New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Timeline – NEMO



matching tags


18:30 Changeset [5146] by vancop
Fixes on the LIM3 coupled interface (important for ESMs)
18:28 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_CMCC edited by lovato
18:21 Changeset [5145] by lovato
16:57 Ticket #1486 (coastline modified if ln_isfcav = true) created by mathiot
The bug highlighted by G. Reffray about modification of coastline, is …
16:53 Ticket #1382 (BDY LIM2 condition equal to initial conditions fails) closed by clem
fixed: This bug has been fixed in rev 5143 for LIM3. BDY with LIM2 has never been …
16:51 Changeset [5144] by timgraham
Another fix required related to #1485
16:49 Ticket #1473 (Temporary development branch to improve performance without/with ice shelf) closed by mathiot
fixed: Development branch ISFCLEAN (see #1473) was merged to the trunk in the …
16:49 Changeset [5143] by clem
LIM3: BDY conditions equal to initial state is now working
16:47 Ticket #1467 (on the use of mikt/u/v...) closed by mathiot
fixed: Development branch ISFCLEAN (see #1473) was merged to the trunk in the …
13:38 Ticket #1479 (Compilation error related to bdyice_lim.f90 (NEMO3.6 revision 5127)) closed by clem
fixed: I just corrected it (few minutes ago)
13:22 Ticket #1485 (Unable to use add_key for multiple keys) closed by timgraham
fixed: The above syntax doesn't work if " " is passed as the argument. It ends up …
13:22 Changeset [5142] by timgraham
Fix for ticket 1485
12:44 Changeset [5141] by cetlod
dev_r5020_CNRS_DIAPTR : minor corrections on diaptr module, see ticket …
12:39 Ticket #1219 (Improve CORE bulk formulation over sea ice) closed by vancop
fixed: Fixed at the 2014 merge party
12:37 Ticket #1485 (Unable to use add_key for multiple keys) created by timgraham
According to the makenemo help text it should be possible to add multiple …
12:30 Changeset [5140] by clem
bug fix for bdy_ice after LIM3 cleaning (it is just a change in variable …
12:29 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN edited by mathiot
12:03 Ticket #1205 (Uninitialised allocatables in LIM3) closed by vancop
fixed: Fixed a while ago
12:03 Ticket #1461 (incompatibility of key_by and key_lim2) closed by clem
11:57 Ticket #563 (hardcoded nlay_s) closed by vancop
wontfix: The number of layers in the snow must be one at present. We may change it …
11:55 Ticket #1396 (add LIM3 in SETTE) closed by vancop
fixed: Done after the merge party 2014
11:55 Ticket #1421 (Removing the temperature of the triple point of water from the code) closed by vancop
fixed: Done in revision 5138
11:43 Changeset [5139] by cetlod
Create new development branch for PISCES with diurnal cycle, see ticket …
11:37 Ticket #1484 (Specific branch for PISCES with diurnal cycle) created by cetlod
Since some major bugs have been fixed in LIM3, we leave the existing …
11:28 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN edited by mathiot
10:57 Changeset [5138] by vancop
«Useless ctl_stop in limtrp.F90 (lim3)
10:57 Changeset [5137] by cetlod
dev_r5020_CNRS_DIAPTR: some improvments of poleward heat transport …
10:49 Ticket #1254 (problem with O3 optimisation level using ifort: NEMO crashes) closed by clevy


19:52 ticket/1332 edited by hadcv
19:42 Changeset [5136] by hadcv
#1332: Create branch for the CF compliance development work
17:11 Changeset [5135] by hliu
add output of namelist: namwad
13:07 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_CMCC edited by diovino
13:06 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_CMCC edited by diovino
11:48 Ticket #1411 (LIM3 compiler error with gfortran (gcc48) in limdiahsb) closed by clem
fixed: yes, I tested it and it is working with gfortran 4.8.2 (ubuntu OS)


18:27 Changeset [5134] by clem
LIM3: changes to constrain ice thickness after advection. Ice volume and …
13:59 Ticket #1483 (Erroneous adjoint code in subroutine 'tra_ldf_iso_adj' of module ...) created by sam
As pointed out in ticket #1482, the test of the tangent-linear and adjoint …
12:47 Ticket #1482 (No explicit lateral tracer diffusion in NEMOTAM) created by sam
When Laplacian isopycnal tracer diffusion (the default option for ORCA2) …
10:10 Ticket #1446 (taum not updated in sbcice_cice) closed by timgraham
fixed: Fixed at r5133
10:10 Changeset [5133] by timgraham
Fix for ticket #1446. Taum now updated with ice-ocean stress under sea-ice …


15:33 Ticket #1481 (Ineffective update by adjoint of energy- and enstrophy-conserving ...) created by sam
When the energy- and enstrophy-conserving vorticity scheme (EEN) is …


16:57 Ticket #1377 (OBC to BDY: wrong allocation) closed by jchanut
fixed: Fixed at revision 5132. Does not fix problem with Orlanski scheme (see …
16:53 Changeset [5132] by jchanut
Fixes obc/bdy data files compatibility. Ticket #1377
12:49 Ticket #1355 (Out of range in PISCES/p4zopt) closed by cetlod
fixed: OF course irgb can have values LE 0 or GT 61 when the values of …
12:42 Ticket #1304 ([TOP/PISCES] p4zbio.F90: tra correction for negative tracers concentration) closed by cetlod
12:32 Ticket #1251 (minor bugs in PISCES) closed by cetlod
12:30 Ticket #1480 (wmask is undefined for OFFLINE together with rn2b) closed by cetlod
12:30 Changeset [5131] by cetlod
bugfix:define wmask and rn2b for offline configuration, see ticket#1480
10:34 Ticket #1480 (wmask is undefined for OFFLINE together with rn2b) created by cetlod
when using Offline configuration - the masks at w-points ( wmask, …


20:59 Changeset [5130] by smasson
cut lines exceeding 132 characters for easier compilation
18:23 Changeset [5129] by clem
LIM3: put debug (i,j) points in the namelist and change their names
18:23 Changeset [5128] by clem
LIM3: put debug (i,j) points in the namelist and change their names
17:32 Ticket #1479 (Compilation error related to bdyice_lim.f90 (NEMO3.6 revision 5127)) created by njourdain
There are compilation errors related to bdyice_lim.f90 when using the …
15:19 Ticket #1377 (OBC to BDY: wrong allocation) reopened by jchanut
14:50 Changeset [5127] by smasson
bugfix in iodef.xml, following changeset:5107


18:31 Changeset [5126] by vancop
LIM3 bugfix: did not match with sbcblk_clio.F90
18:02 Changeset [5125] by clem
LIM3 bug fix
17:06 Changeset [5124] by clem
major LIM3 cleaning + monocat capabilities + NEMO namelist-consistency; …
17:06 Changeset [5123] by clem
major LIM3 cleaning + monocat capabilities + NEMO namelist-consistency; …
15:34 Changeset [5122] by vancop
fixes to verify SETTE tests. Evt ok, except SAS (no solver) and …
13:21 Ticket #1478 (compiler error (shape pb) in diaar5.F90 after isf changes) closed by acc
fixed: Solution committed to revision 5121. Ticket closed.
13:20 Changeset [5121] by acc
#1478. Bug fix to diaar5.F90 to insert missing SUM operators
11:57 Ticket #1478 (compiler error (shape pb) in diaar5.F90 after isf changes) created by clevy
NEMO_OPA_SRC/DIA/diaar5.F90 does not compile anymore after isf latest …


17:37 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN edited by mathiot
17:11 Changeset [5120] by acc
#1473. Re-organisation and optimisation of ice shelf cavity option. This …
14:51 Changeset [5119] by timgraham
Changes for coupling with meltponds
14:47 Ticket #1472 (Temporary development branch for testing use of file attributes to control ...) closed by acc
fixed: Changes tested and reviewed. Merged with trunk at revision 5117. …
14:44 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
14:36 Changeset [5118] by acc
Merge changes from dev_r5087_NOC2_JATTR (see #1472) into trunk following …
13:31 Changeset [5117] by acc
#1472. Branch dev_r5087_NOC2_JATTR. Submit documentation prior to final …
11:24 Ticket #1412 (uoce and voce output not scaled by layer thickness due to IF condition in ...) closed by flavoni
fixed: done, see changeset:5107 and ticket:#1474
11:15 Changeset [5116] by clem
LIM3: change in the way turbulent heat flux at the ice base is handled of …
10:54 Changeset [5115] by smasson
update IDL_scripts
09:50 Ticket #1086 (PGI compiler fails to compile icbrst.F90) closed by cbricaud
fixed: It is compiling with pgi/pgi-14 at trun/rev 5109
09:09 Ticket #1288 (nn_ice_lim declared string but compared as integer) closed by cbricaud
fixed: in rev 5084 of trunk, nn_ice_lim has been replaced by cn_ice_lim and …


20:34 Changeset [5114] by mathiot
restore e3t/w definition as before merge in domzgr + zpshde if ln_isfcav = …
17:06 Ticket #1361 (initialization of TKE when missing in the restart) closed by cbricaud
fixed: avt_k, avm_k ,avmu_k, avmv_k need to be initialised by avt, avm,avmu, avmv …
17:04 Changeset [5113] by cbricaud
bugfix for ticket #1361
17:03 Changeset [5112] by cbricaud
bugfix for ticket #1361
16:40 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN edited by mathiot
16:30 Changeset [5111] by mathiot
add some missing if ln_isfcav, test of option compatibility with ln_isfcav …
16:01 Ticket #1385 (trc.F90; gtru and gtrv incorrectly dimensioned in nemo_3_5_beta) closed by cbricaud
fixed: bug already fixed in trunk
15:52 Ticket #1330 (cn_ice_lim is not initialised) closed by cbricaud
fixed: now there is cn_ice_lim = 'none' in all namelists
15:32 Ticket #1309 (3.6 alpha : sbcblk_core.F90 : long wave rad fluxes in blk_ice_core) closed by cbricaud
fixed: this special treatment has been removed on the reference version.
15:17 Ticket #1477 (Default of TEOS-10 in namelist_ref) created by rbourdal
In the namelist_ref, the default option for equation of state is TEOS-10. …
15:14 Changeset [5110] by hliu
Fix a bug in Wetting/Drying? pressure filter in dynspg_ts.F90
15:11 Ticket #1301 (underflow in tra_qsr_init) closed by cbricaud
fixed: no need to change something. it was just a problem of compilation option …
15:06 Ticket #1340 (New GLS routine (for verticals physics)) closed by rbourdal
fixed: This new routine has been used in the GMD paper (G. Reffray et al., 2014: …
15:05 Changeset [5109] by cbricaud
Closed the ticket #1340
14:49 Ticket #1476 (correction for C1D configuration) closed by rbourdal
fixed: Replacement of ln_2m by rn_zqt. Use of EOS-80 by default. Add "CALL …
14:42 Changeset [5108] by cbricaud
Correction see ticket #1476
14:40 Ticket #1476 (correction for C1D configuration) created by rbourdal
PAPA 1D reference configuration does not work anymore. 2 problems: - Bad …


14:39 Ticket #1475 (Missmatch in bdyini between sending and receiving) created by anders
In bdy_init in bdyini.F90 it is calculated if boundary data should be sent …


18:19 Ticket #1474 (update IO for VVL compatibility) closed by smasson
fixed: done, see changeset:5107
18:18 Changeset [5107] by smasson
update IO for VVL compatibility, see ticket #1474
18:17 Ticket #1474 (update IO for VVL compatibility) created by smasson
IO are reviewed for VVL/non-VVL compatibility. This changes require …


17:12 Changeset [5106] by jwhile
Minor fixes due to review


15:46 Changeset [5105] by cbricaud
bug correction
14:39 WikiStart edited by nicolasmartin


17:49 Ticket #1471 (Gyre no longer reproducible at r5072) closed by timgraham
fixed: This was fixed by Nicolas' changes at r5092
17:07 Changeset [5104] by mathiot
correction of minor bug with isf + add some extra test on ln_isfcav + …
13:54 Changeset [5103] by flavoni
Create a specific branch for Robustness and Tes Cases; equatorial box, …
12:18 Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges edited by flavoni
11:46 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:43 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:42 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:29 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:26 Introduction_WG-Test-case.pdf attached to WorkingGroups/TestCases by flavoni
11:26 config-definition-TC.pdf attached to WorkingGroups/TestCases by flavoni
11:26 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
11:20 Ticket #1296 (UKMO 2014 workplan task 3 (masked damping)) closed by timgraham
fixed: The branch has been reviewed by Clement Bricaud, tested and merged back …
11:18 Ticket #1470 (bug in restoring coefs when zoom is active?) closed by timgraham
fixed: This has been resolved by merging a development branch into the trunk at …
10:42 Changeset [5102] by timgraham
Merge of branches/2014/dev_r4650_UKMO3_masked_damping into trunk
10:36 Changeset [5101] by timgraham
Merge of trunk into branch again to check everything is up to date
10:31 Changeset [5100] by timgraham
Added a README file for DMP_TOOLS.


20:13 Changeset [5099] by mathiot
add modify namelist + field def
20:11 Changeset [5098] by mathiot
add wmask, wumask, wvmask and restore loop order and add flag to ignore …
10:40 Changeset [5097] by timgraham
Update to head of trunk (changes to makenemo and INGV arch file only)


17:20 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN edited by mathiot
17:19 ticket/1473_METO_ISFCLEAN created by mathiot
16:50 Changeset [5096] by mathiot
#1473. Temporary development branch to improve performance/simplification …
16:37 Ticket #1473 (Temporary development branch to improve performance without/with ice shelf) created by mathiot
The ticket #1467 highlights that actions have to be undertake in order to …
15:24 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
15:00 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR edited by cbricaud


16:52 Changeset [5095] by nicolasmartin
Global reorganisation of directory
16:32 Changeset [5094] by emanuelaclementi
Small changes in INGV arch file
15:07 Changeset [5093] by nicolasmartin
Evolution of SETTE package


18:30 Changeset [5092] by nicolasmartin
#1471 Correction of void arguments tests
18:26 Changeset [5091] by nicolasmartin
#1471 Correction of void arguments tests
18:05 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
16:42 Changeset [5090] by timgraham
Fix for makenemo as suggested by Nicolas to resolve #1471.
14:25 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
13:59 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
13:57 Changeset [5089] by acc
#1472. Branch dev_r5087_NOC2_JATTR. Submit first working version tested …
13:53 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR edited by acc
13:39 ticket/1472_NOC2_JATTR created by acc
13:07 Changeset [5088] by acc
#1472. Temporary development branch for testing use of file attributes to …
13:00 Ticket #1472 (Temporary development branch for testing use of file attributes to control ...) created by acc
The extended grids for use with the under-shelf ice cavities will result …
11:28 Ticket #1471 (Gyre no longer reproducible at r5072) created by timgraham
The GYRE configuration is not reproducible on the Met Office IBM. This is …
11:05 Changeset [5087] by timgraham
Minor bug fix from merge
10:06 Changeset [5086] by timgraham
Merged head of trunk into branch in preparation for putting code back onto …


17:39 Changeset [5085] by timgraham
Namelist file missed from commit for documentation
17:29 Ticket #1409 (Precipitation to CICE and freshwater flux from CICE) closed by timgraham
fixed: These changes were included in sbcice_cice at the 2014 merge.
17:01 Ticket #1366 (Unitialised values outputted to ocean.ouptut in bdytide_init) closed by timgraham
fixed: Fixed at r5084. The phase speeds are printed out by sbc_tide at each time …
16:59 Changeset [5084] by timgraham
Fix for ticket 1366 tide phase speeds were being printed before being …
15:18 Ticket #1343 (Allow coupling fieldnames to be arbitrary length) closed by timgraham
invalid: This ticket is no longer valid as the code was changed in the 2014 merge.
09:05 Ticket #1368 (Nemo 3.6 crashes when using 03 option of Intel compilers) closed by clevy
09:02 Ticket #1377 (OBC to BDY: wrong allocation) closed by clevy
08:51 Ticket #1414 (small error in format in daymod.F90) closed by clevy


10:29 Ticket #1470 (bug in restoring coefs when zoom is active?) created by clevy
I'm setting up the new ORCA1 for CMIP6 configuration, envisaged for now …


16:30 ticket/1468 edited by mattmartin
16:28 Changeset [5083] by mattmartin
Create a specific branch simplification of the observation operator code
16:28 Changeset [5082] by mattmartin
Create a specific branch simplification of the observation operator code
16:21 ticket/1468 created by mattmartin
15:47 Ticket #1469 (2015: ROBUST-9 / CNRS-11 - Robustness and Tes Cases) created by flavoni
15:46 Ticket #1468 (Observation operator simplification) created by mattmartin
To simplify the observation operator code and namelist in NEMO to make it …
14:54 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
12:37 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
12:32 WorkingGroups/TestCases edited by flavoni
12:25 WorkingGroups edited by flavoni
12:24 WorkingGroups/TestCases created by flavoni
12:11 WorkingGroups edited by flavoni
12:05 2015WP/2015SharedActions edited by flavoni
10:51 Changeset [5081] by smasson
dev_r4765_CNRS_agrif: final version of tke/agrif?


16:56 ticket/1327/review edited by weaver


18:52 Ticket #1467 (on the use of mikt/u/v...) created by smasson
I don't know if you noticed the introduction of mikt/u/v in the code... I …
18:27 Changeset [5080] by clem
LIM3 cleaning again (almost done)
16:32 Changeset [5079] by clem
LIM3: solve ticket #1421
16:15 Changeset [5078] by clem
LIM3: cosmetic changes to increase readability and performance
16:14 Ticket #1466 (default definition of nam_vvl) created by smasson
the logical namelist parameters of domvvl (nam_vvl namelist) have a …
14:17 2015WP/Met_Office edited by jwhile
14:15 Changeset [5077] by clem
LIM3: diag added
14:13 Changeset [5076] by clem
LIM3: important bug fix on heat conservation
11:50 Changeset [5075] by timgraham
Upgraded branch to current head of trunk (r5072) so it can be used with …


10:06 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
09:39 Changeset [5074] by hliu
prevent nla10 from being 0
09:32 Changeset [5073] by hliu
two bugs fixed in wadlmt (only wetting/drying related)


16:05 Changeset [5072] by nicolasmartin
Void arguments for keys in SETTE cause an unwanted display of environment …
14:39 Changeset [5071] by clem
LIM3 cosmetic changes
14:39 Changeset [5070] by clem
LIM3 cosmetic changes
11:08 Changeset [5069] by smasson
line exceed 132 characters in dynadv_ubs
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.