Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_Mercator
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- 2013-10-11T16:05:36+02:00 (11 years ago)
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v31 v32 30 30 || Mercator-8 || 3 || Data assimilation interface: model equivalent of a SLA || postponned 2014 || || || || || || not started ; need some time to find a solution to filter HF in ssh ( done on 21 days in AVISO )|| 31 31 32 33 Major points of Mercator's contribution: 34 35 36 32 37 === !'''MERCATOR.1 — resolving the 2 versions of time-stepping!''' === 33 38 34 ''' Motivation:''' Tracer conservation and time splitting. reference: Shchepetkin, A. F., and J. C. McWilliams , 2005 [[BR]] ''' Status :''' Running in NEATL36 at Mercator. [[BR]] ''' main tasks :''' Main idea:replace Leapfrog scheme by a Fb tamporal scheme, but keep actual method for updating ssh at 3D time-stepping. [[BR]] ''' workplan:''' [[BR]] ''' 1.''' test some eventual problem of divergence of SSh in barotropic mode compared to SSH in 3d mode ( cf Hallberg and Adcroft, OM 2009: Reconciling estimates of the free surface height in Lagrangian vertical coordinate ocean models with mode-split time stepping). [[BR]] ''' 2.''' implementation in NEMO_3.3 of this time-splitting. [[BR]] ''' 3.''' test in high-resolution configuration at Mercator.[[BR]] ''' 4.''' take a decision for reorganization of step for time-splitting.[[BR]] ''' Priority: High''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Clement Bricaud & Jerome Chanut ( [[BR]] ''' Number of weeks : ''' 4 (TBC)39 ''' Motivation:''' Tracer conservation and time splitting. reference: Shchepetkin, A. F., and J. C. McWilliams , 2005 [[BR]] ''' Status :''' Running in NEATL36 at Mercator. [[BR]] ''' main tasks :''' Main idea:replace Leapfrog scheme by a Fb tamporal scheme, but keep actual method for updating ssh at 3D time-stepping. [[BR]] ''' workplan:''' [[BR]] ''' 1.''' test some eventual problem of divergence of SSh in barotropic mode compared to SSH in 3d mode ( cf Hallberg and Adcroft, OM 2009: Reconciling estimates of the free surface height in Lagrangian vertical coordinate ocean models with mode-split time stepping). [[BR]] ''' 2.''' implementation in NEMO_3.3 of this time-splitting. [[BR]] ''' 3.''' test in high-resolution configuration at Mercator.[[BR]] ''' 4.''' take a decision for reorganization of step for time-splitting.[[BR]] ''' Priority: High''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Clement Bricaud & Jerome Chanut ( [[BR]]''' Science Reviewer : Gurvan Madec''' --[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer : Gurvan Madec''' [[BR]] ''' Number of weeks : ''' 4 (TBC) 35 40 36 41 === '''MERCATOR.2 — exploration of implicit bottom friction ''' === … … 43 48 === !'''MERCATOR.3 — Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force biogeochemistry model. !''' === 44 49 45 ''' Motivation: ''' For coupled model ( physic + bio ): physic needs 24 hours (+ diurnal cycle) or 3 hours solar fluxes, but bio need a 24 hours mean. [[BR]] ''' Status : End of 2012 task''' [[BR]] ''' main tasks :''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Clement Bricaud ( [[BR]] ''' Priority: high''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer : ''' --[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer :''' [[BR]] ''' Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC)50 ''' Motivation: ''' For coupled model ( physic + bio ): physic needs 24 hours (+ diurnal cycle) or 3 hours solar fluxes, but bio need a 24 hours mean. [[BR]] ''' Status : End of 2012 task''' [[BR]] ''' main tasks :''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Clement Bricaud ( [[BR]] ''' Priority: high''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer : Gurvan Madec''' --[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer : Gurvan Madec''' [[BR]] ''' Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC) 46 51 47 52 === !'''MERCATOR.4 — Implementation of a configuration manager !''' === … … 60 65 === !'''MERCATOR.5 — Add a 1D reference configuration on PAPA station !''' === 61 66 62 ''' Motivation: Vertical physics and numerics studying ''' [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' main tasks : ''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Guillaume Reffray (, [[BR]] ''' Priority: high''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer : ''' --[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer : ''' [[BR]] ''' Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC) 67 ''' Motivation: Vertical physics and numerics studying ''' [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' main tasks : ''' [[BR]] 68 69 70 ''' Principal Investigator :''' Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Guillaume Reffray (, [[BR]] ''' Priority: high''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer : Marcello Vichi ''' --[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer : Marcello Vichi ''' [[BR]] ''' Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC) 63 71 64 72 === !'''MERCATOR.6 — End of OBC-BDY merge, with UK Metoffice !''' === 65 73 66 ''' Motivation: .''' [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' main tasks :''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Jerome Chanut ( Guillaume Reffray ( [[BR]] ''' Priority: high ''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer : ''' --[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer : ''' [[BR]]''' Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC)74 ''' Motivation: .''' [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' main tasks :''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Jerome Chanut ( Guillaume Reffray ( [[BR]] ''' Priority: high ''' [[BR]] ''' Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC) 67 75 68 76 === !'''MERCATOR.7 — implementation of OBC's schemes for PISCES !''' === … … 75 83 76 84 [[BR]] '''aditionnal work:''' [[BR]] 85 86 Agrif has been tested by Jerome: running with filtred SSH, with new time-splitting, with several levels of AGRIF zooms.[[BR]] 87 XIOS tested on high resolution global configuration ( ORCA12, ORCA025) 88 89 [[BR]] '''Major points:''' [[BR]] 90 Generalized forward-backward time-splitting implemented 91 A first release of configuration manager is implemented 92 A 1D-PAPA station configuration is available, for vertical physic study. 93 94