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This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2014WP/2016_SystemSimplification_hard_coding (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of 2014WP/2016_SystemSimplification_hard_coding

2016-06-12T16:36:52+02:00 (8 years ago)



  • 2014WP/2016_SystemSimplification_hard_coding

    v1 v2  
    11= '''disappearance of “configuration hard coding”''' = 
    2 Last edited '''[[LastModified()]]''' 
     2Last edited '''[[LastModified()]]''' 
    1414== Inside the ocean code (OPA) == 
    15 Here follows a brief description of "hard coding" associated to build in configuration (mostly ORCA configuration) and suggestion about what we plan to done with them[[BR]]Item in '''bold''' are those that are still to be done 
     15Here follows a brief description of "hard coding" associated to build in configuration (mostly ORCA configuration) and suggestion about what we plan to done with them[[BR]]Item in '''bold''' are those that are still to be done 
    17 '''closea.F90''' : 
     17'''closea.F90''' : 
    19   suppress closed seas in forced mode (typically Caspian Sea, Azov Sea…)[[BR]]or balance their fresh water budget in coupled mode …[[BR]]'''===>>> How to deal with that ?''' idea user_defined module for close.F90 
     19  suppress closed seas in forced mode (typically Caspian Sea, Azov Sea…)[[BR]]  or balance their fresh water budget in coupled mode …[[BR]]  '''  ===>>> How to deal with that ?'''   idea user_defined module for close.F90 
    21 [[BR]]'''diafwb.F90''' : 
     21[[BR]]'''diafwb.F90''' : 
    23   only diagnostics of the global fresh water budget and of transport of mass salt and heat in some straits:[[BR]]Gibraltar, Red Sea, Baltic Sea etc. for ORCA 4°, 2° & 1°[[BR]]'''===>>> module to be suppress  '''idea user_defined module for that 
     23  only diagnostics of the global fresh water budget and of transport of mass salt and heat in some straits:[[BR]]  Gibraltar, Red Sea, Baltic Sea etc. for ORCA 4°, 2° & 1°[[BR]]  '''  ===>>> module to be suppress  '''  idea user_defined module for that 
    25 [[BR]]'''diaptr.F90''' : 
     25[[BR]]'''diaptr.F90''' : 
    27   Computes meridional transports and zonal means (of heat salt velocities). [[BR]]Inefficient on MPP as require global communication. Better to compute off line. [[BR]]Suppress the module and add the output of the vertical average of u.T , v.T , u.S, v.S [[BR]]from which exact poleward heat transport can be computed…[[BR]]'''===>>> module to be suppress (?)  '''discussion still open as in ESM, they want those diags directly in the output... 
     27  Computes meridional transports and zonal means (of heat salt velocities). [[BR]]  Inefficient on MPP as require global communication. Better to compute off line. [[BR]]  Suppress the module and add the output of the vertical average of u.T , v.T , u.S, v.S [[BR]]  from which exact poleward heat transport can be computed…[[BR]]  '''  ===>>> module to be suppress (?)  '''  discussion still open as in ESM, they want those diags directly in the output... 
    29 [[BR]]domhgr.F90 : 
     29[[BR]]'''dommsk.F90''' : 
    31   hard coded reduction of scale factors in some straits in ORCA configurations [[BR]](typically straits of Gibraltar, Bab el Mandeb, Danish, Lombok, Sumba, etc).  [[BR]]The input file have to contain the information [[BR]](+ add in TOOLS a fortran program as an example of how to modify a file)[[BR]]===>>> remove hard coded part  [[BR]]'''DONE in '''[ 2015/dev_r5721_CNRS9_NOC3_LDF] 
     31  hard coded increase of lateral friction at the coast in some straits. [[BR]]Add usrdef_fmask, called in dommsk.F90, which modified fmask following user desires.  [[BR]] ''' DONE in ''' [ 2016/dev_r6409_SIMPLIF_2_usrdef]  
    33 [[BR]]'''dommsk.F90''' : 
     33'''dtatsd, dtauvd.F90''' : 
    35   hard coded increase of lateral friction at the coast in some straits. [[BR]]Add a external file to be read that contains the specification of lateral friction [[BR]](+ add in TOOLS a fortran program as an example of how to specify the input file)[[BR]]'''===>>> remove hard coded part''' 
     35  in ORCA_R2 case, some hand made alterations in Red and Med Seas as well as changes associated with cross-land advection. [[BR]]  Can be removed. If someone wants similar things, he has to modify the T-S data file.[[BR]]  '''  ===>>> remove hard coded part''' 
    37 '''dtatsd, dtauvd.F90''' : 
     37[[BR]]'''istate.F90''' : 
    39   in ORCA_R2 case, some hand made alterations in Red and Med Seas as well as changes associated with cross-land advection. [[BR]]Can be removed. If someone wants similar things, he has to modify the T-S data file.[[BR]]'''===>>> remove hard coded part''' 
     39  analytical initial state for EEL and GYRE[[BR]]  '''  ===>>> to be kept util USER defined modules are introduced''' 
    41 [[BR]]'''istate.F90''' : 
     41'''p4zsbc.F90''' : 
    43   analytical initial state for EEL and GYRE[[BR]]'''===>>> to be kept util USER defined modules are introduced''' 
     43  hard coded enhance coastal supply of iron for ORCA2. [[BR]]  Since a file is provided that can contains the specificity of ORCA 2°[[BR]]  '''  ===>>> remove hard coded part''' 
    45 '''p4zsbc.F90''' : 
     45'''trabbl.F90''' : 
    47   hard coded enhance coastal supply of iron for ORCA2. [[BR]]Since a file is provided that can contains the specificity of ORCA 2°[[BR]]'''===>>> remove hard coded part''' 
     47  ORCA 4° & 2°, regional enhancement of ah_bbl [[BR]]  ===>>> to be suppress  [[BR]]  '''  DONE in '''  2015/dev_r5721_CNRS9_NOC3_ZDF  '''  but not incorporate in the 2015 merge ''' 
    49 '''trabbl.F90''' : 
     49'''trcdmp.F90''' : 
    51   ORCA 4° & 2°, regional enhancement of ah_bbl [[BR]]===>>> to be suppress  [[BR]]'''DONE in '''2015/dev_r5721_CNRS9_NOC3_ZDF  '''but not incorporate in the 2015 merge ''' 
    53 '''trcdmp.F90''' : 
    55   hard coded definition of damping in closed seas for ORCA 2°, 1°, 0.5°. [[BR]]'''===>>> Find a solution''' similar to what will be done for closed seas in OPA (close.F90) 
     51  hard coded definition of damping in closed seas for ORCA 2°, 1°, 0.5°. [[BR]]  '''  ===>>> Find a solution'''   similar to what will be done for closed seas in OPA (close.F90)