- 17:23 ticket/1217 edited by
- (diff)
- 14:50 Ticket #1239 (unallocated arrays in daily mean to diurnal cycle code with passive ...) created by
- There is a problem with unallocated arrays when using ln_dm2dc = .TRUE. …
- 14:38 Changeset [4394] by
- add time series of FRAM STRAIT, and update IDL plots, see ticket: #724
- 10:48 Ticket #1206 (Typo in sbccpl.F90?) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in [4391] (3.4 stable), [4392] (trunk) and [4393] (2013 merge).
- 10:40 Changeset [4393] by
- #1206 Fix for bug introduced under #1107.
- 10:37 Changeset [4392] by
- #1206 Fix for bug introduced under #1107.
- 10:31 Changeset [4391] by
- #1206 Fix for bug introduced under #1107.
- 18:31 Ticket #1237 (bug in fldread when accessing monthly mean files) closed by
- duplicate: Apologies. I missed that one. Marking as duplicate and closing. James
- 19:41 Ticket #1238 (Bug in volume calculation for tendency diagnostics) created by
- In the file dev_v3_4_STABLE_2012/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/TRD/trdicp.F90, …
- 16:06 Changeset [4390] by
- some more on wadlmt.F90
- 15:55 Changeset [4389] by
- add a missed loop in wadlmt.F90
- 15:43 Changeset [4388] by
- minor corrections on PISCES namelist parameters
- 15:35 Ticket #1058 (pb with ln_loglayer and minimum background coefficient) closed by
- fixed
- 15:33 Ticket #1209 (Time splitting + key_vvl: Call to wzv prior vertical scale factor update) closed by
- fixed
- 14:48 Changeset [4387] by
- Correct call to dom_vvl_sf_nxt (impacts ztilde and dynspg_flt only): …
- 14:45 Changeset [4386] by
- Typo error for timing
- 14:43 Changeset [4385] by
- 1) Modified Wetting and Drying flux limiter part 2) I will apply all the …
- 13:50 Ticket #1237 (bug in fldread when accessing monthly mean files) created by
- The following issue arose when using boundary data that happen to be …
- 18:07 Changeset [4384] by
- removed accidental duplication of ln_loglayer in ref namelist
- 17:21 Changeset [4383] by
- updates to AMM12 namelist options
- 16:37 Ticket #1234 (fse3t not defined over all points) closed by
- invalid
- 15:31 Ticket #1236 (Missing namelist variable in OFFLINE) closed by
- fixed
- 15:30 Changeset [4382] by
- bugfix : read the namelist variable nn_euler, see ticket #1236
- 15:29 Ticket #1236 (Missing namelist variable in OFFLINE) created by
- The new variable nn_euler is missing in the namelist definition in offline …
- 15:26 Changeset [4381] by
- bug with log bottom friction and namelist update
- 14:54 Changeset [4380] by
- wetting and drying: some bugs removed from dynspg_ts.F90
- 14:06 Ticket #1058 (pb with ln_loglayer and minimum background coefficient) reopened by
- 12:55 Changeset [4379] by
- small changes to SETTE to suit new AMM input tarfile
- 12:54 Changeset [4378] by
- mask values before outputing in vvl case, see ticket 1213
- 12:46 Changeset [4377] by
- small updates to UKMO arch file
- 19:47 Changeset [4376] by
- updating wetting/drying filter for explicit time_splitting
- 14:55 Changeset [4375] by
- updated gravity filters
- 11:45 Ticket #1235 (Division by zero in timing routines) created by
- Subroutine wcurrent_info in timing.F90 contains this code: […] However, …
- 11:38 Ticket #1231 (Numeric problem along the north fold) closed by
- invalid: Closing the issue as there is nothing to fix in the code.
- 11:31 Changeset [4374] by
- Fixed small bug in flux form + clean header
- 10:51 Changeset [4373] by
- new SETTE test for testing XIOS in its 4 modes Attached/Detached?, …
- 17:20 Ticket #1234 (fse3t not defined over all points) created by
- The values of fse3t are not defined for the bottom level (and possibly …
- 16:33 Ticket #1222 (Issues with fldread at 3.6) closed by
- fixed
- 11:42 Changeset [4372] by
- fixed conflict with definition of ht(:,:) in dom_oce
- 10:55 Changeset [4371] by
- Fix to unitialised value in fld read, see ticket 1222
- 10:30 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 10:29 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 10:03 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 10:01 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 02:01 Ticket #1233 (Tidal Harmonics U written as V component (iom)) created by
- Instead of writing out the v-components of the tide in diaharm.F90, the …
- 18:20 Ticket #1228 (Add time splitting block in namelist) closed by
- fixed
- 18:20 Ticket #1227 (Issues with vvl initialization) closed by
- fixed
- 18:19 Ticket #1225 (Euler first time step as a namelist option) closed by
- fixed
- 18:19 Ticket #1133 (Compatibility between bdy and Agrif) closed by
- fixed
- 18:13 Changeset [4370] by
- Time split cleaning / AMM12 restart / BDY and Agrif. See tickets #1228, …
- 17:38 Changeset [4369] by
- Change time step order, ticket #1232
- 17:03 Ticket #1232 (Misplaced update of time varying lateral diffusion for time splitting) created by
- Change step order to compute time varying (in direction or magnitude) …
- 14:14 Ticket #1230 (restartability problem with key_vvl + ln_rnf=T + ln_rnf_depth=T) closed by
- fixed
- 14:13 Changeset [4368] by
- fixed restartability problem, ticket #1230
- 13:46 Ticket #1231 (Numeric problem along the north fold) created by
- While testing the dev_MERGE_2013 branch (revision 4367 for now) with …
- 12:46 Ticket #1230 (restartability problem with key_vvl + ln_rnf=T + ln_rnf_depth=T) created by
- nk_rnf(:,:) (the number of vertical layers over which river fluxes are …
- 18:02 Ticket #1229 (Missing "Use trdmod_oce" statement in dyndmp.F90) closed by
- fixed: Done, at r4367
- 17:59 Changeset [4367] by
- Minor bug fix to C1D/dyndmp, see ticket #1229.
- 17:55 Ticket #1229 (Missing "Use trdmod_oce" statement in dyndmp.F90) created by
- The statement "USE trdmod_oce" needs to be added to C1D/dyndmp.F90 to …
- 16:51 Ticket #1228 (Add time splitting block in namelist) created by
- "namsplit"
- 15:57 Changeset [4366] by
- correct vvl initialization, ticket #1227
- 15:14 Ticket #1227 (Issues with vvl initialization) created by
- I found several bugs that make impossible the correct initialization of …
- 14:59 Ticket #1226 (Missing initialization of rnf_b) closed by
- fixed
- 14:55 Changeset [4365] by
- add initialization of rnf_b, ticket #1226
- 14:54 Ticket #1226 (Missing initialization of rnf_b) created by
- If ln_rnf=.FALSE., "before" river fluxes rnf_b(:,:) are not initialized. …
- 14:50 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 14:47 Ticket #1224 (Missing nn_timing flag in traldf_lap.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 14:46 Changeset [4364] by
- missing nn_timing flag, ticket #1224
- 14:45 Ticket #1225 (Euler first time step as a namelist option) created by
- 14:41 Ticket #1224 (Missing nn_timing flag in traldf_lap.F90) created by
- 12:11 Changeset [4363] by
- incuding fcm make option for building executables
- 10:58 Ticket #1223 (Surface pressure gradient error) created by
- Line 136 in the DYN/dynspg.F90 routine at NEMO3.6 updates the surface …
- 10:33 Ticket #1144 (Format error in TOP_SRC/trcnam.f90) closed by
- fixed: Only done in v3.4 beta ; useless in v3.6 alpha
- 10:32 Changeset [4362] by
- v3.4beta:bugfix to correct I/O format of passive tracer name, see ticket …
- 10:23 Ticket #1199 (problem in the euphotic layer computation) closed by
- fixed: Done in v3.4 beta & v3.6 alpha
- 10:22 Changeset [4361] by
- v3.6alpha:bugfix to properly calculate the euphotic layer in depth in …
- 10:20 Changeset [4360] by
- v3.4alpha:bugfix to properly calculate the euphotic layer in depth in …
- 09:39 Ticket #1220 (compilation problem with key_trdmld_trc : circular dependency (nemo_v3_4)) closed by
- fixed: Already solved in the stable version of v3.4
- 09:22 Ticket #1221 (compilation problem with key_trdmld_trc : circular dependency (nemo_v3_5 ...) closed by
- fixed
- 09:21 Changeset [4359] by
- bugfix to allow compilation with key_trdmld_trc activated, see ticket …
- 11:23 Ticket #1222 (Issues with fldread at 3.6) created by
- When running the AMM12 with the 3.6 merge code line 196-197 has a floating …
- 18:00 Ticket #1221 (compilation problem with key_trdmld_trc : circular dependency (nemo_v3_5 ...) created by
- * bug reported by Aurelie Albert * It is not the same (even if it looks …
- 17:52 Ticket #1220 (compilation problem with key_trdmld_trc : circular dependency (nemo_v3_4)) created by
- * Bugs found by Aurelie Albert : * Bug when activating the key …
- 17:15 ticket/1216_ECMWF_WAVES edited by
- (diff)
- 16:09 Changeset [4358] by
- [test enhanced CORE over sea ice, see ticket #1219]
- 16:00 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 15:58 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 15:57 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 15:55 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 15:55 Changeset [4357] by
- create MV branch
- 15:54 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 15:31 Ticket #1219 (Improve CORE bulk formulation over sea ice) created by
- Core formulation of bulks is perfectible over sea ice. a. The hemispheric …
- 13:12 Changeset [4356] by
- a few bugs removed
- 18:55 Changeset [4355] by
- update Wetting/drying branch. Will keep commit in the next a few days.
- 17:56 Changeset [4354] by
- Restore AGRIF and BDY compatibility, see ticket #1133
- 16:30 Changeset [4353] by
- Branch 2013/dev_ECMWF_waves ticket #1216. Update namelist handling to …
- 13:26 Ticket #1218 (Diawri and vvl outputting) created by
- Hi, I am a little confused about the way diawri deals with the vvl case. …
- 11:35 Changeset [4352] by
- Branch 2013/dev_ECMWF_waves ticket #1216. Corrections to first set of …
- 21:18 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CMCC edited by
- (diff)
- 21:18 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CMCC edited by
- (diff)
- 16:30 ticket/1217 edited by
- (diff)
- 16:08 ticket/1217 created by
- 16:04 Ticket #1217 (NEMO AGRIF WORKING GROUP) created by
- Create Wiki Page for NEMO-AGRIF WG developments
- 15:27 Changeset [4351] by
- Branch 2013/dev_ECMWF_waves ticket #1216. First set of code imports from …
- 12:34 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings edited by
- (diff)
- 12:34 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings/2014_01_16 created by
- 12:30 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings edited by
- (diff)
- 12:03 Changeset [4350] by
- cleaning variable names
- 11:04 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by
- (diff)
- 09:55 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings/2014_01_14 created by
- 09:53 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings/2013_12_10 created by
- 09:49 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings created by
- 09:39 WorkingGroups/LIM edited by
- (diff)
- 09:38 WorkingGroups/LIM created by
- 09:36 WorkingGroups edited by
- (diff)
- 18:20 2014WP/Met_Office edited by
- (diff)
- 12:45 ticket/1216_ECMWF_WAVES created by
- 12:38 Changeset [4349] by
- Create branch for the temporary hosting of surface wave comonents from …
- 10:54 Ticket #1216 (Temporary development branch for hosting surface wave components from ...) created by
- Working branch to import surface wave components from ECMWF. Changes will …
- 18:32 2014WP/Met_Office edited by
- (diff)
- 18:19 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 18:07 user/rfurner/FCMmake created by
- 17:05 Changeset [4348] by
- Changes to allow building of executables with fcm make
- 12:49 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CMCC edited by
- (diff)
- 10:30 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by
- (diff)
- 10:19 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by
- (diff)
- 10:18 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by
- (diff)
- 10:18 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by
- (diff)
- 10:04 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by
- (diff)
- 15:48 Ticket #1215 (remove obsolete option in sbcfwb (fwb=3)) closed by
- fixed
- 15:48 Ticket #1215 (remove obsolete option in sbcfwb (fwb=3)) created by
- done in dev_MERGE_2013 @ r4347
- 15:36 Changeset [4347] by
- remove obsolete option for freshwater budget for global ocean …
- 11:45 Ticket #1214 (Division by zero in lim_itd_me_ridgeprep (LIM3)) created by
- When running r4346 of dev_MERGE_2013 I get division by zero in line 682 of …
- 18:09 Ticket #1213 (XIOS issues) created by
- When trying to run the AMM12 with XIOS and the latest merge code …
- 17:25 Changeset [4346] by
- clean the glob_sum diags for LIM3
- 16:59 Changeset [4345] by
- clean the glob_sum diags and make scalar.nc work
- 16:22 Changeset [4344] by
- Ammended UKMO build options to turn of build optimisation
- 16:22 Changeset [4343] by
- Corrected iodef.xml file for AMM12 in keeping with ticket 1122
- 11:42 Changeset [4342] by
- small changes in IGCM00 directory
- 15:34 Ticket #1211 (Bug, variables e3t_n, dept_n and e3tdef not defined in field_def files) closed by
- fixed: field_def.xml is shared amongst all the configurations so only the …
- 15:24 Changeset [4341] by
- Branch dev_MERGE_2013. Bug fix for #1211; addition of missing definitions …
- 12:36 Ticket #1212 (Bug in UBS (dynamic) & partial cells) created by
- In dynadv_ubs, the scale factor are not taking into account in the …
- 14:09 Ticket #1211 (Bug, variables e3t_n, dept_n and e3tdef not defined in field_def files) created by
- The variables e3t_n, dept_n and e3tdef are called with iomput, however are …
- 15:38 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 15:37 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by
- (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.