropical Cyclones …
09:50 ticket/0944/Review created by cbricaud


20:24 Ticket #921 (agrif in 3_4_beta) closed by rblod
fixed: Done when merging the 3_4_beta into the trunk, see …
20:19 Ticket #812 (dynspg_ts again) closed by rblod
fixed: Successfully included thanks to Andrew in 3.4
20:16 Ticket #996 (SIGN function in f2003) closed by rblod
fixed: See
20:15 Changeset [3558] by rblod
Fix issues when using key_nosignedzeo, see ticket #996
20:10 Ticket #996 (SIGN function in f2003) created by rblod
As reported several times by JMM, we have a key key_nosignedzero fo force …
18:04 Changeset [3557] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB minor modifications for PISCES when …
18:03 Changeset [3556] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB add the Tropical Cyclones module
14:24 Ticket #892 (Final branch for 2011 developments) closed by gm
14:00 Ticket #966 (GYRE using linear eos (nn_eos=1) very slow) closed by gm
invalid: In fact in linear eos 1 ( rho=f(T) ) it is impossible to have a isoneutral …
12:50 Ticket #995 (bug in limtrp) closed by gm
fixed: fixed , see Changeset 3554
12:50 Changeset [3555] by flavoni
correct bad L_NPROC-1,see ticket #941
12:48 Changeset [3554] by gm
Ticket #995 fixed (bug in limtrp.F90)
12:48 Changeset [3553] by flavoni
correct bad L_NPROC-1,see ticket #941
12:46 Ticket #995 (bug in limtrp) created by gm
Minor bug (shown to have a small impact on the results) Nature: wrong …
12:42 Changeset [3552] by flavoni
correct bad link for AMM12 config, see ticket #941
12:42 Ticket #849 (dynamic allocation in limrhg_2) closed by rblod
fixed: Became invalid, there are no more global arrays in limrhg in 3.4, …
12:03 Ticket #804 (limdmp_2 probable bug) closed by gm
fixed: see also ticket:#963  fixed …
12:00 Changeset [3551] by gm
Ticket #963 fixed (bug in limdmp_2.F90 : wrong variable used)
11:46 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_Mercator edited by cbricaud
11:45 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_Mercator edited by cbricaud
11:45 Changeset [3550] by flavoni
correct bad link for restart in ORCA2_OFF config, see ticket #941
11:43 Ticket #963 (bug in limdmp_2.F90 : wrong variable used.) closed by gm
11:43 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
11:42 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
11:42 Changeset [3549] by gm
Ticket #963 fixed (bug in limdmp_2.F90 : wrong variable used)
11:41 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
11:25 Changeset [3548] by flavoni
correct bad link for restart in ORCA2_OFF config, see ticket #941
10:33 Changeset [3547] by flavoni
sette: add missing CPP key key_mpp_mpi in ORCA2_OFF config, see ticket: …
10:28 Changeset [3546] by flavoni
add removed tests in, see ticket: #941
10:04 Changeset [3545] by gm
branch: dev_r3385_NOCS04_HAMF; #665. bug correction in LIM3


21:09 Changeset [3544] by smasson
branch dev_r3406_LOCEAN4_XIOS_r35474 : complete previous modification + …
19:20 Changeset [3543] by cetlod
sette: add missing CPP key key_mpp_mpi in ORCA2_OFF config, see ticket: …
16:00 Changeset [3542] by flavoni
update iodef_sette.xml for agrif
15:53 Changeset [3541] by flavoni
update iodef_sette.xml for agrif
13:04 Changeset [3540] by flavoni
remove bad link in, see ticket: #941
12:11 Changeset [3539] by flavoni
update input agrif, see ticket: #941
10:58 Changeset [3538] by flavoni
update,correct bad cp, see ticket: #941
10:41 Changeset [3537] by flavoni
update,ok for trunk tests, see ticket: #941
10:19 Changeset [3536] by flavoni
update,correct bad cp, see ticket: #941
09:20 Changeset [3535] by flavoni
update, see ticket: #941


17:28 Changeset [3534] by flavoni
update SETTE, add restart removed for error, see ticket: #941
16:22 Changeset [3533] by flavoni
update SETTE, add CURIE machine, see ticket: #941
15:28 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice edited by rfurner
10:35 Changeset [3532] by flavoni
Sette now is working, and all routines are coherents, see ticket: #941


11:10 Changeset [3531] by cetlod
branch:2012/dev_r3438_LOCEAN15_PISLOB minor bug correction, to ensure …


11:38 Changeset [3530] by rfurner
small ammendments to comments and documentation
10:38 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_CMCC edited by vichi
09:10 ticket/0993/Review edited by cbricaud
09:10 ticket/0993/Review edited by cbricaud
09:10 ticket/0993/Review edited by cbricaud
09:05 ticket/0993/Review edited by cbricaud


15:17 Changeset [3529] by adani
Read 2d Stokes Drift (U,V) and wavenumber, compute the 3D fields and the …
12:16 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_INGV edited by poddo
11:31 Changeset [3528] by rfurner
changed heat calculation to use C in place of Kelvin, and initialised some …


16:23 Changeset [3527] by poddo
include the up-stream in muscl.
16:03 Ticket #994 (include up-stream in muscl advection scheme) created by poddo
include up-stream in muscl advection scheme
15:00 Changeset [3526] by poddo


12:09 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice edited by edblockley
12:08 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice edited by edblockley
11:23 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice edited by rfurner
11:17 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice edited by rfurner
07:38 Changeset [3525] by gm
Branch: dev_r3385_NOCS04_HAMF; #665. bug correction in limdia for Fram …
07:13 Changeset [3524] by gm
Branch: dev_r3385_NOCS04_HAMF; #665. add USE lib_fortran when SIGN is used …


16:09 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice edited by charris
08:58 Changeset [3523] by gm
Branch: dev_r3385_NOCS04_HAMF; #665. LIM3 update: bug correction in limtrp …


17:42 Ticket #987 (Unable to output mean and instantaneous fields concurrently) closed by smasson
invalid: This can be done if you use iom_put but there is a small trick to make it …
11:44 Changeset [3522] by rfurner
removed unneccessary calculation of mass transports and corrected small …


13:21 Changeset [3521] by flavoni
correct minor bug, see ticket: #941
12:07 Changeset [3520] by flavoni
update SETTE files, see ticket: #941
11:32 Ticket #941 (bugfixes in SETTE validation tool) reopened by flavoni


13:36 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
13:24 Changeset [3519] by rfurner
small change to increase numer of classes
13:22 Changeset [3518] by rfurner
ammended code to calculate heat and salt transports in W and kg s-1
12:38 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_NOC edited by acc


15:57 ticket/0665_mass_heat_salt_fluxes edited by gm
12:13 Changeset [3517] by gm
gm: Branch: dev_r3385_NOCS04_HAMF; #665. update sbccpl ; change LIM3 from …


14:29 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
14:23 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
14:22 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
13:57 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
13:55 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
12:09 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
12:03 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
11:57 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
11:16 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud
11:06 ticket/0937 edited by cbricaud


14:58 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_Met_Office edited by charris
14:57 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_Met_Office edited by charris
14:53 Changeset [3516] by charris
Documentation updates.
14:52 Changeset [3515] by charris
Some of the changes from the dev_3352_UKMO8_CICE branch already had to be …


19:22 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice edited by charris


10:39 Changeset [3514] by vichi
Removed namelists that are not used anymore by the BFM


19:40 Changeset [3513] by vichi
Updated to BFM-V5 and added PELAGOS_OFFLINE
18:55 Changeset [3512] by vichi
Restored the default sbcblk_core.F90 and housekeeping
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.