Version 25 (modified by rfurner, 11 years ago) (diff) |
MetOffice-NEMO team - 2013 actions
MetOffice-NEMO team - 2013 actions
- MetOffice-1 - Include radiation conditions in BDY
- MetOffice-2 - Develop a capability to allow OBC users to use BDY
- MetOffice-3 - Add a CFL diagnostic
- MetOffice-4 - Improvements to OBS and ASM
- MetOffice-5 - Inclusion of extra diagnostics
- MetOffice-6 - Updates to 1-d model configuration
- MetOffice-7 - Improvements to coupling
- MetOffice-8 - Assess use of Met Office UM testing systems for NEMO
- MetOffice-9 - Allow specification of a start time
Last edited Timestamp?
WARNING page currently in progress
Name | Institution | % | Position |
Rachel Furner | Met Office | 40 | NEMO officer |
Dave Storkey | Met Office | 20 | NEMO developer |
Enda O'Dea | Met Office | 20 | NEMO developer |
Daley Calvert | Met Office | 20 | NEMO developer |
total weeks :
>= 40 weeks (=1 man-year)
Action | Brief description | Status | Branch name | Trac ticket n° | Wiki page name | Reviewer(s) | Review status | Nb of weeks | Ready for merge. If "NO", reason and status for 2014 | |
MetOffice-1 | Include radiation conditions in BDY | In progress | | #959 | | Jerome Chanut / Rachid | ||||
MetOffice-2 | Develop a capability to allow OBC users to use BDY | In progress | | #959 | ||||||
MetOffice-3 | Add a CFL diagnostic | Cancelled | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
MetOffice-4 | Improvements to OBS and ASM | In progress | | #1148 | | |||||
MetOffice-5 | Inclusion of extra diagnostics | Nothing to be submitted | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
MetOffice-6 | Updates to 1-d model configuration | In progress | ||||||||
MetOffice-7 | Improvements to coupling | Nothing to be submitted | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
MetOffice-8 | Assess use of Met Office UM testing systems for NEMO | Nothing to be submitted | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
MetOffice-9 | Allow specification of a start time |
MetOffice-1 - Include radiation conditions in BDY
Description: The OBC radiation condition needs to be implemented in BDY
Motivation: To enable the merge of OBC and BDY
Status : Preparatory work done
Main tasks : Implement implicit version of Orlanski radiation condition.
System Reviewer: Rachid Benshila?
Science Reviewer: Jerome Chanut
Deadline: September 2013
Priority: Medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator: Dave Storkey (dave.storkey@…)
MetOffice-2 - Develop a capability to allow OBC users to use BDY
Description: Develop tools or code to allow OBC-style boundary data files to be used with BDY
Motivation: It is planned to suppress OBC in the long term and use BDY for open boundary conditions, this work is needed to enable users to switch easily
Status :
Main tasks : Provide tools for generation of open boundary coordinates files and external data files.
System Reviewer: Rachid Benshila?
Science Reviewer: Guillaume Reffray (and Paolo?)
Deadline: September 2013
Priority: Medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator: Dave Storkey (dave.storkey@…)
MetOffice-3 - Add a CFL diagnostic
Description: Add code to calculate and output (to ocean.output) the maximum CFL parameter during a run
Motivation: To inform users of stability constraints.
Status: Done (subject to review)
Main tasks: None
System Reviewer:
Science Reviewer:
Deadline: June 2013
Priority: Low
Depends on: Nothing
Principal Investigator: Ed Blockley (ed.blockley@…)
MetOffice-4 - Improvements to OBS and ASM
Description: Enable OBS and ASM code to work with generalised vertical coordinates (i.e. s-coordinates) and add OBS and ASM options to a reference configuration
Motivation: Extend use of OSB and ASM for all vertical coordinate options. Also to allow easy use and testing by adding to reference configuration.
Status :
Main tasks : Extend use of OBS and ASM for all vertical coordinate options (tested in the North West Shelf configuration).
Allow easy use and testing by adding OBS files (and perhaps ASM) to reference configuration.
Add an offline version of the Obs operator code to the TOOLS directory (to be done by Andy Ryan)
Science Reviewer: Gurvan Madec?
System Reviewer: Gurvan Madec?
Deadline: September 2013
Priority: High
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Dan Lea (daniel.lea@…)
MetOffice-5 - Inclusion of extra diagnostics
Description: Inclusion of diagnostics for meridional heat transport and model values at moorings.
Motivation: Inclusion of these additional GODAE metrics will allow useful model assessments and inter-model comparisons
Status :
Main tasks : Add diamoor routine to allow output to an ASCII file of model values at a mooring site for all required time steps
Add diamht routine to compute and output the meridional heat transport and the meridional stream function
Science Reviewer: Clement Bricaud?
System Reviewer: Clement Bricaud?
Deadline: September 2013
Priority: Medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Rachel Furner (rachel.furner@…)
MetOffice-6 - Updates to 1-d model configuration
Description: Updates to 1-d Model configuration to include more options and improve usability
Motivation: To make this configuration more useful to users by expanding the options available, and to make it easier to run.
Status :
Main tasks : Add BDY and OBS option, and add changes to allow flux mooring data (i.e. 1D files) to be used to drive the SBCs via fldread
Science Reviewer: Christian Ethe
System Reviewer: Christian Ethe
Deadline: September 2013
Priority: Medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Daley Calvert (daley.calvert@…)
MetOffice-7 - Improvements to coupling
Description: Address general issues surrounding coupling to CICE and atmosphere models, and investigate use of OASIS-MCT
Motivation: To enhance coupling to CICE and in particular the Met Office UM atmosphere model
Status :
Main tasks : Update NEMO to cope with modified treatment of ice categories in the UM (which means some additional atmosphere coupling fields can be category rather than aggregate)
Update NEMO to deal with multilayer ice in UM-NEMO-CICE coupled models (additional CICE->NEMO and NEMO->atmos coupling fields will be required)
Implement new SST coupling method to possibly improve diurnal cycle (may require extra NEMO->atmos coupling fields)
Include use of salinity dependent freezing temperature even when using UM atmosphere (requires an extra NEMO->atmos coupling field as well as changes in the NEMO-CICE interface routines)
Introduce capability to couple to atmosphere models using OASIS-MCT in addition to OASIS3
Science Reviewer: Internal Met Office (these changes are largely UKMO-specific and will already have been science reviewed internally for inclusion in Met Office configurations)
System Reviewer: Sebastien Masson?
Deadline: July 2012
Priority: Medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Chris Harris (chris.harris@…)
MetOffice-8 - Assess use of Met Office UM testing systems for NEMO
Description: Configure UM testing facilities (based on ROSE) to allow their use with NEMO
Motivation: Enable standard tests to be easily carried out at UKMO for coupled runs. Possibility of submitting this testing function back to the community
Status : Under development
Main tasks : Ensure ROSE-based testing facility is fit for purpose w.r.t. UM coupled models featuring NEMO and CICE. Assess suitability of system for use with stand-alone NEMO, NEMO-CICE (and CICE-only) configurations. Advise on suitability for wider use within and outside the met office.
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: Medium
Depends on: Development of ROSE system functionality.
Principal Investigator : Richard Hill (richard.hill@…)
MetOffice-9 - Allow specification of a start time
Description: Allow user to specify (via a namelist variable) the time of day at which a model run is to begin
Motivation: Coupled data assimilation within the Met Office runs on a 6 hourly cycle, and it is therefore necessary to run NEMO starting at times other than 00z
Status :
Main tasks : Assess practicality of outputs etc. for non-full days. Add namelist variable and asses and make any necessary amendments in daymod
Science Reviewer: Gurvan Madec?
System Reviewer: Gurvan Madec?
Deadline: September 2013
Priority: Medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Dan Lea (daniel.lea@…)