- 19:16 2019WP/HPC-12_Mocavero_mpi3 edited by
- (diff)
- 19:08 2019WP/HPC-12_Mocavero_mpi3 created by
- 17:36 Changeset [10950] by
- GMED 462 replace nprint == 1 with nprint > 3
- 17:33 Changeset [10949] by
- GMED 462 corrections to previous changes
- 15:01 Changeset [10948] by
- GMED 462 iceberg model
- 12:32 Changeset [10947] by
- GMED 462 improvements in text diagnostics
- 10:56 Changeset [10946] by
- 2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : Convert …
- 19:29 Changeset [10945] by
- finish repairing the code when only ice dynamics is activated
- 19:28 Changeset [10944] by
- finish repairing the code when only ice dynamics is activated
- 18:37 Changeset [10943] by
- Delete useless dvpt branch
- 18:36 Changeset [10942] by
- Delete useless dvpt branch
- 16:39 Changeset [10941] by
- new branch to add fixes to section transports for reanalysis
- 16:28 Changeset [10940] by
- Merge in changeset [10920] from branch …
- 15:54 Changeset [10939] by
- #1959
- 15:47 Changeset [10938] by
- #1959
- 13:50 Changeset [10937] by
- #1959: Add hydrostatic pressure correction in barotropic equations
- 12:20 Changeset [10936] by
- #1959 - Pressure gradient correction
- 11:56 Changeset [10935] by
- #1959
- 11:42 2019WP/ENHANCE-09_Jerome_freesurface edited by
- (diff)
- 11:29 Changeset [10934] by
- Update code to accommodate multiple instances of nb_jpk_bdy (See ticket …
- 11:21 Changeset [10933] by
- Updating code to accommodate mulitple instances of nb_jpk_bdy (See ticket …
- 21:45 Changeset [10932] by
- make sure a simulation can run when some parts of ice thermodynamics are …
- 21:44 Changeset [10931] by
- make sure a simulation can run when some parts of ice thermodynamics are …
- 21:37 Changeset [10930] by
- solve a problem of conservation when ice advection is called twice …
- 21:35 Changeset [10929] by
- solve a problem of conservation when ice advection is called twice …
- 17:44 Changeset [10928] by
- 2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : Finish …
- 17:21 Ticket #2277 (Problem in the trend routine for UBS+VVL option) created by
- ==== Context For the release 3.6 (and 4.0) In the file traadv_ubs.F90: In …
- 17:13 Changeset [10927] by
- 2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : Tidy up the …
- 14:32 Changeset [10926] by
- complete previous commit
- 14:32 Changeset [10925] by
- complete previous commit
- 12:00 Changeset [10924] by
- solve a problem of restartability and reproducibility if ln_cndflx is …
- 11:59 Changeset [10923] by
- solve a problem of restartability and reproducibility if ln_cndflx is …
- 11:55 New topic on Jobs created by
- [post-doc] Postdoctoral fellowship in Arctic climate modelling/prediction available at the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
- 17:10 Changeset [10922] by
- 2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : Convert …
- 12:56 Changeset [10921] by
- 2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : finish …
- 11:27 Changeset [10920] by
- Use ice fractions from the last coupling time to calculate grid box means …
- 17:29 Changeset [10919] by
- 2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : 1. …
- 16:48 Changeset [10918] by
- Add missing lbc_lnk, which helps with reproducibility.
- 16:44 Changeset [10917] by
- Update chlorophyll climatology relaxation with biomass balancing, error …
- 13:45 Changeset [10916] by
- Merge in revision 8148 to CO6_KD490_amm7_oper_fabm, which implemented …
- 13:43 Changeset [10915] by
- Branch for AMM-ERSEM changes related to Met Office utils ticket 216.
- 10:16 Changeset [10914] by
- GMED 450 flush iceberg files independent on lflush setting
- 10:04 Changeset [10913] by
- GMED 450 changes in diagnostic messages for iceberg model
- 09:46 Changeset [10912] by
- GMED 450 changes in namelist_ref
- 18:25 Ticket #2276 (SAS is not restartable) created by
- SAS is currently reproducible but not restartable
- 18:14 Ticket #2275 (ln_zad_Aimp) closed by
- fixed: fixed at r10906
- 18:11 Changeset [10911] by
- Major change: the advection scheme UMx has been revisited to clean all the …
- 18:10 Changeset [10910] by
- Major change: the advection scheme UMx has been revisited to clean all the …
- 17:58 Changeset [10909] by
- correct a problem with indices for ice BDY at the eastern and northern …
- 17:57 Changeset [10908] by
- correct a problem with indices for ice BDY at the eastern and northern …
- 17:54 Changeset [10907] by
- solve ticket #2275
- 17:36 Changeset [10906] by
- solve ticket #2275. Repro was just a matter of lbc (for Cu_adv) and an …
- 15:26 Ticket #2275 (ln_zad_Aimp) created by
- Option for having implicit vertical advection (ln_zad_Aimp) is not …
- 13:50 Changeset [10905] by
- 2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : 1. Alter …
- 14:52 Changeset [10904] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0_GO8_package : include shlat2d option.
- 14:24 Changeset [10903] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0_old_tidal_mixing : science change.
- 13:59 Changeset [10902] by
- UKMO branch to reinstate old Simmons et al tidal mixing scheme at NEMO 4.0 …
- 13:54 Changeset [10901] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0_GO6_mixing : science change.
- 13:51 Changeset [10900] by
- Changes to allow checking qns balance and if all terms are correctly …
- 12:42 Changeset [10899] by
- UKMO branch to implement GO6 option for nn_htau.
- 12:29 Changeset [10898] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0_GO8_package: Add cfgs/METO_GO directory for standard …
- 12:17 Changeset [10897] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0_GO8_package branch: Copy over changes from previous version …
- 10:41 Changeset [10896] by
- Adding a first Draft of TOP documentation
- 14:51 Changeset [10895] by
- Fixed the GPU=1 compile option to not use managed memory
- 14:29 Changeset [10894] by
- Improving autogeneration of various versions
- 12:30 Ticket #2274 (Ill defined namelist variable nb_jpk_bdy) created by
- ==== Context Interpolation on-the-fly for BDY: nb_jpk_bdy (number of …
- 12:05 Changeset [10893] by
- branches/2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : …
- 11:22 Changeset [10892] by
- GMED 450 reviewer comments
- 14:36 Changeset [10891] by
- 1) correct ice velocity at the ice edge => it changes (slightly) the ice …
- 14:35 Changeset [10890] by
- 1) correct ice velocity at the ice edge => it changes (slightly) the ice …
- 13:23 Ticket #2273 (Postprocess results in paraview?) closed by
- wontfix: The short answer is no but NEMO and XIOS produce multi-dimensional NetCDF …
- 08:36 Ticket #2273 (Postprocess results in paraview?) created by
- ==== Context I am a starter with Nemo but are used to use paraview …
- 17:21 Changeset [10889] by
- UKMO GO8 package branch relative to NEMO 4.0 release.
- 16:55 Changeset [10888] by
- branches/UKMO/NEMO_4.0_mirror : clear SVN keywords
- 16:48 Changeset [10887] by
- Mirror of NEMO 4.0 release in UKMO branch with SVN keywords removed. To …
- 16:47 Changeset [10886] by
- Branch created in wrong location - removing.
- 16:37 Changeset [10885] by
- Mirror of NEMO 4.0 release in UKMO branch with SVN keywords removed. To …
- 17:25 user/nicolasmartin/InputArchives edited by
- (diff)
- 15:46 user/nicolasmartin/InputArchives edited by
- (diff)
- 19:17 user/nicolasmartin edited by
- (diff)
- 17:36 user/nicolasmartin edited by
- (diff)
- 17:00 Changeset [10884] by
- branches/2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : …
- 14:29 Changeset [10883] by
- branches/2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps: …
- 17:40 Changeset [10882] by
- correct the comments on the units of salt fluxes that were confusing
- 17:40 Changeset [10881] by
- correct the comments on the units of salt fluxes that were confusing
- 12:02 Changeset [10880] by
- branches/2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps: 1. …
- 14:58 Changeset [10879] by
- Changes to reinstate heat fluxes, see …
- 13:53 Changeset [10878] by
- GMED 450 fix for ln_ctl
- 11:50 Changeset [10877] by
- branches/2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : …
- 10:02 Changeset [10876] by
- branches/2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : …
- 17:55 Changeset [10875] by
- GMED 450 open solver.stat by processor 0 only
- 16:22 Ticket #2271 (Change units of PISCES Ndeposition data) closed by
- fixed: Done in v4.0 and trunk. The input data have also been changed
- 15:57 Changeset [10874] by
- branches/2019/dev_r10721_KERNEL-02_Storkey_Coward_IMMERSE_first_steps : …
- 14:34 Ticket #2272 (Uninitialised variables in PISCES) closed by
- fixed
- 14:34 Changeset [10873] by
- trunk : Initialisation of some local arrays, see ticket:2272
- 14:32 Changeset [10872] by
- v4.0 : Initialisation of some local arrays, see ticket:2272
- 14:31 Ticket #2272 (Uninitialised variables in PISCES) created by
- ==== Context In PISCES 2 variables used to compute some ligands …
- 13:47 Changeset [10871] by
- Missing ENDIF, correct logical var name for 3.6 compatibility not 4.0
- 13:00 Changeset [10870] by
- Apply correction to tnpeo calculation including reordering of k loop as …
- 12:34 Changeset [10869] by
- trunk:Change units of Nitrogen deposition data in PISCES, see ticket:2271
- 12:32 Changeset [10868] by
- v4.0:Change units of Nitrogen deposition data in PISCES, see ticket:2271
- 12:29 Ticket #2271 (Change units of PISCES Ndeposition data) created by
- ==== Context In PISCES we assume that the units of Nitrogen deposition …
- 10:38 Changeset [10867] by
- GMED 450: find nn_timing in icbrst.F90
- 17:35 New topic on Forks created by
- [usp-cfg] NEMO-FAMB-ERSEM compile
- 16:10 Changeset [10866] by
- Fix on regexp for counters and few improvments Thanks again Simon for your …
- 11:58 Changeset [10865] by
- Removal of redundant source code in modules bdydta and bdytides (ticket …
- 17:32 Changeset [10864] by
- Add a simple script to calculate basic numbers on NEMO releases […]
- 17:26 Changelog edited by
- (diff)
- 17:11 Changeset [10863] by
- Correct jk starting index so that operations don't go OOB on rab_n, etc. …
- 16:51 Changeset [10862] by
- Branch to fix long standing OOB ops in diaar5.F90
- 14:45 Changeset [10861] by
- Suppression of optional complex conjugation of tidal input data at open …
- 11:35 Changeset [10860] by
- Relocation of the time-of-day computation in subroutine upd_tide (module …
- 16:18 Ticket #2270 (segfault in sbcdcy.F90) created by
- ==== Context NEMO (Met Office GO8 configuration) fails with segfault in …
- 12:19 Changeset [10859] by
- Modified zdfglf.F90 to allow merge with AMM15 pkg_coupled branch.
- 12:08 Changeset [10858] by
- Creating branch to merge changes required for ocean-wave coupling in AMM15
- 10:16 Changeset [10857] by
- fix for segfault error found by pgi compiler
- 17:46 Changeset [10856] by
- Replacement of the temporary modification of a global variable in …
- 13:32 Changeset [10855] by
- Simplification of subroutine tide_update (module tide_mod) by transferring …
- 12:31 Changeset [10854] by
- Minor changes to allow merging with OBS branch and tr@5518.
- 11:04 Changeset [10853] by
- ticket #2197 bugfix and change in NaN detection
- 19:03 Changeset [10852] by
- Renaming of subroutine sbc_tide of module sbctide to tide_update, transfer …
- 15:39 Changeset [10851] by
- ticket #2197 dissable diagnostics without key_iomput
- 15:00 Changeset [10850] by
- Merged updates from AMM15_v3_6_STABLE_package_collate
- 13:35 Changeset [10849] by
- ticket #2197 for OCE ICE build without key_iomput
- 11:44 Changeset [10848] by
- ticket #2197 add build keys
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.