19 | | === '''MERCATOR-1 - title''' === |
20 | | ''' Motivation: ''' xx [[BR]] ''' Status :''' xx [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' xx[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' xx |
| 27 | '''MERCATOR-1 - Configuration manager''' |
| 28 | |
| 29 | ''' Motivation: ''' Easily manage the set-up of new-configurations. [[BR]] ''' Status :''' Preliminary version available in Sept 2013. Fortran routines only.[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Develop tools (scripts, Fortran routines, graphical interfaces) to create inputs needed to run a new configuration. Take into account online (AGRIF) or offline nesting. Tasks scheduled in 2014: Debug, Enable creating a configuration around the North Pole, ensure compatibility with existing nesting tools interface. Possible future developments in 2015 and beyond: Vertical remapping (or should it be online ?), Python scripts (?), graphical interface (?) |
| 30 | |
| 31 | ''' Science Reviewer: ''' TBD''' [[BR]] ''' ''' System Reviewer:''' ''' ''' TBD ''' [[BR]] ''' ''' Deadline:''' ''' ''' Aug 2014''' [[BR]] ''' ''' Priority:''' ''' ''' high ''' [[BR]] ''' ''' Depends on: ''' xx''' [[BR]] ''' ''' Principal Investigator :''' ''' ''' Julien Paul |
| 32 | |
| 33 | '''MERCATOR-2 - Data Assimilation Interface: SLA model equivalent''' |
| 34 | |
| 35 | ''' Motivation: ''' Compute model equivalent to satellite along track sea level anomalies.[[BR]] ''' Status :''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' TBD[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer: ''' TBD [[BR]] ''' Deadline: ''' Aug 2014 [[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' Low[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' xx[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Elisabeth Rémy |
| 36 | |
| 37 | '''MERCATOR-3 - Bugs on ORCA025 and ORCA12 grid on the north pole''' |
| 38 | |
| 39 | ''' Motivation: ''' see ticket 637[[BR]] ''' Status :''' Continuation[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' TBD[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer: ''' TBD[[BR]] ''' Deadline: ''' Aug 2014 [[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' high [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' xx[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Clément "Daddy" Bricaud |
| 40 | |
| 41 | '''MERCATOR-4 - AGRIF + time-splitting compatibility''' |
| 42 | |
| 43 | ''' Motivation: ''' Enable AGRIF and time splitting[[BR]] ''' Status : ''' Not started yet although some work done in 2008 by F. Dupont (Env. Canada) has been reported in tickets 106 and 107. [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' This would be done in two steps, spanning two development years: |
| 44 | |
| 45 | 1. First, implement basic coupling of the barotropic mode at the baroclinic step level (Similar to what has been done by Penven et al. (2006) in ROMS). |
| 46 | 1. Second, implement full coupling at the barotropic time step level (Debreu et al., 2012) |
| 47 | |
| 48 | In any case, try to ensure volume conservation (relying on the forward nature of barotropic equations with time splitting). |
| 49 | |
| 50 | ''' Science Reviewer:''' TBD (Rachid ?)[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer: ''' TBD[[BR]] ''' Deadline: ''' 2015 [[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' Medium [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' xx[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Jérôme Chanut |
| 51 | |
| 52 | '''MERCATOR-5 - Implement quasi-hydrostatic approximation ''' |
| 53 | |
| 54 | ''' Motivation: ''' Partially relax hydrostatic approximation to restore some important physical properties. See what happens in global eddying simulations.[[BR]] ''' Status : ''' Not started yet. [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' Changes are far less computationally expensive than turning to the full non-hydrostatic equations. These would however be significant. Quoting Marshall et al. (1997): "the quasi-hydrostatic model retains cos(latitude) Coriolis terms in the zonal and vertical momentum equations, neglects Dw/Dt in the vertical and does not make the shallow atmosphere approximation".[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' TBD (Gurvan ?)[[BR]] ''' System Reviewer: ''' TBD [[BR]] ''' Deadline: ''' 2015[[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' Low [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' resources available after completion of tasks above[[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Jérôme Chanut |