- 18:45 Changeset [4780] by
- Second commit in UKMO11 development branch. This change allows the user …
- 16:21 Changeset [4779] by
- Update AGRIF internal routines and conv on branch dev_r4765_CNRS_agrif
- 15:51 Changeset [4778] by
- Tag vendors/AGRIF/current as vendors/AGRIF/r_02.
- 15:51 Changeset [4777] by
- Load working_directory into vendors/AGRIF/current.
- 13:50 Ticket #1391 (icblbc.F90. Problems with processors elimination with ICB module) created by
- * ORCA025.L75, multiproc coupled with ICB * When working with processor …
- 12:31 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by
- (diff)
- 11:27 Changeset [4776] by
- create devpt branch for congif man
- 10:31 ticket/1306/Review edited by
- (diff)
- 09:40 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by
- (diff)
- 20:33 Ticket #1390 (Unable to open initiales files in p4z_sed_init.) created by
- In the subroutine p4z_sed_init (in file p4zsed.F90) the model is anable to …
- 19:06 Changeset [4775] by
- First round of chnages for restart functionality branch (UKMO11). These …
- 15:47 Ticket #1389 (icbutl.f90 : Numerical instability caused by the interpolation of ocean ...) created by
- - Setting : ORCA025.L75 with mutlproc and icb - The dynamics of …
- 15:11 Ticket #1388 (neutral drag coefficient / cyclones) created by
- Neutral drag coefficient from Large and Yeager 2004 is not adapted to …
- 14:36 Changeset [4774] by
- Updated documentation to describe new diagnostics.
- 13:22 Changeset [4773] by
- small fixes in namelists for ORCA2_LIM_AGRIF reference configuration
- 19:25 Ticket #1387 (Slow varying divergence is not read in restart (ztilde coord.)) created by
- With ztilde vertical coordinate, slow varying divergence is not read in …
- 19:19 Changeset [4772] by
- Changes to allow hour start time. First version.
- 18:19 2014WP/ticket/1310 edited by
- (diff)
- 17:52 Changeset [4771] by
- #1310: Create a new branch for allowing arbitrary start hours in NEMO …
- 16:55 Ticket #1386 (bug in ENE and ENS vorticity schemes with partial steps?) created by
- In the ENE and ENS vorticity schemes (vor_ene and vor_ens) there are two …
- 14:23 Ticket #1353 (sshbb_e and sshb_e nor initialized in dynspg_ts.F90 when not ln_rstart and ...) closed by
- fixed
- 14:22 Changeset [4770] by
- Initialize barotropic arrays, see ticket #1353
- 12:24 Ticket #1385 (trc.F90; gtru and gtrv incorrectly dimensioned in nemo_3_5_beta) created by
- gtru and gtrv should be allocated space by jptra and not jpk: ALLOCATE( …
- 12:22 Ticket #1384 (Missing open boundary conditions with LIM2) closed by
- fixed: A call to bdy in sbcice_lim_2.F90 was missing. It's corrected now (though …
- 12:20 Changeset [4769] by
- adding missing call to bdyice_lim to run bdy with lim2
- 12:11 ticket/1328/review created by
- 12:08 Ticket #1384 (Missing open boundary conditions with LIM2) created by
- Open boundary conditions on fraction and thicknesses are missing in LIM2
- 11:29 ticket/1328 edited by
- (diff)
- 11:05 Changeset [4768] by
- Adding code for bias correction to SST obs
- 09:03 Ticket #1383 (Compile failure with BDY and LIM2) closed by
- fixed
- 09:03 Changeset [4767] by
- Addition of import module dom_ice_2 to allow compilation of BDY and LIM2 …
- 08:59 Ticket #1383 (Compile failure with BDY and LIM2) created by
- In bdyice_lim the module dom_ice is used for both key_lim2 and key_lim3. …
- 08:51 Ticket #1382 (BDY LIM2 condition equal to initial conditions fails) created by
- If one tries to run bdy ice boundary conditions taken from initial …
- 16:46 Ticket #1353 (sshbb_e and sshb_e nor initialized in dynspg_ts.F90 when not ln_rstart and ...) reopened by
- 15:44 Ticket #1381 (new Development branch) closed by
- duplicate
- 15:36 Changeset [4766] by
- Create a branch for the last version of Agrif
- 15:35 Ticket #1381 (new Development branch) created by
- Create a branch for the last version of AGRIF core library. This change …
- 15:35 Ticket #1380 (new Development branch for AGRIF) created by
- Create a branch for the last version of AGRIF core library. This change …
- 15:02 Ticket #1379 (lines length over 132) closed by
- fixed
- 14:55 Changeset [4765] by
- Compilation issue, see ticket #1379
- 14:54 Ticket #1379 (lines length over 132) created by
- Some lines with pretty remarkable length .…
- 17:46 Changeset [4764] by
- Branch to illustrate possible sbc approach
- 14:54 Ticket #1378 (Fix bug in return code handling in cpl_oasis3.F90) created by
- cpl_oasis3.F90 contains a bug which can lead to confusion when debugging …
- 18:58 Changeset [4763] by
- Creating branch for inclusion of extra restart functionality as per work …
- 17:35 ticket/1306/Review edited by
- (diff)
- 11:33 Ticket #1377 (OBC to BDY: wrong allocation) created by
- I try to run with my old OBC files and a segmentation fault occurs when …
- 15:30 Changeset [4762] by
- correct long_names in field_def.xml
- 15:27 Changeset [4761] by
- add salt transport in addition to heat transport in diawri.F90
- 15:19 Changeset [4760] by
- remove call to dia_hsb_rst (already in diahsb.F90)
- 10:20 Ticket #1376 (AGRIF does not run with north fold) created by
- ORCA2-LIM does not run anymore when compiled with key_agrif and no zoom* …
- 14:40 Ticket #1334 (Reference manual missing Figures/Fig_time_split.pdf file) closed by
- fixed: http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/changeset/4759
- 14:40 Changeset [4759] by
- Correct Figure name in documentation, see ticket #1334
- 14:27 Ticket #1337 (Bug in bdytides.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 14:13 Changeset [4758] by
- Change to allow tides and frs, see ticket #1337
- 11:28 Ticket #1266 (AMM12, ifort and -O3 optimization issue) closed by
- fixed: Changed in revision 4687
- 11:17 Ticket #1373 (introduce forgotten "USE key_asminc" in DYN/dynspg_ts.F90) closed by
- fixed: Corrected in revision 4757
- 11:16 Changeset [4757] by
- Include assimilation module, see ticket #1373
- 11:02 Ticket #1375 (degradation of North Atlantic solution in ORCA025 at 3.6) created by
- The solution in the North Atlantic seems to be significantly degraded at …
- 17:41 ticket/1296/Review edited by
- (diff)
- 16:42 ticket/1296/Review created by
- 14:53 Ticket #1374 (filename "data_1m_salinity_nomask.nc" hard-wired in diaar5) created by
- In NEMO 3.6, the diaar5 routine has the filename …
- 09:47 Changeset [4756] by
- Added two new routines, diatmb and dia25h to handle 25hourly and tmb …
- 16:31 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by
- (diff)
- 16:29 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by
- (diff)
- 16:23 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by
- (diff)
- 15:55 Changeset [4755] by
- add new idl plots; mld new map for example, see ticket #724
- 15:07 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 15:06 user/acc/XIOSextras edited by
- (diff)
- 15:05 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 15:04 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 15:03 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 15:02 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 15:01 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 14:55 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 14:53 user/acc/XIOSextras edited by
- (diff)
- 14:51 user/acc/XIOSextras created by
- 14:44 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 14:44 Developers edited by
- (diff)
- 16:11 Changeset [4754] by
- change to give a one level model in surge case
- 08:43 2014WP/Met_Office edited by
- (diff)
- 08:40 2014WP/Met_Office edited by
- (diff)
- 20:01 Changeset [4753] by
- Add SST, SLA observation types to test.
- 18:58 Changeset [4752] by
- Add basic observation statistics writing to ocean.output
- 15:48 2014WP/ticket/1314 edited by
- (diff)
- 15:28 Changeset [4751] by
- Changes to include an OBS test in SETTE. At the moment this uses an …
- 16:00 Ticket #1373 (introduce forgotten "USE key_asminc" in DYN/dynspg_ts.F90) created by
- To be able to compile the code when using key_asminc, these lines are …
- 14:29 Changeset [4750] by
- Branch to contain code for SST bias correction
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.