New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2011WP/2011Stream0 – NEMO

Version 24 (modified by clevy, 14 years ago) (diff)


2011 Stream 0: Coastal Ocean Ready

Last edited Timestamp?

1) Coastal ocean reference configuration :

UKMO 1 Atlantic Margin Model standard configuration

2) Numerics :

MERCATOR 7 with LOCEAN contribution- convergence between the 2 versions of time stepping
NOCS 8 - time stepping of vertical diffusion (Crank-Nicholson time stepping)
UKMO 1 - Coastal shelf modelling developments (generic) (tied to AMM in (1) above)
NOCL 1 - Horizontal Pressure Gradient scheme
NOCL 2 - Wetting and drying (POL) (not finished this year)
LOCEAN 3 - vvl compatibility with TRC
LOCEAN 3 - TOP: coding improvements for open boundaries (in relation with convergence of open boundaries modules OBC and BDY)
LOCEAN 8 - New vertical coordinates
NOCL 3 - Smagorinsky algorithm

3) Physics :

MERCATOR 1 - Atmospheric pressure : continue with inverse barometer implementation, and add in ice rheology (relation with INGV - 1)
INGV 1 - Atmospheric pressure : for filtered free surface
NOCL 4 - Semi implicit bottom friction
MERCATOR 3 - Tidal Potential (implentation of 2009 developments)
MERCATOR 6 - OBC improvements and work towards a unique open boundaries module ("merge" with BDY)
MERCATOR 5 (horizontal) & NOCL 5 (vertical) - PPM advection (implentation of 2009 developments)
MERCATOR 4 & NOCL 4 - Mixed Implicit Explicit bottom friction
NOCS 3 - Prather advection

4) Diagnostics :

MERCATOR 2 - Tidal harmonics package