Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS
- Timestamp:
- 2013-11-11T16:41:54+01:00 (11 years ago)
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v15 v16 39 39 ---- 40 40 === '''CNRS-0 - '''Lead discussion on code simplification - see shared actions === 41 ''' Motivation: '''System simplification: as discussed during the exercice of prospective, the system needs a simplification to better evolve (and reduce its maintenance)[[BR]]''' Status :''' on going reflexion[[BR]]''' Main tasks :''' agreement (consensus) on what can be removed and then remove it. See the possible evolution here[[BR]]''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]]''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]]''' Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]]''' Priority:''' high[[BR]]''' Depends on: '''dev. committee' agreement[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator''' : Gurvan Madec41 ''' Motivation: '''System simplification: as discussed during the exercice of prospective, the system needs a simplification to better evolve (and reduce its maintenance)[[BR]]''' Status :''' on going reflexion[[BR]]''' Main tasks :''' agreement (consensus) on what can be removed and then remove it. See foreseen simplification [ here][[BR]]''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]]''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]]''' Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]]''' Priority:''' high[[BR]]''' Depends on: ''' dev. committee' agreement[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator''' : Gurvan Madec 42 42 43 43 '''CNRS-1 - TEOS10: new equation of state''' 44 44 45 ''' Motivation: ''' move to TEOS10 ; add a simplified EOS ; remove existing EOSs[[BR]] ''' Status :''' both equations have already been tested in ORCA2-LIM[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) simplify equation of state (4 terms associated with temperature, salinity, cabbeling and thermobaricity, reap.)[[BR]] (2) TEOS10 for a boussinesq fluid (conservative temperature, new definition of salinity)[[BR]] (3) remove the existing equation of state ''' (require dev. committee' agreement)''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:[[BR]] System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' summer 2014[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : '''Fabien Roquet and Gurvan Madec45 ''' Motivation: ''' move to TEOS10 ; add a simplified EOS ; remove existing EOSs[[BR]] ''' Status :''' both equations have already been tested in ORCA2-LIM[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) simplify equation of state (4 terms associated with temperature, salinity, cabbeling and thermobaricity, reap.)[[BR]] (2) TEOS10 for a boussinesq fluid (conservative temperature, new definition of salinity)[[BR]] (3) remove the existing equation of state ''' (require dev. committee' agreement)''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:[[BR]] System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' summer 2014[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Fabien Roquet and Gurvan Madec 46 46 47 47 === '''CNRS-2 - '''Investing in AGRIF expertise - see shared actions === 48 ''' Motivation''' : Hands on AGRIF for xx test cases. Gathering and sharing expertise. Towards a NEMO-AGRIF tutorial/training course. [[BR]] To be elaborated with other members of the consortium (making AGRIF compatible with split-explicit time stepping, s- and z-tilde coordinates, sea-ice...) [[BR]] ''' Status''' : [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) use of AGRIF in coupled ocean-atmosphere and coupled oceanic configurations[[BR]] (2) contribute to the shared expertise by building a tutorial/training course[[BR]] (3) write a documentation of the NEMO interface to AGRIF [[BR]] (4) salve the issue of AGRIF with TKE (and GLS) vertical physics at the Equator[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer: [[BR]] System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:''' high[[BR]] ''' Depends on''' : [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator''': Sébastien Masson48 ''' Motivation''' : Hands on AGRIF for xx test cases. Gathering and sharing expertise. Towards a NEMO-AGRIF tutorial/training course. [[BR]] To be elaborated with other members of the consortium (making AGRIF compatible with split-explicit time stepping, s- and z-tilde coordinates, sea-ice...) [[BR]] ''' Status''' : [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) use of AGRIF in coupled ocean-atmosphere and coupled oceanic configurations[[BR]] (2) contribute to the shared expertise by building a tutorial/training course[[BR]] (3) write a documentation of the NEMO interface to AGRIF [[BR]] (4) salve the issue of AGRIF with TKE (and GLS) vertical physics at the Equator[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer: [[BR]] System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:''' high[[BR]] ''' Depends on''' : [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator''' : Sébastien Masson 49 49 50 50 '''CNRS-3 - LIM evolution including LIM3+AGRIF''' 51 51 52 ''' Motivation: ''' simplification (only LIM2 in the system) and improve[[BR]] ''' Status :''' continuation[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) LIM3 in mono category able to reproduce LIM2 behavior. [[BR]] (2) assessment of LIM3 with AGRIF (EVP rheology only)[[BR]] (3) on-line check of ice-ocean mass, heat and salt fluxes and ice budget[[BR]] (4) Suppress LIM2 (require (1) & (2) to be done) [[BR]] (5) management of land fast ice (needed for embedded sea-ice)[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:[[BR]] System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' high[[BR]] ''' Depends on:[[BR]] Principal Investigators : '''Clément Rousset, Simona Flavoni & Martin Vancoppenolle52 ''' Motivation: ''' simplification (only LIM2 in the system) and improve[[BR]] ''' Status :''' continuation[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) LIM3 in mono category able to reproduce LIM2 behavior. [[BR]] (2) assessment of LIM3 with AGRIF (EVP rheology only)[[BR]] (3) on-line check of ice-ocean mass, heat and salt fluxes and ice budget[[BR]] (4) Suppress LIM2 (require (1) & (2) to be done) [[BR]] (5) management of land fast ice (needed for embedded sea-ice)[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:[[BR]] System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' high[[BR]] ''' Depends on:[[BR]] Principal Investigators : ''' Clément Rousset, Simona Flavoni & Martin Vancoppenolle 53 53 54 54 === '''CNRS-4 - '''Biogeochemical tracers in sea ice === 55 ''' Motivation''' : prepare the introduction of a full BGC model in LIM3[[BR]] ''' Status :''' starting project[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' In 2014, Case of constant tracer concentration in the ice. Add "just" tracer fluxes between ice and ocean, not an advection of passive tracers in LIM3 [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' none[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : '''Martin Vancoppenolle55 ''' Motivation''' : prepare the introduction of a full BGC model in LIM3[[BR]] ''' Status :''' starting project[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' In 2014, Case of constant tracer concentration in the ice. Add "just" tracer fluxes between ice and ocean, not an advection of passive tracers in LIM3 [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' none[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Martin Vancoppenolle 56 56 57 57 '''CNRS-5 - TOP Online coarsening''' 58 58 59 ''' Motivation: ''' introduce a coarsening of the model resolution on the biogeochemical model (TOP) (Lévy et al. Ocean Modelling, 2012)[[BR]] ''' Status :''' Part of the EMBRACE FP7 project. Work started in may 2012. The project duration is 2 years, with 2 deliverables in NEMO: 1st year (2013) : on-line coarsening of the ocean outputs (''' done''' ); 2nd year (2014) : on-line coarsening of TOP[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' On-line coarsening of passive tracers at least for the numerics & physics used in ORCA025.[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:[[BR]] System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:''' high[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' none[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : '''Christian Ethé59 ''' Motivation: ''' introduce a coarsening of the model resolution on the biogeochemical model (TOP) (Lévy et al. Ocean Modelling, 2012)[[BR]] ''' Status :''' Part of the EMBRACE FP7 project. Work started in may 2012. The project duration is 2 years, with 2 deliverables in NEMO: 1st year (2013) : on-line coarsening of the ocean outputs (''' done''' ); 2nd year (2014) : on-line coarsening of TOP[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' On-line coarsening of passive tracers at least for the numerics & physics used in ORCA025.[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:[[BR]] System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:''' high[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' none[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Christian Ethé 60 60 61 61 === '''CNRS-6 - '''TAM === … … 72 72 73 73 === '''CNRS-10 - '''Energy diag. === 74 ''' Motivation: ''' Finalize trends diagnostics (3D trends of tracers, momentum, kinetic energy and potential energy)[[BR]] ''' Status :''' Continuation of 2013[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) implement the 3D output (using xIOS) of tracers and momentum trends (done with validation in 2013)[[BR]] (2) compute and output the 3D trends of PE and KE : vvl case to be validated[[BR]] (3) documentation[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Depends on: ''' the introduction of TEOS10 (for dynamical potential energy)[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : '''Gurvan Madec and Fabien Roquet74 ''' Motivation: ''' Finalize trends diagnostics (3D trends of tracers, momentum, kinetic energy and potential energy)[[BR]] ''' Status :''' Continuation of 2013[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] (1) implement the 3D output (using xIOS) of tracers and momentum trends (done with validation in 2013)[[BR]] (2) compute and output the 3D trends of PE and KE : vvl case to be validated[[BR]] (3) documentation[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:[[BR]] Deadline:''' end 2014[[BR]] ''' Depends on: ''' the introduction of TEOS10 (for dynamical potential energy)[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Gurvan Madec and Fabien Roquet 75 75 76 76 === '''CNRS-11 - '''Subduction diagnostics ===