New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2011WP/2011Action_institutions_CMCC – NEMO

Version 14 (modified by dobricic, 14 years ago) (diff)


CMCC-NEMO team - 2011 actions

Last edited Timestamp?


Srdjan DobricicCMCC, Bologna30CMCC NEMO officer, scientist
Marcello VichiCMCC, Bologna30scientist
Italo EpicocoCMCC, Lecce20scientist
Silvia MocaveroCMCC, Lecce20scientist

total weeks :
12 + 12 + 8 + 8 = 40 wk


ActionBrief descriptionStatusBranch nameTrac ticket n°Wiki page nameReviewer(s)Review statusReady for merge
CMCC-1Improve TOP interface
CMCC-2Test dynamical allocation
CMCC-3Improve OBS and ASM
CMCC-4Check masks

CMCC.1 — Improve TOP interface

Motivation: Add generic interfaces for surface and lateral boundary conditions for tracers (river input and atmospheric deposition).
Status : This interface has already been done for transport routines.
Main tasks : Port the interface used for transport routines to the surface and boundary condition routines currently used for T and S (in collaboration with INGV for rivers).
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:

Principal Investigator :
Marcello Vichi

CMCC.2 — Test dynamical allocation

Motivation: The ability to run NEMO at different spatial resolutions and to modify the number of processes without recompiling the code.
Status : To be started when the NEMO version 3.3 will be released.
Main tasks : Test of dynamic memory management improvement implemented by the HECTOR supercomputing centre. The test will be performed on both the NEC SX9 and IBM Power6 clusters available at the CMCC. During the test phase, the Mediterranean configuration (1/16°) will be added to the standard test configurations.
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:

Principal Investigator :
Italo Epicoco

CMCC.3 — Improve OBS and ASM

Motivation: Improve the OBS and ASM interfaces to nest with other data assimilation schemes, in particular OceanVar?. Eventually add new observational operators.
Status : The existing OBS and ASM for the NemoVar? will be used and adapted for the OceanVar? scheme.
Main tasks : 1) Test the existing scheme with OceanVar?; 2) Make necessary modifications (new observational operators etc.)
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:

Principal Investigator :
Srdjan Dobricic

CMCC.4 — Check masks

Motivation: Advection of the rotational component of velocity should conserve the total energy and enstrophy.
Status : Masks will be checked to ensure the conservation of these two properties, and eventual modifications will be applied.
Main tasks : 1) Theoretical check of the conservation of energy and enstrophy with existing masks. 2) Modification of masks to ensure the conservation.
Science Reviewer: Gurvan Madec
System Reviewer:

Principal Investigator :
Srdjan Dobricic