New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2011WP/2011Action_institutions_INGV – NEMO

Version 7 (modified by poddo, 14 years ago) (diff)


INGV-NEMO team - 2011 actions

Last edited Timestamp?


Mario AdamiINGV, Bologna40young scientist
Paolo OddoINGV, Bologna40INGV NEMO officer, senior scientist

total weeks :
20 + 20 = 40 wk (~1 man/year)


ActionBrief descriptionStatusBranch nameTrac ticket n°Wiki page nameReviewer(s)Review statusReady for merge
INGV-1Atmospheric Pressure for filtered free surface
INGV-2Implementation of new bulk formula
INGV-3Implementation of wave forcing interface
INGV-4Update of Richardson ldzdf routine for PP new scheme

INGV.1 — Atmospheric Pressure for Filtered free surface

Motivation: Better representation of sea surface height spatial and temporal variability by consideration of surface pressure in limited area model domain in case of filtered free surface formulation
Status: Atmospheric Pressure term has been introduced in case of filtered free surface by the INGV group in the operational model of the Mediterranean Sea. For limited area model this requires an appropiate treatment of mass fluxes at the lateral open boundaries
Main tasks: recode according consortium rules; ensure compatibility between filtered free-surface / volume conservation and new mass fluxes through lateral open boundaries
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer: MERCATOR


Principal Investigator :
Paolo Oddo (oddo@…)

INGV.2 — Implementation of new bulk formula

Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:


Principal Investigator :
Paolo Oddo (oddo@…)

INGV.3 — Implementation of wave forcing interface

Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:


Principal Investigator :
Mario Adani (adani@…)

INGV.4 — Update of Richardson ldzdf routine for PP new scheme

Motivation: Modify the existing Pacanoski & Philander (PP) scheme to introduce mixed layer dynamics in order to have a robust and easily adaptable vertical mixing scheme for operational purposes
Status: Preliminary tests already carried out; needs to be written accordingly consortium rules and ensure proper propagation of variables between air-sea interface routines and vertical mixing scheme
Main tasks: Modify the existing module - introduce needed variables in the namelist - perform tests
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:


Principal Investigator :
Paolo Oddo (oddo@…)