Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MetOffice
- Timestamp:
- 2013-10-07T15:34:57+02:00 (11 years ago)
- Unmodified
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- Removed
- Modified
v22 v23 19 19 20 20 || Action || Brief description || Status || Branch name || Trac ticket n° || Wiki page name || Reviewer(s) || Review status || Nb of weeks || Ready for merge. If "NO", reason and status for 2014 || 21 || !MetOffice-1 || Include radiation conditions in BDY || || || #959 || || Jerome Chanut / Rachid || || || || ||22 || !MetOffice-2 || Develop a capability to allow OBC users to use BDY || || || #959 || || || || || || ||21 || !MetOffice-1 || Include radiation conditions in BDY || In progress || || #959 || || Jerome Chanut / Rachid || || || || || 22 || !MetOffice-2 || Develop a capability to allow OBC users to use BDY || In progress || || #959 || || || || || || || 23 23 || !MetOffice-3 || Add a CFL diagnostic || Cancelled || || || || || || || || || 24 || !MetOffice-4 || Improvements to OBS and ASM || || || #1148 || || || || || ||25 || !MetOffice-5 || Inclusion of extra diagnostics || || || || || || || || ||26 || !MetOffice-6 || Updates to 1-d model configuration || || || || || || || || ||24 || !MetOffice-4 || Improvements to OBS and ASM || In progress || || #1148 || || || || || || 25 || !MetOffice-5 || Inclusion of extra diagnostics || Nothing to be submitted || || || || || || || || 26 || !MetOffice-6 || Updates to 1-d model configuration || In progress || || || || || || || || 27 27 || !MetOffice-7 || Improvements to coupling || Nothing to be submitted || || || || || || || || 28 28 || !MetOffice-8 || Assess use of Met Office UM testing systems for NEMO || Nothing to be submitted || || || || || || || || … … 31 31 ---- 32 32 === '''!MetOffice-1 -''' Include radiation conditions in BDY === 33 ''' Description:''' The OBC radiation condition needs to be implemented in BDY [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To enable the merge of OBC and BDY [[BR]] ''' Status :''' Preparatory work done [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Implement implicit version of Orlanski radiation condition.[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Rachid Benshila? [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Jerome Chanut [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator:'''Dave Storkey ( [[BR]]33 ''' Description:''' The OBC radiation condition needs to be implemented in BDY [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To enable the merge of OBC and BDY [[BR]] ''' Status :''' Preparatory work done [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Implement implicit version of Orlanski radiation condition.[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Rachid Benshila? [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Jerome Chanut [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator:''' Dave Storkey ( [[BR]] 34 34 35 35 === '''!MetOffice-2 -''' Develop a capability to allow OBC users to use BDY === 36 ''' Description:''' Develop tools or code to allow OBC-style boundary data files to be used with BDY [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' It is planned to suppress OBC in the long term and use BDY for open boundary conditions, this work is needed to enable users to switch easily [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Provide tools for generation of open boundary coordinates files and external data files.[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Rachid Benshila? [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Guillaume Reffray (and Paolo?) [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator:'''Dave Storkey ( [[BR]]36 ''' Description:''' Develop tools or code to allow OBC-style boundary data files to be used with BDY [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' It is planned to suppress OBC in the long term and use BDY for open boundary conditions, this work is needed to enable users to switch easily [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Provide tools for generation of open boundary coordinates files and external data files.[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Rachid Benshila? [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Guillaume Reffray (and Paolo?) [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator:''' Dave Storkey ( [[BR]] 37 37 38 38 === '''!MetOffice-3 -''' Add a CFL diagnostic === 39 ''' Description:''' Add code to calculate and output (to ocean.output) the maximum CFL parameter during a run [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To inform users of stability constraints. [[BR]] ''' Status:''' Done (subject to review) [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' None [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' June 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Low[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' Nothing [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator:'''Ed Blockley ( ''' Description:''' Add code to calculate and output (to ocean.output) the maximum CFL parameter during a run [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To inform users of stability constraints. [[BR]] ''' Status:''' Done (subject to review) [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' None [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' June 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Low[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' Nothing [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator:''' Ed Blockley ( 40 40 41 41 === '''!MetOffice-4 -''' Improvements to OBS and ASM === 42 ''' Description:''' Enable OBS and ASM code to work with generalised vertical coordinates (i.e. s-coordinates) and add OBS and ASM options to a reference configuration [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Extend use of OSB and ASM for all vertical coordinate options. Also to allow easy use and testing by adding to reference configuration. [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Extend use of OBS and ASM for all vertical coordinate options (tested in the North West Shelf configuration). [[BR]] Allow easy use and testing by adding OBS files (and perhaps ASM) to reference configuration.[[BR]] Add an offline version of the Obs operator code to the TOOLS directory (to be done by Andy Ryan) [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' High [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :'''Dan Lea ( ''' Description:''' Enable OBS and ASM code to work with generalised vertical coordinates (i.e. s-coordinates) and add OBS and ASM options to a reference configuration [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Extend use of OSB and ASM for all vertical coordinate options. Also to allow easy use and testing by adding to reference configuration. [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Extend use of OBS and ASM for all vertical coordinate options (tested in the North West Shelf configuration). [[BR]] Allow easy use and testing by adding OBS files (and perhaps ASM) to reference configuration.[[BR]] Add an offline version of the Obs operator code to the TOOLS directory (to be done by Andy Ryan) [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' High [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Dan Lea ( 43 43 44 44 === '''!MetOffice-5 -''' Inclusion of extra diagnostics === 45 ''' Description:''' Inclusion of diagnostics for meridional heat transport and model values at moorings. [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Inclusion of these additional GODAE metrics will allow useful model assessments and inter-model comparisons [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Add diamoor routine to allow output to an ASCII file of model values at a mooring site for all required time steps [[BR]] Add diamht routine to compute and output the meridional heat transport and the meridional stream function [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Clement Bricaud? [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Clement Bricaud? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :'''Rachel Furner ( ''' Description:''' Inclusion of diagnostics for meridional heat transport and model values at moorings. [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Inclusion of these additional GODAE metrics will allow useful model assessments and inter-model comparisons [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Add diamoor routine to allow output to an ASCII file of model values at a mooring site for all required time steps [[BR]] Add diamht routine to compute and output the meridional heat transport and the meridional stream function [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Clement Bricaud? [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Clement Bricaud? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Rachel Furner ( 46 46 47 47 === '''!MetOffice-6 -''' Updates to 1-d model configuration === 48 ''' Description:''' Updates to 1-d Model configuration to include more options and improve usability [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To make this configuration more useful to users by expanding the options available, and to make it easier to run. [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Add BDY and OBS option, and add changes to allow flux mooring data (i.e. 1D files) to be used to drive the SBCs via fldread [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Christian Ethe [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Christian Ethe [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :'''Daley Calvert ( ''' Description:''' Updates to 1-d Model configuration to include more options and improve usability [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To make this configuration more useful to users by expanding the options available, and to make it easier to run. [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Add BDY and OBS option, and add changes to allow flux mooring data (i.e. 1D files) to be used to drive the SBCs via fldread [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Christian Ethe [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Christian Ethe [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Daley Calvert ( 49 49 50 50 === '''!MetOffice-7 -''' Improvements to coupling === 51 ''' Description:''' Address general issues surrounding coupling to CICE and atmosphere models, and investigate use of OASIS-MCT [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To enhance coupling to CICE and in particular the Met Office UM atmosphere model [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Update NEMO to cope with modified treatment of ice categories in the UM (which means some additional atmosphere coupling fields can be category rather than aggregate) [[BR]] Update NEMO to deal with multilayer ice in UM-NEMO-CICE coupled models (additional CICE->NEMO and NEMO->atmos coupling fields will be required) [[BR]] Implement new SST coupling method to possibly improve diurnal cycle (may require extra NEMO->atmos coupling fields) [[BR]] Include use of salinity dependent freezing temperature even when using UM atmosphere (requires an extra NEMO->atmos coupling field as well as changes in the NEMO-CICE interface routines) [[BR]] Introduce capability to couple to atmosphere models using OASIS-MCT in addition to OASIS3 [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Internal Met Office (these changes are largely UKMO-specific and will already have been science reviewed internally for inclusion in Met Office configurations) [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Sebastien Masson? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' July 2012 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :'''Chris Harris ( ''' Description:''' Address general issues surrounding coupling to CICE and atmosphere models, and investigate use of OASIS-MCT [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' To enhance coupling to CICE and in particular the Met Office UM atmosphere model [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Update NEMO to cope with modified treatment of ice categories in the UM (which means some additional atmosphere coupling fields can be category rather than aggregate) [[BR]] Update NEMO to deal with multilayer ice in UM-NEMO-CICE coupled models (additional CICE->NEMO and NEMO->atmos coupling fields will be required) [[BR]] Implement new SST coupling method to possibly improve diurnal cycle (may require extra NEMO->atmos coupling fields) [[BR]] Include use of salinity dependent freezing temperature even when using UM atmosphere (requires an extra NEMO->atmos coupling field as well as changes in the NEMO-CICE interface routines) [[BR]] Introduce capability to couple to atmosphere models using OASIS-MCT in addition to OASIS3 [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Internal Met Office (these changes are largely UKMO-specific and will already have been science reviewed internally for inclusion in Met Office configurations) [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Sebastien Masson? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' July 2012 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Chris Harris ( 52 52 53 53 === '''!MetOffice-8 -''' Assess use of Met Office UM testing systems for NEMO === 54 ''' Description:''' Configure UM testing facilities (based on ROSE) to allow their use with NEMO [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Enable standard tests to be easily carried out at UKMO for coupled runs. Possibility of submitting this testing function back to the community [[BR]] ''' Status :''' Under development [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Ensure ROSE-based testing facility is fit for purpose w.r.t. UM coupled models featuring NEMO and CICE. Assess suitability of system for use with stand-alone NEMO, NEMO-CICE (and CICE-only) configurations. Advise on suitability for wider use within and outside the met office. [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' Development of ROSE system functionality. [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :'''Richard Hill ( [[BR]]54 ''' Description:''' Configure UM testing facilities (based on ROSE) to allow their use with NEMO [[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Enable standard tests to be easily carried out at UKMO for coupled runs. Possibility of submitting this testing function back to the community [[BR]] ''' Status :''' Under development [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Ensure ROSE-based testing facility is fit for purpose w.r.t. UM coupled models featuring NEMO and CICE. Assess suitability of system for use with stand-alone NEMO, NEMO-CICE (and CICE-only) configurations. Advise on suitability for wider use within and outside the met office. [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' Development of ROSE system functionality. [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Richard Hill ( [[BR]] 55 55 56 56 === '''!MetOffice-9 -''' Allow specification of a start time === 57 ''' Description:''' Allow user to specify (via a namelist variable) the time of day at which a model run is to begin[[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Coupled data assimilation within the Met Office runs on a 6 hourly cycle, and it is therefore necessary to run NEMO starting at times other than 00z [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Assess practicality of outputs etc. for non-full days. Add namelist variable and asses and make any necessary amendments in daymod [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :'''Dan Lea ( and Dave Storkey ( [[BR]]57 ''' Description:''' Allow user to specify (via a namelist variable) the time of day at which a model run is to begin[[BR]] ''' Motivation:''' Coupled data assimilation within the Met Office runs on a 6 hourly cycle, and it is therefore necessary to run NEMO starting at times other than 00z [[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Assess practicality of outputs etc. for non-full days. Add namelist variable and asses and make any necessary amendments in daymod [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' Gurvan Madec? [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' September 2013 [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Dan Lea ( and Dave Storkey ( [[BR]]