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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS – NEMO

Version 11 (modified by clevy, 11 years ago) (diff)


CNRS-NEMO team - 2014 actions

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Name Institution % Position
Christian Ethé IPSL, Paris 50 CNRS, NEMO Officer
Simona Flavoni LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 100 CNRS
Claire Lévy LOCEAN_IPSL, Paris 100 CNRS, NEMO Project manager
Pierre-Antoine Bouttier OSUG, Grenoble 50 CNRS
Sébastien Masson LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 50 CNAP
Gurvan Madec LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 30 CNRS, NEMO Scientific Leader
Clément Rousset LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 50 IS-ENES Post-doc
Laurent Debreu IMAG, CNRS 0 AGRIF Working Group Leader
Marie-Alice Foujols IPSL, Paris 0 CNRS

Summary: List here actions of the institution so as contributions to shared actions

Action Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status Nb of weeks Ready for merge If "NO", reason and status for 2015
CNRS-1 Energy diag. cont. of 2013
CNRS-2 TEOS10 Starting
CNRS-3 LIM evolution including LIM3+AGRIF Cont. of 2013
CNRS-4 TOP Online coarsening Cont. of 2013
CNRS-5 TAM Start
CNRS-6 COMODO tests cases Cont. of 2013
CNRS-7 Investing in AGRIF expertise See Shared actions
CNRS-8 Ocean global configurations "for next ESMs" Start
CNRS-9 Coupling interface Start
CNRS-10 Subduction diag. Start
CNRS-11 BGC tracer in sea ice Start
CNRS-12 Lead discussion on code simplification See Shared actions

CNRS-1 - Energy diag.

Motivation: Finalize energy trends diagnostics
Status : Continuation of 2013
Main tasks : xx
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Gurvan Madec

CNRS-2 - TEOS10: new equation of state

Motivation: TEOS10 + a simplified EOS replacing the existing EOSs
Status : Start
Main tasks : xx
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Gurvan Madec

CNRS-3 - LIM evolution including LIM3+AGRIF

Motivation: simplify and improve
Status : Start
Main tasks : Activate LIM3 monocategory and test it is indentical to LIM2. Check AGRIF+LIM3. Suppress LIM2. Add management of land fast ice
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Clément Rousset & Martin Vancopenolle

CNRS-4 - TOP Online coarsening

Status : Cont. 2013
Main tasks : On line coarsening of ocean outputs done in 2013 For 2014: On line coarsening of passive tracers
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Christian Ethé


Motivation: Now that code has been updated, add the tools and configurations for the projects
Status : Postponed from 2013
Main tasks : Reference configurations, tools for parameters estimations…as an incitation for projects
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Pierre-Antoine Bouttier

CNRS-6 - COMODO test cases

Motivation: imrpove NEMO's reliability validation and allow better models comparison
Status : Cont. 2013
Main tasks : Decide which tests configuration (including those valuating some of the NEMO abilities, to be discussed with INGV -Paolo Oddo also) Finish the implementation/testing/validation work. At least 2 COMODO case : 2D upwelling (Simona) and channel (Julien Jouano)
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Simona Flavoni

CNRS-7 - Investing in AGRIF expertise - see shared actions

Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Sébastien Masson

CNRS-8 - Ocean global configurations "for next ESMs

Motivation: start setting up the new generation of ocean component for ESMs: ORCA1/ORCA025
Status : Start
Main tasks : Contribution to defintiation of ORCA1 ORCA025 and first reference simulations.Starting by a forced simulation ORCA1-LIM3 - non linear free surface, embedded ice, Griffies isoneutral and maybe GLS
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2015
Depends on:  including new LIM3, and checking all existing pieces together...
Principal Investigator : Claire Lévy

CNRS-9 - Coupling interface

Motivation: simplification
Status : Start
Main tasks : Suppress OASIS3, replaced by OASIS-MCT (loose compatibility with OASIS3)
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Sébastien Masson

CNRS-10 - Subduction diagnostics

Motivation: add useful diagnostics
Status : Already coded/tested in 3_4
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Christian Ethé

CNRS-11 - Biogeochemical tracers in sea ice

Status :
Main tasks : Constant: add "just" tracer fluxes between ice and ocean, not an advection of passive tracers in LIM3
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Martin Vancopenolle

CNRS-12 - Lead discussion on code simplification - see shared actions

Motivation: following prospective, simplify NEMO's options
Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end 2014
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Gurvan Madec