- 19:23 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 18:37 Ticket #1804 (BDY+tides do not work with ln_bt_fw=false) created by
- the trunk crashes in regional configuration with BDY and tides activated …
- 18:17 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 18:13 Changeset [7344] by
- see ticket #1803
- 18:12 Ticket #1803 (unallocated arrays) created by
- the trunk crashes if you run it without diffusion or viscosity because of …
- 17:56 Changeset [7343] by
- Merge in branches/UKMO/r5936_INGV1_WAVE-coupling
- 17:17 Changeset [7342] by
- Ticket #1802. Merged in changes from 6998:HEAD of NERC/dev_r6998_ORCHESTRA …
- 16:49 Changeset [7341] by
- Ticket #1802. Merged in trunk changes from 6393:6998 and resolved single …
- 16:41 Changeset [7340] by
- #1643 Correction after review in development branch …
- 16:40 Changeset [7339] by
- Ticket #1802. Merged in trunk changes from 6381:6393 and then changes from …
- 16:27 Changeset [7338] by
- Ticket #1802. Development branch for merging NOC 2016 developments
- 16:25 Changeset [7337] by
- add new limrhg
- 16:24 Changeset [7336] by
- del useless routine
- 16:16 Ticket #1802 (New development branch for merging NOC 2016 developments) created by
- = Context = New branch to receive the merged developments from NOC for …
- 14:28 Changeset [7335] by
- Added a missing iom_put call for tpt_dep
- 13:03 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by
- (diff)
- 10:51 Changeset [7334] by
- Changes after branch review before merging
- 10:05 Changeset [7333] by
- Correct Precision issue with I/O
- 09:38 Changeset [7332] by
- crs branch cleaning
- 18:47 Changeset [7331] by
- JPALM -- 24-11-2016 -- MEDUSA-CMIP6 diags update/bugfix
- 17:10 Changeset [7330] by
- Final bug fixes needed for compilation
- 15:39 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 15:38 Changeset [7329] by
- upadtes
- 14:20 Changeset [7328] by
- Added parameters in namelist , plus few more corrections
- 12:37 Changeset [7327] by
- update offline vvl branch with head of 3.6 stable
- 12:27 Ticket #1801 (Total precipitation 'precip' never "iom_put" in coupled mode) created by
- = Context = When 'precip', the total precipitation (liquid+solid) is among …
- 11:55 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by
- (diff)
- 11:45 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 11:36 2017WP/NOC edited by
- (diff)
- 11:16 2017WP/NOC edited by
- (diff)
- 11:09 2017WP/NOC edited by
- (diff)
- 10:25 Changeset [7326] by
- fix sette
- 18:31 2017WP/NOC edited by
- (diff)
- 18:20 2017WP/NOC edited by
- (diff)
- 16:53 Ticket #1800 (Missing initialisation of land value in dynvor/vor_een with vvl) created by
- = Context = NaN appeared at the first time step when I tried NEMO without …
- 15:50 Changeset [7325] by
- Unfinished work toward incorporation of melt ponds
- 15:24 Changeset [7324] by
- debug again
- 15:02 Changeset [7323] by
- not use icebrges with pisces, just in sette tests
- 14:32 Changeset [7322] by
- debug
- 14:32 Changeset [7321] by
- debug
- 14:24 Changeset [7320] by
- create lib_fortran routine for CRS grid and interface it in TOP
- 12:33 Changeset [7319] by
- Sea ice model infrastructure for melt ponds part 2 (advection, transport …
- 12:00 Changeset [7318] by
- update tests
- 11:20 Changeset [7317] by
- fix namelist
- 10:59 Ticket #1799 (NEMO 3.6_STABLE : lib_mpp compilation error with intel 17 and openmpi) created by
- = Context = * Compiling NEMO_3.6_STABLE on brand new machine occigen2 …
- 10:20 Changeset [7316] by
- update reports
- 10:13 Changeset [7315] by
- new_top_interface : update branch to trunk revision number 7161
- 09:20 Changeset [7314] by
- merge with dev_r6999_CONFIGMAN_1
- 09:12 Changeset [7313] by
- create dev_MERCATOR_2016 branche
- 09:03 Changeset [7312] by
- CRS branch: adaptation for regional configuration
- 07:30 Changeset [7311] by
- changes in CRS branch for traldf to allow to run CRS only for output of …
- 19:22 Changeset [7310] by
- debug ht=>ht_n
- 18:43 Changeset [7309] by
- first implementations
- 18:24 Ticket #1798 (namtsd and namsbc_ssr blocks can't read weight files with the same name) created by
- Hello everyone, I would like to receive your help on the following very …
- 18:16 Ticket #1797 (bug zdfric) created by
- there is still one "fsdept" variable left in zdfric.F90 in the trunk (at …
- 17:56 Changeset [7308] by
- debug
- 16:06 Changeset [7307] by
- update sette for icebergs
- 14:57 Changeset [7306] by
- First bugs found
- 14:45 Changeset [7305] by
- fix namelist
- 14:41 Changeset [7304] by
- update for nameos
- 14:17 Changeset [7303] by
- fix input variables name
- 13:04 Changeset [7302] by
- adapt sette report
- 13:03 Changeset [7301] by
- adapt sette report
- 12:54 Changeset [7300] by
- fix namelist OFFline
- 12:19 Changeset [7299] by
- Merge with CMCC changes from dev_r6522_SIMPLIF_3 - ticket #1729 & #1783
- 12:19 Changeset [7298] by
- Merge with CMCC changes from dev_r6522_SIMPLIF_4 - ticket #1730
- 11:57 Documentation edited by
- (diff)
- 19:30 Changeset [7297] by
- branch CNRS : minor correction on cfg.txt
- 17:23 Changeset [7296] by
- Create a branch to merge CNRS-AGRIF dvpt with the trunk at r7161
- 17:14 Changeset [7295] by
- reverting the changes made before (zmax_scale and zpdlr, in zdftke.F90) …
- 16:57 Changeset [7294] by
- a mod in zdftke.F90 for the dependence on the Prandtl number
- 16:27 Changeset [7293] by
- Commit infrastructure for melt pond impletation
- 15:34 PageTemplates/Workplan/Action edited by
- (diff)
- 14:57 Changeset [7292] by
- syntax error removed
- 14:49 Changeset [7291] by
- Create dev_CMCC_2016 mergeparty branch
- 14:48 Changeset [7290] by
- Remove bad branch creation
- 14:48 Changeset [7289] by
- updates
- 14:44 Changeset [7288] by
- updates
- 14:44 Changeset [7287] by
- Create dev_CMCC_2016 merge branch
- 14:42 Changeset [7286] by
- Create dev_CMCC_2016 merge branch
- 14:19 2016WP/CMCC_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 14:16 2016WP/2016SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 13:57 2017WP/ENHANCE-02_Martin-MeltPonds edited by
- (diff)
- 13:41 Changeset [7285] by
- update sette scripts & inputs
- 13:29 Changeset [7284] by
- Added corrections to the equations
- 13:01 Changeset [7283] by
- add default ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES, & remove old useless config
- 12:23 2017WP/ENHANCE-02_Martin-MeltPonds created by
- 12:13 Changeset [7282] by
- update CNRS 2016 to trunk revision 7161
- 12:07 Changeset [7281] by
- Create a specific branch for melt ponds
- 11:40 Changeset [7280] by
- merge CNRS2016 with aerobulk branch
- 11:25 2016WP/WAVE-3_JuanCastillo edited by
- (diff)
- 11:23 Changeset [7279] by
- Final changes and bug fixes, tests successful
- 11:17 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 10:38 Changeset [7278] by
- update branch CNRS-2016 to trunk 6720
- 09:55 Changeset [7277] by
- update 2016 branch with simplif-2
- 09:50 Changeset [7276] by
- create branch 2016 CNRS
- 09:46 Changeset [7275] by
- remove defunt branch
- 03:14 2017WP/SpecificActions edited by
- (diff)
- 03:13 2017WP/SpecificActions edited by
- (diff)
- 02:54 TicketGuidelines/ModifyTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 02:47 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 00:19 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 18:13 Changeset [7274] by
- Offline_vvl in 3.6 stable : minor bug correction
- 17:58 Changeset [7273] by
- usrdef: implementation of offline with vvl
- 19:11 Ticket #1796 (CICE interface modification for initial CICE output) created by
- = Context the NEMO-CICE interface (tag 5516) is missing a correct …
- 18:17 Changeset [7272] by
- JPALM -- 18-11-2016 -- CMIP6 diag bugfix
- 17:30 2017WP edited by
- (diff)
- 17:11 2017WP/CNRS edited by
- (diff)
- 17:00 2017WP/SpecificActions edited by
- (diff)
- 16:58 Ticket #1795 (Boundary files for LIM3 are not found in a subdirectory) created by
- I want to provide BDY sea ice data for LIM3 at the boundaries of a …
- 16:55 2017WP/SpecificActions edited by
- (diff)
- 16:42 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 16:30 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 16:27 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 16:24 Changeset [7271] by
- Jpalm -- 18-11-2016 -- CMIP6 diag-MEDUSA update
- 16:10 Changeset [7270] by
- 15:36 Changeset [7269] by
- commit CCA archfile and a change in namelist_ref in CRS branch
- 13:27 Changeset [7268] by
- branch: NERC/dev_r6998_ORCHESTRA. merge with trunk@7161
- 12:19 PageTemplates/Workplan/Action edited by
- (diff)
- 11:40 Changeset [7267] by
- Met Office CRUM #103: Turning off bench mode.
- 11:30 Changeset [7266] by
- Met Office CRUM #103: Updating config to output daily to reduce data …
- 11:17 Changeset [7265] by
- Bug fixes
- 11:12 Changeset [7264] by
- bug fix
- 10:52 Ticket #1794 (Duplicated lines in diaar5.F90 module) closed by
- invalid: Hi Claude, The two loops are slightly different. In one case it …
- 10:42 Ticket #1794 (Duplicated lines in diaar5.F90 module) created by
- = Context = It seems that lines dedicated to the calculation of the bottom …
- 10:28 Changeset [7263] by
- Add missing variable definitions for isf diagnostics
- 10:09 Changeset [7262] by
- Added extra fields to field_def.xml
- 09:34 Changeset [7261] by
- phaze the rest of NEMOGCM directory ( all except NEMO directory) of the …
- 09:27 Changeset [7260] by
- phaze DOC/ directory of the CRS branch with nemo_v3_6_STABLE branch at …
- 09:26 Changeset [7259] by
- phaze ADM/ directory of the CRS branch with nemo_v3_6_STABLE branch at …
- 09:21 Changeset [7258] by
- phaze ARCH/ directory of the CRS branch with nemo_v3_6_STABLE branch at …
- 09:04 Changeset [7257] by
- remove domain_def.xml in GYRE_XIOS config in CRS branch
- 08:18 Changeset [7256] by
- phaze NEMO routines in CRS branch with nemo_v3_6_STABLE branch at rev 7213 …
- 00:42 PageTemplates/Workplan/Action edited by
- Add foldable feature (diff)
- 17:17 Changeset [7255] by
- Met Office crum #103: Update to GYRE_XIOS files to run on a larger number …
- 17:16 Changeset [7254] by
- JPALM -- 17-11-2016 -- CMIP6 diags for MEDUSA bugfix
- 17:12 Changeset [7253] by
- Bug fix for the UKEP project, where we couple 3 different models and use …
- 16:07 Changeset [7252] by
- Added extra diagnostics from eiv code
- 14:37 Ticket #1793 (Bibliography style enhancement) created by
- = Context = With the implementation of …
- 14:28 Changeset [7251] by
- Added missed lines for evd trend in zdfevd
- 12:52 Changeset [7250] by
- Added code for extra trend diagnostics
- 12:12 Changeset [7249] by
- fix
- 12:11 Changeset [7248] by
- fix
- 12:02 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 12:00 Changeset [7247] by
- update
- 11:56 Changeset [7246] by
- fix warning on out parameter domainÂ_cfg, and namelists for agrif
- 10:43 Changeset [7245] by
- Add USE mpp_lib in cool_skin.F90 (as already done in trunk)
- 10:19 Changeset [7244] by
- update namelist
- 10:18 Changeset [7243] by
- fix namelists
- 10:12 Changeset [7242] by
- Minor bug fix in trends code
- 16:29 Changeset [7241] by
- Added advective 2D (i/j) heat transport fields in FCT advection scheme
- 16:04 Changeset [7240] by
- Added vertically integrated zonal mass transport, temperature and salinity …
- 14:40 Changeset [7239] by
- small fix
- 13:57 Changeset [7238] by
- Some lines I missed in diaar5
- 13:48 Changeset [7237] by
- Changes in diaar5.F90
- 12:48 Changeset [7236] by
- All changes related to diaptr (basin heat transports and transport …
- 11:40 Changeset [7235] by
- see ticket #1781
- 10:32 Changeset [7234] by
- Branch to include work done v3.6 for CMIP6 diagnostics in the NEMO trunk
- 17:44 Changeset [7233] by
- see ticket #1781
- 17:29 Changeset [7232] by
- #1783 - trunk: Update sette and TRA/TRC BDY wrapper
- 15:25 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 14:49 Changeset [7231] by
- add ISOMIP in cfg.txt
- 13:56 Changeset [7230] by
- Added modifications to instrument code and use perf_regions in …
- 13:51 Changeset [7229] by
- Intermediate commit to remove symbolic link
- 13:08 Changeset [7228] by
- JPALM --14-11-2015 -- add MEDUSA CMIP6 diags-update forgot field_def_bgc
- 12:28 Changeset [7227] by
- JPALM --14-11-2015 -- add MEDUSA CMIP6 diags-update
- 10:35 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 10:35 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 10:32 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 10:14 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 10:11 Changeset [7226] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: updates sette.sh tests
- 09:40 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 09:38 Changeset [7225] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: updates: rm jpidta in agrif_user, rm …
- 16:47 Changeset [7224] by
- JPALM --14-11-2015 -- add MEDUSA CMIP6 diags
- 16:07 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 15:47 Changeset [7223] by
- CRS branch: remove unused subroutines
- 15:34 Changeset [7222] by
- CRS branch: cleaning
- 11:36 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 11:08 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 08:41 Changeset [7221] by
- #1643 Bug fix in development branch 2015/dev_r5936_INGV1_WAVE
- 09:04 WorkingGroups/HPC/Mins_2016_09_30 edited by
- (diff)
- 09:03 WorkingGroups/HPC/Mins_2016_09_30 created by
- 09:00 WorkingGroups/HPC edited by
- (diff)
- 15:47 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 15:20 Changeset [7220] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: some updatesÃ
- 13:46 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 13:29 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 13:28 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 13:25 2016WP/validation_2016 edited by
- (diff)
- 13:24 2016WP/validation_2016 created by
- 12:57 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by
- (diff)
- 12:55 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by
- (diff)
- 11:26 Changeset [7219] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: remove call to old routine in offline
- 11:17 2017WP/SharedActions edited by
- (diff)
- 09:51 Changeset [7218] by
- Added in extra trend diagnostics from Dave Storkey
- 21:27 Changeset [7217] by
- CRS branch: code cleaning
- 20:45 Changeset [7216] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: add missing namelist
- 17:41 Changeset [7215] by
- undo last commit in CRS ; back to rev7207
- 12:07 Changeset [7214] by
- add icb in ORCA2
- 10:07 Changeset [7213] by
- Fix for ticket #1767 for closed seas in eORCA025.
- 19:37 Changeset [7212] by
- add iceberg in ORCA2-LIM3 configuration.
- 19:35 Ticket #1792 (Add icb to the ORCA2_LIM3 configuration) created by
- = Context = In order to test iceberg module within the next development, …
- 18:17 Changeset [7211] by
- New top interface : Revisited CFC module with formulations from Wanninkhof …
- 17:05 Changeset [7210] by
- commit modification in CRS branch
- 16:30 Changeset [7209] by
- 1) Added in tnpeo changes in diaar5 2) vertical mean temperature fields in …
- 15:45 Changeset [7208] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: add usrdef_istate for ISOMIP
- 14:26 Changeset [7207] by
- commit modif for CRS; run with/without CRS
- 12:31 ticket/2016WP/MetOffice_TimGraham_CMIP6_diagnostics created by
- 10:31 Changeset [7206] by
- Actually delete the AGE directory (missed in last commit)
- 10:25 Changeset [7205] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: adapt new domain names
- 08:58 Changeset [7204] by
- commit modifications in CRS branch
- 19:00 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 18:58 TicketGuidelines/ModifyTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 18:45 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 18:17 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 18:16 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- Add reminder for including a image (diff)
- 17:59 Changeset [7203] by
- Remove age tracer as this conflicts with changes for MEDUSA. This will …
- 16:59 Ticket #1791 (Vertical scale factor interpolation with key_vvl) created by
- = Context = With time varying vertical coordinate (e.g. z-s star or …
- 15:07 Changeset [7202] by
- add iceberg in ORCA2LIM3 config
- 15:01 Changeset [7201] by
- adding output in forecast
- 12:28 2017WP edited by
- (diff)
- 12:25 PageTemplates/Workplan/Action edited by
- (diff)
- 12:23 2017WP edited by
- (diff)
- 17:31 Changeset [7200] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: add depth_e3 module + management of ORCA …
- 10:09 Changeset [7199] by
- new top interface: update sette.sh
- 18:58 Changeset [7198] by
- New top interface : merge with dev_r7012_ROBUST5_CMCC (#1783) and update …
- 17:46 Changeset [7197] by
- 1. Implement a total isopycnal diffusion trend - calculated by XIOS from …
- 17:13 Changeset [7196] by
- update namelist
- 17:04 Changeset [7195] by
- new top interface : bugfix in p5zprod
- 16:51 Changeset [7194] by
- #1643 Bug fix in development branch 2015/dev_r5936_INGV1_WAVE
- 15:23 Changeset [7193] by
- Update latest changes to the INGV branch, fix small bug (read ln_zdfqiao …
- 12:23 Changeset [7192] by
- new top interface : minor bugfixes
- 12:22 Changeset [7191] by
- remove the ligand part
- 12:19 Changeset [7190] by
- various important bug fixes
- 08:17 Changeset [7189] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: e3.=dk[dep.] TOOLS update + domzgr style
- 06:54 Changeset [7188] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: e3.=dk[dep.] (discret derivative)
- 19:02 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV/Summary edited by
- (diff)
- 19:01 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV/Summary edited by
- (diff)
- 19:01 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV/Summary edited by
- (diff)
- 18:49 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV edited by
- (diff)
- 18:13 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV edited by
- (diff)
- 17:43 Changeset [7187] by
- correcting syntax error from previous commit
- 17:15 Changeset [7186] by
- corrected output fields
- 17:00 Changeset [7185] by
- forgot a namelist
- 16:56 Changeset [7184] by
- bug fixes
- 16:56 Changeset [7183] by
- various bug fixes to the quota model
- 16:43 Changeset [7182] by
- adapt standard PISCES reference namelist to new code
- 16:42 Changeset [7181] by
- enhanced lateral diffusion at the equator on tracers
- 16:41 Changeset [7180] by
- various bug fixes on iron chemistry
- 16:39 Changeset [7179] by
- Manually merge in changes from v3.6_extra_CMIP6_diagnostics branch. This …
- 16:39 Changeset [7178] by
- adapt the shared config files to new code
- 16:29 Changeset [7177] by
- new top interface : bugfixes
- 16:28 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV edited by
- (diff)
- 16:15 Changeset [7176] by
- new top interface : merge aggregation routines (p4z & p5z )
- 16:04 Changeset [7175] by
- new top interface : minor bugfix
- 16:02 Changeset [7174] by
- new top interface : minor improvments of PISCES
- 14:09 Changeset [7173] by
- new top interface : minor bug
- 12:24 Changeset [7172] by
- adding updates to variables tbias_asm_stscale, sbias_asm_stscale
- 11:53 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV edited by
- (diff)
- 11:18 Changeset [7171] by
- #1643 Updates and bug fix on development branch 2015/dev_r5936_INGV1_WAVE
- 06:08 Changeset [7170] by
- #1751 - branch SIMPLIF_6_aerobulk: traadv_fct & zdftke ==> back to …
- 19:56 Changeset [7169] by
- Corrected to only apply delta_toa & delta_delta_toa to heat flux adjusted …
- 15:24 Changeset [7168] by
- First trial to changes needed for wave coupling
- 15:06 Changeset [7167] by
- Changes as in branch 2015/dev_r5936_INGV1_WAVE at r7078
- 14:52 Changeset [7166] by
- Remove svn keys
- 14:50 Changeset [7165] by
- Clean copy of INGV wave branch, plus coupling changes
- 13:02 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV edited by
- (diff)
- 13:01 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV edited by
- (diff)
- 12:56 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV/Summary created by
- New page from template WorkPlanAction/Summary?
- 12:38 2016WP/WAVE1-INGV created by
- 12:22 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by
- (diff)
- 15:49 Changeset [7164] by
- #1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: comment update only
- 15:26 Changeset [7163] by
- #1751 - branch SIMPLIF_6_aerobulk: update option control in sbcmod + …
- 14:23 Changeset [7162] by
- new top interface : Add PISCES quota model
- 19:21 Glossary edited by
- (diff)
- 16:51 Ticket #1790 (Using unsupported configurations on systems without wget access to the ...) closed by
- fixed: make_usp_tar.sh and README_uspcfg added to TOOLS/MISCELLANEOUS at …
- 16:49 Changeset [7161] by
- #1790 Add make_usp_tar.sh and README_uspcfg to TOOLS/MISCELLANEOUS (trunk) …
- 16:46 Ticket #1790 (Using unsupported configurations on systems without wget access to the ...) created by
- = Context = The unsupported configurations in NEMO are provided as a way …
- 16:28 Changeset [7160] by
- correcting formulas
- 21:50 TicketGuidelines/ModifyTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 21:48 TicketGuidelines/NewTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 21:40 TicketGuidelines/ModifyTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 21:39 TicketGuidelines/ModifyTicketSummary edited by
- (diff)
- 01:21 Changeset [7159] by
- debug branch (part2)
- 01:21 Changeset [7158] by
- debug branch
- 20:46 2017WP edited by
- (diff)
- 15:47 Changeset [7157] by
- Branch dev_r6393_NOC_WAD. Tidied up and made code-consistent calculation …
- 13:04 Changeset [7156] by
- JPALM -- 28-10-2016 -- correct CO2 flux conversion in MEDUSA
- 12:56 Changeset [7155] by
- Fix small bug (forgot to declare one variable) and some cosmetic changes
- 11:16 Changeset [7154] by
- storing the incremental pressure correction in a different variable so …
- 11:13 Changeset [7153] by
- see ticket #1781
- 18:41 Changeset [7152] by
- Initial implementation of wave coupling branch - INGV wave branch + UKMO …
- 18:05 Changeset [7151] by
- Changes as in branch UKMO/dev_r5518_sst_landsea_cpl@6709
- 18:03 Changeset [7150] by
- Move one line of code to allow merging with another branch
- 17:39 Changeset [7149] by
- Create a specific branch to add icb in ORCA2_LIM3 configuration
- 17:37 Changeset [7148] by
- Branch dev_r6393_NOC_WAD. Tweaks to script for using unsupported …
- 17:07 Changeset [7147] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 17:04 Changeset [7146] by
- Update branch UKMO/dev_r5518_sst_landsea_cpl@6709 to trunk r5936 for merge …
- 16:48 Changeset [7145] by
- Changes as in branch UKMO/dev_r5518_amm15_test@6662
- 16:33 Changeset [7144] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 16:30 Changeset [7143] by
- Update branch UKMO/dev_r5518_amm15_test to trunk at r5936 for merging …
- 16:10 Changeset [7142] by
- Changes as in branch UKMO/dev_r5518_rm_um_cpl@5884
- 15:56 Changeset [7141] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 15:41 Changeset [7140] by
- ticket #1789: rm implicit atm coupling
- 15:37 Ticket #1789 (Support coupling without atmosphere model) created by
- = Context = When NEMO is run in coupled mode, it is implicitly assumed …
- 15:21 Changeset [7139] by
- Changes as in branch UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_cplfld@5592
- 15:07 Changeset [7138] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 14:40 Changeset [7137] by
- Delete because it was created by mistake
- 14:38 Changeset [7136] by
- Update of branch UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_cplfld@5592 to trunk r5936 to …
- 14:34 Changeset [7135] by
- Update of branch UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_cplfld@5592 to trunk r5936 to …
- 13:30 Changeset [7134] by
- Version as in UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_cplseq@5646
- 13:24 Changeset [7133] by
- Ãupadte sette
- 13:20 Changeset [7132] by
- add domain_cfg for ISOMIP, just testing phase
- 13:13 Changeset [7131] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 13:09 Changeset [7130] by
- Update branch UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_cplseq@5646 to trunk at r5936 to …
- 13:01 Changeset [7129] by
- As in UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_mct@5631
- 11:36 Changeset [7128] by
- ln_incpc should not be public
- 11:14 Changeset [7127] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 11:11 Changeset [7126] by
- Copy branch fcm:nemo.xm/branches/UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_mct@5631 for trunk …
- 11:00 Changeset [7125] by
- declaring variables
- 20:08 Changeset [7124] by
- New top interface : revise initialisation routines and namelist_top_cfg in …
- 19:32 Changeset [7123] by
- Changes as in UKMO/dev_r5518_bdy_sponge_temp@5878
- 18:42 Changeset [7122] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 18:40 Changeset [7121] by
- Copy of branch /UKMO/dev_r5518_bdy_sponge_temp@5878 at trunk r5936 to …
- 18:28 Changeset [7120] by
- Changes as in branch UKMO/2015_V36_STABLE_CO6_CO5_zenv_pomsdwl@5793
- 18:01 Changeset [7119] by
- Bug fix for land-suppression. See …
- 17:55 Changeset [7118] by
- Create a specific branch to include the land suppression bug fix
- 17:43 Changeset [7117] by
- Added script and README to help with unsupported configurations on systems …
- 17:42 Changeset [7116] by
- Clear svn keywords
- 17:39 Changeset [7115] by
- Copy of UKMO/2015_V36_STABLE_CO6_CO5_zenv_pomsdwl@5793 updated to trunk …
- 17:31 Changeset [7114] by
- Changes as in UKMO/restart_datestamp@6336
- 17:16 Changeset [7113] by
- Remove again the svn keywords, as it did not work before
- 16:31 Changeset [7112] by
- #1692 and ROBUST-3, add ISOMIP test case
- 15:55 Changeset [7111] by
- #1692, add lbc_lnk in dommsk
- 15:53 Changeset [7110] by
- #1692 and ROBUST-3, updates
- 15:38 Changeset [7109] by
- Remove some missing svn keys
- 15:23 Changeset [7108] by
- #1692 and ROBUST-3, update README
- 15:21 Changeset [7107] by
- #1692 and ROBUST-3, add ISF computation for TOOLS, and remove .nc files
- 14:59 Changeset [7106] by
- Remove svn keywords
- 14:56 Changeset [7105] by
- Copy of branch UKMO/restart_datestamp from trunk at r5936 for merge …
- 14:37 Changeset [7104] by
- Changes as in r6549 of branch 2015_CO6_CO5_shelfdiagnostic
- 13:55 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by
- (diff)
- 12:52 Changeset [7103] by
- new top interface : move namelist age from namelist_top to namelist_trc
- 10:22 Changeset [7102] by
- Remove svn keys
- 10:19 Changeset [7101] by
- Update of 2015_CO6_CO5_shelfdiagnostic branch to r5936 in order to avoid …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.