New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2013WP/2013Action_institutions_Mercator – NEMO

Version 33 (modified by cbricaud, 11 years ago) (diff)


Mercator-NEMO team - 2013 actions

Last edited Timestamp?


Name Institution % Position
Clément Bricaud Mercator Océan, Toulouse 20% Mercator NEMO officer
Guillaume Reffray Mercator Océan, Toulouse 20% Mercator developper
Jerome Chanut Mercator Océan, Toulouse 20% Mercator developper
Julien Paul Mercator Océan, Toulouse 20% Mercator developper
Romain Bourdalle-Badie Mercator Océan, Toulouse 20% Mercator developper
Mondher Chekki Mercator Océan, Toulouse 0% Mercator Consortium expert
Yann Drillet Mercator Océan, Toulouse 0% Mercator Consortium expert

total weeks :
40 wk (1 man/year)


Action nb weeks Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status Ready for merge. If "NO", reason and status for 2014
Mercator-1 6 resolving the 2 versions of time-stepping will be OK for merge 2013 dev_r3867_MERCATOR1_DYN 1079 YES
Mercator-2 2 exploration of implicit bottom friction included in Mercator-1 1079 YES
Mercator-3 2 Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force biogeochemistry model will be OK for merge 2013 dev_r3856_MERCATOR3_QSRMEAN24H 1076 YES
Mercator-4 3 Implementation a configuration manager a first version will be provided for merge 2013 to be finished in 2014 ; need more time to add new functionnalities and remove some bugs
Mercator-5 3 Add a 1D reference configuration on PAPA station will be OK for merge 2013 dev_r4022_MERCATOR5_PAPA1D 1152 YES
Mercator-6 6 End of BDY-OBC merge Will be OK for merge 2013 dev_r3987_METO1_MERCATOR6_OBC_BDY_merge 1090 YES
Mercator-7 2 implementation of OBC's schemes for PISCES postponned 2014 waiting for CMCC.6 Surface and lateral boundary conditions for tracers
Mercator-8 3 Data assimilation interface: model equivalent of a SLA postponned 2014 not started ; need some time to find a solution to filter HF in ssh ( done on 21 days in AVISO )

Major points of Mercator's contribution:

'''MERCATOR.1 — resolving the 2 versions of time-stepping'''

Motivation: Tracer conservation and time splitting. reference: Shchepetkin, A. F., and J. C. McWilliams? , 2005
Status : Running in NEATL36 at Mercator.
main tasks : Main idea:replace Leapfrog scheme by a Fb tamporal scheme, but keep actual method for updating ssh at 3D time-stepping.
1. test some eventual problem of divergence of SSh in barotropic mode compared to SSH in 3d mode ( cf Hallberg and Adcroft, OM 2009: Reconciling estimates of the free surface height in Lagrangian vertical coordinate ocean models with mode-split time stepping).
2. implementation in NEMO_3.3 of this time-splitting.
3. test in high-resolution configuration at Mercator.
4. take a decision for reorganization of step for time-splitting.
Priority: High
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud & Jerome Chanut (jchanut@…)
Science Reviewer : Gurvan Madec --
System Reviewer : Gurvan Madec
Number of weeks : 4 (TBC)

MERCATOR.2 — exploration of implicit bottom friction

Motivation: Use NEMO standard implicit bottom friction in Mercator Regional configuration ( z-coord ).

Status :

main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Jerome Chanut (jchanut@…)
Priority: high
Science Reviewer :
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

'''MERCATOR.3 — Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force biogeochemistry model. '''

Motivation: For coupled model ( physic + bio ): physic needs 24 hours (+ diurnal cycle) or 3 hours solar fluxes, but bio need a 24 hours mean.
Status : End of 2012 task
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud (cbricaud@…)
Priority: high
Science Reviewer : Gurvan Madec --
System Reviewer : Gurvan Madec
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

'''MERCATOR.4 — Implementation of a configuration manager '''

Motivation: Add a configuration manager
Status :
main tasks :
a first version is implemented:
built a coordinate file from ORCA 1/4 to higher resolution: OK
built a bahtymetry from a ORCA025 bathymetriy on higher resolution and extract it on the domain: OK
Merge mother and child bahtymetry: to be debugued.
Create boundaries files: to be debugued.
Create Initial conditions from restat/model output/climatology files: OK

Principal Investigator : Julien Paul (jpaul@…)
Priority: high
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

'''MERCATOR.5 — Add a 1D reference configuration on PAPA station '''

Motivation: Vertical physics and numerics studying
Status :
main tasks :

provide a set of file including:
an initial condition ( date=06/06/2010)
chlorophyle data
one year of operationnal ECMWF atmospheric files ( 3h frequency for variable and 24hfrequency for fluxes ) provided at 1hour frequency

Principal Investigator : Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Guillaume Reffray (greffray@…, rbourdal@…)
Priority: high
Science Reviewer : Marcello Vichi --
System Reviewer : Marcello Vichi
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

'''MERCATOR.6 — End of OBC-BDY merge, with UK Metoffice '''

Motivation: .
Status :
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Jerome Chanut (jchanut@…)& Guillaume Reffray (greffray@…)
Priority: high
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

'''MERCATOR.7 — implementation of OBC's schemes for PISCES '''

Motivation: Use new package ; implement new methods.
Status :
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Guillaume Reffray (greffray@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

'''MERCATOR.8 — Data assimilation interface: model equivalent of a SLA '''

Status :
main tasks : make the same treatment as done in AVISO
Principal Investigator : Elisabeth Remy (eremy@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

aditionnal work:

Agrif has been tested by Jerome: running with filtred SSH, with new time-splitting, with several levels of AGRIF zooms.
==> Jerome has some improvments for Agrif + filtred SSH to put in the trunk.
XIOS tested on high resolution global configuration ( ORCA12, ORCA025)

Major points:
Generalized forward-backward time-splitting implemented
A first release of configuration manager is implemented
A 1D-PAPA station configuration is available, for vertical physic study.

list of problems:
still some problems with XIOS, with files size greater than 2Go, with outputs of scalar variable and moorings
An issue is concerning the coupling of barotropic mode between grids when AGRIF is activated.