New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Timeline – NEMO



matching tags


17:49 Ticket #1471 (Gyre no longer reproducible at r5072) closed by timgraham
fixed: This was fixed by Nicolas' changes at r5092
17:07 Changeset [5104] by mathiot
correction of minor bug with isf + add some extra test on ln_isfcav + …
13:54 Changeset [5103] by flavoni
Create a specific branch for Robustness and Tes Cases; equatorial box, …
12:18 Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges edited by flavoni
11:46 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:43 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:42 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:29 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:26 Introduction_WG-Test-case.pdf attached to WorkingGroups/TestCases by flavoni
11:26 config-definition-TC.pdf attached to WorkingGroups/TestCases by flavoni
11:26 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:20 Ticket #1296 (UKMO 2014 workplan task 3 (masked damping)) closed by timgraham
fixed: The branch has been reviewed by Clement Bricaud, tested and merged back …
11:18 Ticket #1470 (bug in restoring coefs when zoom is active?) closed by timgraham
fixed: This has been resolved by merging a development branch into the trunk at …
10:42 Changeset [5102] by timgraham
Merge of branches/2014/dev_r4650_UKMO3_masked_damping into trunk
10:36 Changeset [5101] by timgraham
Merge of trunk into branch again to check everything is up to date
10:31 Changeset [5100] by timgraham
Added a README file for DMP_TOOLS.


20:13 Changeset [5099] by mathiot
add modify namelist + field def
20:11 Changeset [5098] by mathiot
add wmask, wumask, wvmask and restore loop order and add flag to ignore …
10:40 Changeset [5097] by timgraham
Update to head of trunk (changes to makenemo and INGV arch file only)


17:20 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN edited by mathiot
17:19 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN created by mathiot
16:50 Changeset [5096] by mathiot
#1473. Temporary development branch to improve performance/simplification …
16:37 Ticket #1473 (Temporary development branch to improve performance without/with ice shelf) created by mathiot
The ticket #1467 highlights that actions have to be undertake in order to …
15:24 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
15:00 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud


16:52 Changeset [5095] by nicolasmartin
Global reorganisation of directory
16:32 Changeset [5094] by emanuelaclementi
Small changes in INGV arch file
15:07 Changeset [5093] by nicolasmartin
Evolution of SETTE package


18:30 Changeset [5092] by nicolasmartin
#1471 Correction of void arguments tests
18:26 Changeset [5091] by nicolasmartin
#1471 Correction of void arguments tests
18:05 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
16:42 Changeset [5090] by timgraham
Fix for makenemo as suggested by Nicolas to resolve #1471.
14:25 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
13:59 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
13:57 Changeset [5089] by acc
#1472. Branch dev_r5087_NOC2_JATTR. Submit first working version tested …
13:53 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
13:39 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR created by acc
13:07 Changeset [5088] by acc
#1472. Temporary development branch for testing use of file attributes to …
13:00 Ticket #1472 (Temporary development branch for testing use of file attributes to control ...) created by acc
The extended grids for use with the under-shelf ice cavities will result …
11:28 Ticket #1471 (Gyre no longer reproducible at r5072) created by timgraham
The GYRE configuration is not reproducible on the Met Office IBM. This is …
11:05 Changeset [5087] by timgraham
Minor bug fix from merge
10:06 Changeset [5086] by timgraham
Merged head of trunk into branch in preparation for putting code back onto …


17:39 Changeset [5085] by timgraham
Namelist file missed from commit for documentation
17:29 Ticket #1409 (Precipitation to CICE and freshwater flux from CICE) closed by timgraham
fixed: These changes were included in sbcice_cice at the 2014 merge.
17:01 Ticket #1366 (Unitialised values outputted to ocean.ouptut in bdytide_init) closed by timgraham
fixed: Fixed at r5084. The phase speeds are printed out by sbc_tide at each time …
16:59 Changeset [5084] by timgraham
Fix for ticket 1366 tide phase speeds were being printed before being …
15:18 Ticket #1343 (Allow coupling fieldnames to be arbitrary length) closed by timgraham
invalid: This ticket is no longer valid as the code was changed in the 2014 merge.
09:05 Ticket #1368 (Nemo 3.6 crashes when using 03 option of Intel compilers) closed by clevy
09:02 Ticket #1377 (OBC to BDY: wrong allocation) closed by clevy
08:51 Ticket #1414 (small error in format in daymod.F90) closed by clevy


10:29 Ticket #1470 (bug in restoring coefs when zoom is active?) created by clevy
I'm setting up the new ORCA1 for CMIP6 configuration, envisaged for now …


16:30 ticket/1468 edited by mattmartin
16:28 Changeset [5083] by mattmartin
Create a specific branch simplification of the observation operator code
16:28 Changeset [5082] by mattmartin
Create a specific branch simplification of the observation operator code
16:21 ticket/1468 created by mattmartin
15:47 Ticket #1469 (2015: ROBUST-9 / CNRS-11 - Robustness and Tes Cases) created by flavoni
15:46 Ticket #1468 (Observation operator simplification) created by mattmartin
To simplify the observation operator code and namelist in NEMO to make it …
14:54 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
12:37 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
12:32 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
12:25 WorkingGroups edited by flavoni
12:24 WorkingGroups/TestCases created by flavoni
12:11 WorkingGroups edited by flavoni
12:05 2015WP/2015SharedActions edited by flavoni
10:51 Changeset [5081] by smasson
dev_r4765_CNRS_agrif: final version of tke/agrif?


16:56 ticket/1327/review edited by weaver


18:52 Ticket #1467 (on the use of mikt/u/v...) created by smasson
I don't know if you noticed the introduction of mikt/u/v in the code... I …
18:27 Changeset [5080] by clem
LIM3 cleaning again (almost done)
16:32 Changeset [5079] by clem
LIM3: solve ticket #1421
16:15 Changeset [5078] by clem
LIM3: cosmetic changes to increase readability and performance
16:14 Ticket #1466 (default definition of nam_vvl) created by smasson
the logical namelist parameters of domvvl (nam_vvl namelist) have a …
14:17 2015WP/Met_Office edited by jwhile
14:15 Changeset [5077] by clem
LIM3: diag added
14:13 Changeset [5076] by clem
LIM3: important bug fix on heat conservation
11:50 Changeset [5075] by timgraham
Upgraded branch to current head of trunk (r5072) so it can be used with …


10:06 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
09:39 Changeset [5074] by hliu
prevent nla10 from being 0
09:32 Changeset [5073] by hliu
two bugs fixed in wadlmt (only wetting/drying related)


16:05 Changeset [5072] by nicolasmartin
Void arguments for keys in SETTE cause an unwanted display of environment …
14:39 Changeset [5071] by clem
LIM3 cosmetic changes
14:39 Changeset [5070] by clem
LIM3 cosmetic changes
11:08 Changeset [5069] by smasson
line exceed 132 characters in dynadv_ubs


19:13 Changeset [5068] by clem
LIM3 change all namelist names to fit with NEMO convention
19:12 Changeset [5067] by clem
LIM3 change all namelist names to fit with NEMO convention
17:02 Changeset [5066] by rfurner
added current state of wetting and drying code to test...note it does not …
12:45 Ticket #1465 (bug in CORE bulk formulae code) closed by davestorkey
fixed: Fixed at revision 5065.
12:43 Changeset [5065] by davestorkey
Fix bug in cd_neutral_10m in sbcblk_core.F90. See ticket #1465.
12:25 Ticket #1465 (bug in CORE bulk formulae code) created by davestorkey
There is a bug in the function cd_neutral_10m in sbcblk_core.F90. The …


18:54 Changeset [5064] by clem
LIM3 now includes specific physics to run with only 1 sea ice category …
17:29 Changeset [5063] by andrewryan
gross simplification of stand alone observation operator
16:51 Ticket #1339 (dynadv_ubs.F90 : problem with lateral boundary condition in version 3.6 ...) closed by flavoni
15:35 Changeset [5062] by flavoni
correction to previous committ
15:14 Changeset [5061] by flavoni
bug fix on dynadv_ubs.F90, see ticket 1339
10:16 WikiStart edited by clevy
09:40 Ticket #1464 (Efficiency improvements in the OBS operator.) created by jenniewaters
The OBS operator needs to be improved to make it more efficient for use …


17:22 Changeset [5060] by clem
LIM3: set ice diffusivity independant of the resolution in the namelist. …
17:22 Changeset [5059] by clem
LIM3: set ice diffusivity independant of the resolution in the namelist. …
12:25 Changeset [5058] by clem
LIM3: add a namelist parameter to change the shape of ice thickness …
12:25 Changeset [5057] by clem
LIM3: add a namelist parameter to change the shape of ice thickness …
12:23 Ticket #1463 (CNRS-13(2015WP) - Subduction diagnostics) created by cetlod
Add useful diagnostics of subduction of water masses Already coded/tested …
12:12 Ticket #1462 (CNRS- 5 : Offline with vvl) created by cetlod
Add missing pieces of code to make passive tracers model run offline with …
11:45 Changeset [5056] by clem
add rswitch in ice_2.F90 for bdy purpose
11:10 Changeset [5055] by clem
LIM3: removing par_ice and put jpl, nlay_i and nlay_s as namelist …
11:09 Changeset [5054] by clem
LIM3 new namelists
10:45 Ticket #1461 (incompatibility of key_by and key_lim2) created by njourdain
Hi, When I compile NEMO with the following CPP keys, I have no …


18:11 Changeset [5053] by clem
LIM3 cleaning continues. No change in the physics besides the introduction …
17:58 Ticket #1460 (exit code for rebuild_nemo) created by hulten
When rebuild_nemo.exe exits on error, its error code (to the shell) is …
17:36 Ticket #1459 (Code lines above 132 characters (source & after pre-processing)) created by nicolasmartin
Usually you have no inconvenience with the right option of compiler to …
16:28 Ticket #1458 (AGRIF-1 / Met Office-7 - Vertical grid refinement using AGRIF (2015)) created by timgraham
Add capability for vertical grid refinement in AGRIF P.I.= Tim Graham
16:17 Ticket #1457 (2015 NOC-3 - System support and Simplification work) created by acc
Development branch for NOC contributions to 2015 simplification work. To …
16:01 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
16:00 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
16:00 Ticket #1456 (2015 CMCC - 4: simplification tasks) created by diovino
CMCC simplification tasks: removal of obsolete features
15:52 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
15:48 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
15:45 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud
15:45 Ticket #1455 (2015 MERCATOR-9: enable LIM3 initialisation with a netcdf file) created by cbricaud
15:44 Ticket #1454 (2015 ROBUST-4 /MERCATOR-7: test NEMO_3.6 and ORCA025/ORCA12) created by cbricaud
15:43 Ticket #1453 (2015 AGRIF-4/MERCATOR-5: Agrif: Enable vvl and AGRIF) created by cbricaud
task posponned in 2016
15:42 Ticket #1452 (2015: AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-4 AGRIF + time-splitting compatibility (ctnd)) created by cbricaud
15:41 Ticket #1451 (2015 HPC-2 /MERCATOR-3: OpenMP) created by cbricaud
15:40 Ticket #1450 (2015 CONFIGMAN-2/MERCATOR-2: Merge BDY configuration tool and SIREN) created by cbricaud
15:34 Ticket #1079 (2013 MERCATOR1 : resolving the 2 versions of time-stepping) closed by cbricaud
15:33 Ticket #1170 (2013 MERCATOR4 congif manager) closed by cbricaud
12:18 Changeset [5052] by clem
change the order of the calls between the initializations of bdy and sbc. …
11:09 Ticket #1449 (Performance analysis of parallel IO (CMCC-2)) created by mocavero
11:02 Ticket #1448 (Scalability with MPI-OPENMP (CMCC-1)) created by mocavero


18:31 Changeset [5051] by clem
LIM3 initialization is now called at the same time as other sbc fields
18:29 Changeset [5050] by clem
LIM3: add diagnostics of ice concentration trends
12:02 Changeset [5049] by vancop
compilation bugs
11:28 Changeset [5048] by vancop
new itd boundaries, namelist changes, mono-category and comments


17:47 WorkingGroups/WaveCoupling edited by emanuelaclementi
17:45 WAVE_WG_Dev_com.pdf attached to WorkingGroups/WaveCoupling by emanuelaclementi
Dev. Com. 2014: Wave WG presentation


14:13 Changeset [5047] by clem
LIM3 cleaning (1): namelist
14:06 Changeset [5046] by vancop
first step of namelist cleaning
12:39 2015WP/2015SharedActions edited by timgraham
12:10 Changeset [5045] by vancop
LIM3 early 2015 cleaning
11:36 Ticket #1447 (2015 Met_Office_13 - simplification tasks) created by timgraham
Met Office simplification tasks: Removal of obsolete options Offline code …
11:26 2015WP/Met_Office edited by timgraham


16:23 Ticket #1446 (taum not updated in sbcice_cice) created by timgraham
In sbcice_cice utau and vtau are updated to be a combination of the wind …


15:48 Changeset [5044] by hliu
correct three potential bugs in vertical scale calculation when …
10:25 Ticket #1445 (jpi used instead of jpj in iom.F90) closed by timgraham
fixed: Fixed at r5043
10:23 Changeset [5043] by timgraham
Fix for ticket #1445 - (Use jpj instead of jpi)
10:22 Ticket #1445 (jpi used instead of jpj in iom.F90) created by timgraham
In subroutine set_grid (in iom.F90) the following line is called if …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.