- 18:01 Developers/Validation/trunk_light edited by
- (diff)
- 13:03 Developers/Validation/r4.0_light edited by
- (diff)
- 13:02 Ticket #2456 (model does not stop properly in stpctl) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12859] pass all sette tests and gives the same results as …
- 11:33 Changeset [12859] by
- r4-HEAD: stpctl bugfix, see #2456
- 11:32 Ticket #2456 (model does not stop properly in stpctl) created by
- ==== Context Same as #2418 but for the r4.0-HEAD ==== Analysis see …
- 11:04 Changeset [12858] by
- r12581_ticket2418: bugfix not seen on X64_IRENE, see #2418
- 19:03 Developers/Validation/r4.0_light edited by
- (diff)
- 18:52 Developers/Validation/r4.0_light edited by
- (diff)
- 18:06 Changeset [12857] by
- Correct swapped conditionnal statement in corners (hence undetected …
- 18:01 Ticket #2440 (Issue with land processors removal) reopened by
- 16:29 Developers/Validation/r4.0_light edited by
- (diff)
- 16:27 Developers/Validation edited by
- (diff)
- 16:23 Developers/Validation/r4.0_light created by
- 11:55 Changeset [12856] by
- r12581_ticket2418: stupid bugfix following [12855], see #2418
- 10:11 WorkingGroups/SI3 edited by
- (diff)
- 19:09 Changeset [12855] by
- r12581_ticket2418: add check for Infinity, see #2418
- 19:06 Changeset [12854] by
- 1st implementation of snow fraction (impact on albedo). Light transmission …
- 18:56 Changeset [12853] by
- r12581_ticket2418: merge with trunk@12852, see #2418
- 18:24 Changeset [12852] by
- trunk : minor bug correction
- 18:22 Changeset [12851] by
- r4.0-HEADr12713_clem_dan_fixcpl : minor bug correction
- 18:21 Changeset [12850] by
- r4.0-HEAD : minor bug correction
- 17:33 Changeset [12849] by
- Do not output iceberg and icesheet info when nn_print is zero.
- 15:44 Changeset [12848] by
- Extra sea ice diagnostics
- 15:05 Changeset [12847] by
- Limit hmle (hmle < 1.2 mld)
- 14:07 Changeset [12846] by
- r12581_ticket2418: merge with trunk@12845, see #2418
- 13:11 Ticket #2391 (wrong default definition in namelist_pisces_ref) closed by
- fixed
- 13:11 Changeset [12845] by
- Change TOP & PISCES namelist parameter as we need the new input files, see …
- 13:00 Ticket #1516 (New CNRS branch for PISCES quota model) closed by
- fixed
- 13:00 Ticket #2453 (River supply of nutrients) closed by
- fixed: Done in r4.0-HEAD & trunk
- 12:59 Ticket #2454 (GGE of zooplankton) closed by
- fixed: done in r4.0-HEAD & trunk
- 12:57 Changeset [12844] by
- r12581_ticket2418: merge with trunk@12843, see #2418
- 12:57 Ticket #2455 (Various small bugs in the sediment module of PISCES) closed by
- fixed: Done in r4.0-HEAD & trunk
- 12:55 Ticket #2389 (adventures with OFFLINE, BDY and MY_TRC) closed by
- fixed: Fixes done in r4.0-HEAD & trunk
- 12:54 Changeset [12843] by
- trunk : bugfix on BDY & OFF, see ticket #2389
- 12:53 Changeset [12842] by
- r4.0-HEAD_r12713_clem_dan_fixcpl : bugfix on BDY & TOP, see ticket #2389
- 12:52 Changeset [12841] by
- r4.0-HEAD : bugfix on BDY & TOP, see ticket #2389
- 10:58 Changeset [12840] by
- r12581_ticket2418: improve stpctl error messages and release the max of …
- 10:39 Changeset [12839] by
- trunk : Bugfixes PISCES model, see ticket #2454, #2455
- 10:38 Changeset [12838] by
- r4.0-HEAD_r12713_clem_dan_fixcpl : Bugfixes PISCES model, see ticket …
- 10:37 Changeset [12837] by
- r4.0-HEAD : Bugfixes PISCES model, see ticket #2453, #2454, #2455
- 16:27 Ticket #2455 (Various small bugs in the sediment module of PISCES) created by
- Various bugs have been identified in the sediment module of PISCES. These …
- 16:24 Ticket #2454 (GGE of zooplankton) created by
- […] ==== Context Grazing efficiency of zooplankton depends on the …
- 16:19 Ticket #2453 (River supply of nutrients) created by
- […] ==== Context Nutrients are supplied to the ocean by river …
- 14:00 Changeset [12836] by
- Bug fix: when coupling with waves, the model crashed with an xios error …
- 08:55 Changeset [12835] by
- r12581_ticket2418: suppress l_allon and l_config namelist parameters, see …
- 17:27 Changeset [12834] by
- Revert zhs_min back to original value of 0.01
- 17:24 Changeset [12833] by
- adjust namelist_ice_cfg to a change in namelists
- 17:15 Changeset [12832] by
- forgotten files from previous commit
- 17:10 Changeset [12831] by
- thin snow only partially shades melt ponds and ice as for light …
- 16:02 Changeset [12830] by
- Add lateral melting output
- 15:47 Changeset [12829] by
- Change to add basal melt only if the SST is above the freezing point
- 15:26 Changeset [12828] by
- Branch to stop the icebergs melting if the temperature is below the …
- 10:20 Changeset [12827] by
- add a necessary output for cmip simulations
- 10:09 Changeset [12826] by
- Create branch for efficiency improvements
- 17:46 Changeset [12825] by
- Limit hmle (hmle < 1.2 mld)
- 15:54 Changeset [12824] by
- Updating xml files: removing 4strait grid as option local not available …
- 15:17 Changeset [12823] by
- Clem's branch: missing part in from [12816]
- 11:10 Changeset [12822] by
- symmetric sterss tensor and half cell modifications (wet point only, ghost …
- 17:06 Developers/Validation/trunk_light edited by
- (diff)
- 17:00 Changeset [12821] by
- Changes for xios 2.5, protected by key_xios25
- 15:57 Changeset [12820] by
- Adding fbd observations in obs_oper, distinguishing it from sit
- 11:14 Changeset [12819] by
- add missing line in previous commit r12818 (ticket #2452)
- 11:08 Changeset [12818] by
- modifications to activate ABL with ORCA2_ICE_PISCES cfg in SETTE tests; …
- 10:52 Changeset [12817] by
- create sette_ticket2452 branch from SETTE trunk r12798 for ABL test in …
- 09:56 Ticket #2452 (integrate ABL in SETTE ORCA2_ICE_PISCES cfg) created by
- […] ==== Context ABL component not yet tested in SETTE ==== Analysis …
- 14:32 Changeset [12816] by
- Clem's branch: update with trunk, update with …
- 11:00 Changeset [12815] by
- Extra_Halo: minor bugfix following [12807], see #2366
- 19:52 Ticket #2451 (ABL not restartable) closed by
- fixed
- 19:51 Changeset [12814] by
- ABL restartability bugfixes (ticket #2451); no SETTE change compared to …
- 19:11 Changeset [12813] by
- Fix compile errors.
- 17:31 Changeset [12812] by
- Merge in Clem's branch: …
- 17:20 Changeset [12811] by
- debug a restartability issue. All sette tests passed now
- 17:13 Ticket #2451 (ABL not restartable) created by
- […] ==== Context ABL version implemented during 2019 MP is not …
- 17:09 Changeset [12810] by
- POINTER removal and replacing of traadv_mus.F90 file with original version …
- 09:25 Changeset [12809] by
- Made a branch to test Clem's branch …
- 18:53 Changeset [12808] by
- change ABL time swap to work with nn_fsbc > 1 (ticket #2419)
- 17:39 2020WP/HPC-02_Daley_Tiling edited by
- (diff)
- 15:14 Changeset [12807] by
- Extra_Halo: input file only over inner domain + new variables names, see …
- 11:26 Changeset [12806] by
- Merge in NEMO_4.0.1_old_tidal_mixing
- 11:20 Changeset [12805] by
- Merged in NEMO_4.0.1_GO8_package
- 11:06 Changeset [12804] by
- Merged in NEMO_4.0.1_GO6_mixing branch
- 10:57 Changeset [12803] by
- Merge in NEMO_4.0.1_GC_couple_pkg
- 10:47 Changeset [12802] by
- Merge in NEMO_4.0.1_remove_0.1m_snow_test
- 10:42 Changeset [12801] by
- Clear SVN keywords
- 10:21 Changeset [12800] by
- This branch is to tests Clem's branch …
- 10:18 2020WP/VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration edited by
- (diff)
- 10:11 Changeset [12799] by
- move rhoa computation from sbcabl to sbcblk (to avoid restartability issue …
- 18:59 Changeset [12798] by
- add corresponding Mercator SETTE batch templates (arch files added at …
- 17:54 Changeset [12797] by
- additional Mercator Intel arch files for SETTE (ticket #2419)
- 15:38 Changeset [12796] by
- GMED developmemnt; Ticket 538 add call to xios function
- 15:30 Changeset [12795] by
- GMED developmemnt; Ticket 538
- 15:17 Changeset [12794] by
- trunk: minor update of usrdef_istate in BENCH
- 12:50 Developers/Validation/trunk_light edited by
- (diff)
- 12:49 Developers/Validation/trunk_light edited by
- (diff)
- 12:42 Ticket #2450 (ln_vorlat bug: fmask calculation) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12793]
- 12:42 Ticket #2446 (ln_vorlat bug: fmask calculation) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12792]
- 12:41 Changeset [12793] by
- trunk: fixe minor bug in dynvor, see #2450
- 12:41 Ticket #2450 (ln_vorlat bug: fmask calculation) created by
- same as #2446 but for the trunk
- 12:39 Changeset [12792] by
- r4.0-HEAD: fixe minor bug in dynvor, see #2446
- 12:23 Ticket #2449 (wrong coastal boundary condition in dyn_ldf_blp) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12791] [12791] changes the results of configuration using …
- 12:22 Ticket #2448 (wrong coastal boundary condition in dyn_ldf_blp) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12790] [12790] passes all sette tests with X64_IRENE and …
- 22:41 Changeset [12791] by
- r4.0-HEAD: fix coastal boundary conditions in dyn_ldf_blp, see #2449
- 22:33 Changeset [12790] by
- trunk: fix coastal boundary conditions in dyn_ldf_blp, see #2448
- 22:29 Ticket #2449 (wrong coastal boundary condition in dyn_ldf_blp) created by
- ==== Context Same as #2448 but for the 4.0-HEAD This bug affects the …
- 22:26 Ticket #2448 (wrong coastal boundary condition in dyn_ldf_blp) created by
- ==== Context This bug affects the coastal boundary conditions of …
- 16:59 2020WP/HPC-02_Daley_Tiling edited by
- (diff)
- 15:36 2020WP/HPC-02_Daley_Tiling edited by
- (diff)
- 14:09 2020WP/DATAINT-02_smueller_IOM_revision edited by
- (diff)
- 14:01 Changeset [12789] by
- adopt one of Rob's profile fixes
- 13:21 Changeset [12788] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.1_biharmonic_GM : New calculation for zmu with new …
- 12:54 2020WP/DATAINT-02_smueller_IOM_revision edited by
- (diff)
- 12:51 Changeset [12787] by
- fix
- 11:38 Changeset [12786] by
- fix for profiles
- 20:48 Changeset [12785] by
- debug ice evap for the coupling in sbccpl and implement the possibility to …
- 20:26 Changeset [12784] by
- fix for profiles
- 20:24 Ticket #2447 (Wave variables not allocated) created by
- […] ==== Context The code allows using some of the wave coupling …
- 20:19 Changeset [12783] by
- bug fixes for profiles from …
- 19:52 Changeset [12782] by
- branch for AMM7 reanalysis
- 19:48 Changeset [12781] by
- branch for AMM7 NWS reanalysis
- 19:41 Changeset [12780] by
- Increase length of NEMO river input file.
- 19:20 Ticket #2446 (ln_vorlat bug: fmask calculation) created by
- […] ==== Context It appears to be a bug in the initialization of …
- 19:01 Ticket #2445 (Minimum roughness when equal to significant wave height) created by
- […] ==== Context When running in wave coupled mode and using …
- 18:53 Changeset [12779] by
- modify TOP to be able to run with key_qco i.e. remove e3. gdep. and use a …
- 16:35 Changeset [12778] by
- Implement user-defined sbc: tides only
- 13:31 Changeset [12777] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.1_biharmonic_GM : Remove duplicate dyn_ldf_lap_no_ahm …
- 11:24 Changeset [12776] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.1_biharmonic_GM : Allow option of running with standard …
- 09:15 Changeset [12775] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.1_biharmonic_GM : bug fixes.
- 14:31 Changeset [12774] by
- forgotten commit for canal test case
- 11:17 2020WP/TOP-01_rlod_Antarctic_ice_Sheet_Fe_Source edited by
- (diff)
- 09:51 Changeset [12773] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.2_GO8_package : Bug fix for dommsk.F90.
- 18:32 Changeset [12772] by
- #2444: changes requested by Dave
- 18:20 Changeset [12771] by
- #2444: missing files
- 17:12 Changeset [12770] by
- fix ABL restartability issue (ticket #2419)
- 17:06 Changeset [12769] by
- #2444: update of the documentation (prior to changes suggested by Dave)
- 16:36 Changeset [12768] by
- #2444: create branches to update the documentation
- 16:34 Ticket #2444 (Update NEMO doc for last year dev on closea and ISF) created by
- ==== Context Update documentation of the trunk (last year development on …
- 16:07 Changeset [12767] by
- NEMO_4.0.2_GO8_package_ENHANCE-02_ISF_nemo: change to be able to run …
- 14:54 Changeset [12766] by
- tra_ldf_iso trial using structures
- 14:46 Ticket #2443 (TOP-01_rlod_Antarctic_ice_Sheet_Fe_Source) created by
- […] ==== Workplan action Wikipage: …
- 14:45 Changeset [12765] by
- tra_ldf_iso trial using public variables
- 12:20 Changeset [12764] by
- Create branch to trial public variable approach to tiling
- 12:20 Changeset [12763] by
- Create branch to trial structure approach to tiling
- 11:02 Changeset [12762] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.1_GO8_package : Bug fix for dommsk.F90 (to allow use of …
- 10:28 Changeset [12761] by
- add the computation of r3._f before trc_src in stepMLF.F90 for that there …
- 08:53 Changeset [12760] by
- Extra_Halo: update do_loop_substitute for nn_hls=2, see #2366
- 00:17 Changeset [12759] by
- make parameterizations in PISCES-operationnal more similar to thos of …
- 18:05 Changeset [12758] by
- Branch to allow nitrogen balancing based on 3D chlorophyll increments.
- 15:35 Changeset [12757] by
- fix xml again
- 15:34 Changeset [12756] by
- fix xml again
- 12:35 Changeset [12755] by
- Fix to avoid dividing by a very small number when nn_z0_met=3
- 11:33 Ticket #2441 (Wave coupling only: not receiving coupling fields) closed by
- invalid
- 10:24 Changeset [12754] by
- fix symlink
- 10:22 Changeset [12753] by
- Remove symlink
- 10:21 Ticket #2440 (Issue with land processors removal) closed by
- fixed: Successfully tested mpp reproducibility in an ARCTIC zoom with lots of …
- 10:04 Changeset [12752] by
- deal with xml links
- 09:44 Changeset [12751] by
- update CANAL for students experiments
- 18:38 Changeset [12750] by
- Comment some excessive warnings
- 15:49 Changeset [12749] by
- ABL code cleaning and small bugfixes; modify shared and ORCA2_ICE_ABL cfgs …
- 14:59 Changeset [12748] by
- bug fix
- 13:57 Changeset [12747] by
- NEMO_4.0.2_GO8_package_ENHANCE-02_ISF_nemo: fix compilation issue
- 12:13 Changeset [12746] by
- Creation of New branch for Fe Source from Antarctic Ice Sheet for TOP
- 08:14 Changeset [12745] by
- Extra_Halo: iom cleaning and fix ICB restartability, see #2366
- 16:11 Changeset [12744] by
- make sure all pond lids are set to 0 when not using this option
- 15:01 Changeset [12743] by
- remove test on the ponds from namelist_ice_ref
- 14:46 Changeset [12742] by
- all sette tests passed
- 12:15 Changeset [12741] by
- introduce a convergence test for rheology. Needed for the upcoming …
- 11:05 Ticket #2442 (some tests or cfgs cases (not included in sette) are not compiling) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12740] all tests and cfgs are now compiling. sette for tests are …
- 11:03 Changeset [12740] by
- trunk: update/debug of tests and C1D, see #2442
- 10:03 Ticket #2442 (some tests or cfgs cases (not included in sette) are not compiling) created by
- ==== Context several tests or cfgs cases (not included in sette) are not …
- 15:50 Changeset [12739] by
- Extra_Halo: missing 1 file in [12738], see #2366
- 15:38 Changeset [12738] by
- Extra_Halo: iom cleaning/update to work only with unknown, global or local …
- 19:55 Changeset [12737] by
- Fixes AGRIF reproductibility with land processors removal, i.e. #2240. …
- 16:24 Ticket #2437 (Unmasked initial ice fields if read from file) closed by
- fixed
- 16:23 Changeset [12736] by
- Mask initial ice fields if read from file, #2437
- 16:10 Changeset [12735] by
- Mask initial ice fields if read from file, #2437
- 16:09 Ticket #2438 (Unmasked initial ice fields if read from file) closed by
- duplicate
- 16:02 Changeset [12734] by
- add the possibility to not use the heat contained in the leads to melt sea …
- 13:07 Changeset [12733] by
- change sbccpl.F90 to fulfill Met-Office requirements (hopefully)
- 21:06 Changeset [12732] by
- some cleaning and proper module/routine name, mini bug introduced and …
- 19:30 Changeset [12731] by
- replace h. and gde. in case key_qco is activated - quick and dirty
- 18:36 2020WP/PUB-02_Ethe_TOP_DOC edited by
- (diff)
- 18:35 2020WP/VALID-10_Ethe_TOP_OFF edited by
- (diff)
- 18:32 2020WP/TOP-05_Ethe_Agrif edited by
- (diff)
- 17:54 2020WP/PUB-02_Ethe_TOP_DOC edited by
- (diff)
- 17:53 2020WP/VALID-10_Ethe_TOP_OFF edited by
- (diff)
- 17:50 2020WP/TOP-05_Ethe_Agrif edited by
- (diff)
- 17:17 Changeset [12730] by
- finish the job from previous commit
- 17:09 Changeset [12729] by
- update doc namelist
- 17:06 Changeset [12728] by
- add option for starting simulation with a restart (ice part)
- 16:57 Changeset [12727] by
- branches/2020/r4.0-HEAD_ticket2425 : Second version. Remove unnecessary …
- 16:30 Changeset [12726] by
- clean useless variables
- 15:48 Changeset [12725] by
- fix previous revision. Make sure a_ip and a_ip_eff are correct
- 11:11 Developers/Validation/trunk_light edited by
- (diff)
- 21:37 Changeset [12724] by
- branch KERNEL-06 : merge with trunk@12698 #2385 - in duplcated files : …
- 20:53 Changeset [12723] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.2_GO6_mixing : science change.
- 20:48 Changeset [12722] by
- UKMO branch to implement GO6 option for nn_htau
- 20:42 Changeset [12721] by
- NEMO_4.0.2_GO8_package_ENHANCE-02_ISF_nemo: add last year isf dev
- 18:54 Changeset [12720] by
- implementation of ice pond lids (before debugging)
- 17:53 Ticket #2441 (Wave coupling only: not receiving coupling fields) created by
- […] ==== Context When running an ocean/wave coupled configuration (no …
- 17:45 Changeset [12719] by
- extra-halo management with positive arrays indices - ticket #2366
- 17:21 Changeset [12718] by
- r12581_ticket2418: bugfix for C1D and STATION_ASF, see #2418
- 15:07 Changeset [12717] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.2_old_tidal_mixing: science changes
- 14:57 Changeset [12716] by
- UKMO branch to reinstate old Simmoms et al tidal mixing at NEMO_4.0.2
- 13:10 Changeset [12715] by
- branch to include last isf dev in GO8 package (merge done by hand from a …
- 12:59 Ticket #2440 (Issue with land processors removal) created by
- ==== Context The rewriting of mpp initialization has theoretically allowed …
- 12:26 Changeset [12714] by
- create branch from r4.0-head at r12713 to fix issues with coupled models
- 11:56 Ticket #2439 (typo bug in ASM/asminc.F90) closed by
- fixed
- 11:54 Changeset [12713] by
- Fix for #2439.
- 11:51 Ticket #2439 (typo bug in ASM/asminc.F90) created by
- […] ==== Context I introduced a bug in OCE/ASM/asminc.F90 in my …
- 11:42 Changeset [12712] by
- branches/2020/r4.0-HEAD_ticket2425 : first guess solution
- 11:15 Changeset [12711] by
- r4.0-HEAD branch for #2425 bug fix.
- 10:44 2020WP/VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE edited by
- (diff)
- 10:38 Changeset [12710] by
- Change external for tools to use the dev branch …
- 10:31 Changeset [12709] by
- NEMO_4.0.2_ENHANCE-02_ISF_nemo: remove svn keywords
- 18:57 Changeset [12708] by
- NEMO_4.0.2_ENHANCE-02_ISF_nemo: in sync with UKMO/NEMO_4.0.2_mirror (svn …
- 18:46 Changeset [12707] by
- NEMO_4.0.2_ENHANCE-02_ISF_nemo: in sync with release_4.0.2 (svn merge -r …
- 18:34 Changeset [12706] by
- NEMO_4.0.2_ENHANCE-02_ISF_nemo: in sync with trunk right before …
- 18:24 Ticket #2438 (Unmasked initial ice fields if read from file) created by
- ==== Context Unmasked initial ice fields if read from file ==== Analysis …
- 18:24 Ticket #2437 (Unmasked initial ice fields if read from file) created by
- ==== Context Unmasked initial ice fields if read from file ==== Analysis …
- 17:56 Changeset [12705] by
- create branch to include last year NEMO isf dev. in GO8
- 16:49 Changeset [12704] by
- Fixes so STATION_ASF works fine!
- 11:18 Changeset [12703] by
- ticket #2406: too long line (> 132 cols)
- 11:16 Changeset [12702] by
- ticket #2406: too long line (> 132 cols)
- 10:31 2020WP/VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration edited by
- (diff)
- 10:30 2020WP/VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration edited by
- (diff)
- 10:29 2020WP/VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration edited by
- (diff)
- 10:27 Changeset [12701] by
- Added few more sea-ice related fixes.
- 10:11 2020WP/VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration edited by
- (diff)
- 09:35 Ticket #2436 (VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration) created by
- […] ==== Workplan action Wikipage: …
- 09:33 2020WP/VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration created by
- 21:29 Ticket #2435 (Initialisation top/bottom 'en' value in zdftke) created by
- […] ==== Context It is a follow on of ticket #2406. In case of no …
- 21:18 Ticket #2406 (Bugs in tke with ice shelves) closed by
- fixed
- 21:17 Changeset [12700] by
- ticket #2406: delete temporary branch (ticket2406_r4.0-HEAD)
- 21:15 Changeset [12699] by
- ticket #2406: delete temporary branch
- 21:10 Changeset [12698] by
- ticket #2406: fix ticket #2406 for trunk
- 20:14 Changeset [12697] by
- ticket #2406: fix ticket #2406 for r4.0-HEAD
- 20:09 Changeset [12696] by
- ticket #2406: implement changes (r4.0-HEAD version of the ticket branch)
- 20:05 Changeset [12695] by
- update branch to head of trunk
- 20:03 Changeset [12694] by
- ticket #2406: implement changes (no changes in results as isf and tke not …
- 18:35 Changeset [12693] by
- ticket #2406: branch for correction in r4.0-HEAD
- 17:58 Changeset [12692] by
- rename branch build to clearly state it is for the trunk
- 17:57 2020WP/VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE edited by
- (diff)
- 17:36 Changeset [12691] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.1_biharmonic_GM : stabilising correction terms
- 15:11 Changeset [12690] by
- Branch for SEAMOUNT test configuration.
- 14:44 Changeset [12689] by
- Remove any 2D greenland or antarctic mass arrays
- 14:39 Changeset [12688] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.1_biharmonic_GM : Switch to bhm coefficient at W points.
- 12:19 Changeset [12687] by
- Changing OBS branch to distinguish SIT and FBD
- 11:56 Changeset [12686] by
- * We don't need maximum outflow when reducing pond width or depth. * …
- 11:52 Changeset [12685] by
- r12581_ticket2418: end cleaning, see #2418
- 09:20 Ticket #2434 (Erroneous distribution of radiative fluxes in coupled mode 'oce and ice') created by
- ==== Context The management of radiative fluxes in coupled mode produces …
- 18:47 Changeset [12684] by
- r12581_ticket2418: additional cleaning, see #2418
- 20:00 Ticket #2405 (compilation of the tools fails in 4.0-HEAD) closed by
- fixed: Action 5 of …
- 19:52 Changeset [12683] by
- ticket #2405: delete temporary branch
- 19:27 Changeset [12682] by
- small bug fix
- 19:03 Changeset [12681] by
- ticket #2405: merge tools_trunk_ticket2405 into it (merge trigger conflict …
- 18:54 Changeset [12680] by
- dynatfQCO.F90, stepLF.F90 : fixed (remove pe3. from dyn_atf_qco input …
- 18:22 Changeset [12679] by
- Fix bad commit.
- 18:21 2020WP/TOP-01_rlod_Antarctic_ice_Sheet_Fe_Source edited by
- (diff)
- 18:15 Changeset [12678] by
- A couple of additional changes to reduce unnecessary output.
- 18:06 Changeset [12677] by
- small bug fix
- 18:04 Changeset [12676] by
- ticket #2405: rm externals (svn propdel svn:externals) in tools and add …
- 18:00 Changeset [12675] by
- Fix compile errors.
- 17:59 Changeset [12674] by
- ticket #2405: branch to remove externals and move maketools into tools.
- 17:50 Changeset [12673] by
- ticket #2405: change external path for tools from /utils/tools@12273 to …
- 17:36 Changeset [12672] by
- ticket #2405: rm externals (svn propdel svn:externals) in tools_r4.0-HEAD
- 17:32 Changeset [12671] by
- ticket #2405: add maketools@12273 in tools_r4.0-HEAD
- 17:24 Changeset [12670] by
- ticket #2405: create branch tools_r4.0-HEAD
- 17:21 Changeset [12669] by
- Update TOYATM for future NEMO release, see #2379
- 17:00 Changeset [12668] by
- create tool branch to add TOYATM tool for CPL_OASIS test case
- 16:55 Developers/Validation/trunk_light edited by
- (diff)
- 16:22 Changeset [12667] by
- Shallow Water Eq. update
- 16:09 Changeset [12666] by
- Final changes to make the code more general and working in all cases
- 15:37 Changeset [12665] by
- Removed erroneous branch.
- 15:36 Changeset [12664] by
- Removed erroneous branch.
- 15:01 Changeset [12663] by
- Add CPL_OASIS test case, see #2379
- 14:41 2020WP/VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE edited by
- (diff)
- 13:53 Changeset [12662] by
- Branch for SEAMOUNT test configuration.
- 13:43 Changeset [12661] by
- Branch for SEAMOUNT test configuration.
- 13:09 Changeset [12660] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.2_GO8_package: copy over changes from NEMO_4.0.1_GO8_package …
- 12:48 Changeset [12659] by
- UKMO GO8 package branch relative to NEMO 4.0.2 release.
- 12:39 Changeset [12658] by
- UKMO/NEMO_4.0.2_mirror : Remove SVN keywords.
- 12:31 Changeset [12657] by
- Mirror of NEMO 4.0.2 release in UKMO branch with SVN keywords removed. To …
- 11:51 Changeset [12656] by
- change key_QCO into key_qco, stepLF & traatf: add substitute, dynatfQCO: …
- 11:35 Changeset [12655] by
- r12581_ticket2418: merge with trunk@12654, see #2418
- 10:35 Changeset [12654] by
- Further change for Met Office utils ticket 334: assume that the wind …
- 10:26 Changeset [12653] by
- sette: add batch files
- 10:22 Changeset [12652] by
- update arch files
- 09:51 Ticket #2433 (nstop>0 on a child grid is not working properly) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12651]
- 09:51 Changeset [12651] by
- r4.0-HEAD: nstop>0 on a child grid is ok see #2433
- 09:50 Ticket #2433 (nstop>0 on a child grid is not working properly) created by
- same as #2420 but for 4.0-HEAD
- 09:37 Ticket #2420 (nstop>0 on a child grid is not working properly) closed by
- fixed: After agreement with Rachid, fixed in [12650] Two comments: - nstop is …
- 09:27 Changeset [12650] by
- trunk: nstop>0 on a child grid is ok, see #2420
- 09:14 Ticket #2432 (multiple 3rd dimensions in iom_rstput) closed by
- fixed: fixed in [12649] this commit pass all sette tests and gives the exact same …
- 09:11 Changeset [12649] by
- trunk: clean and unique 3rd dimension in iom_rstput, see #2432
- 08:54 Developers/Validation/trunk_light edited by
- (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.