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This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR – NEMO

Version 51 (modified by jchanut, 9 years ago) (diff)


MERCATOR-NEMO - 2015 actions

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WARNING page currently in progress


Name Institution % Position
Clément Bricaud Mercator Océan 40 NEMO Officer
Jérôme Chanut Mercator Océan 20
Julien Paul Mercator Océan 20
Coralie Perruche Mercator Océan 0
Romain Bourdalle-Badie Mercator Océan 20
Yann Drillet Mercator Océan 0 consortium expert
Mondher Chekki Mercator Océan 0 consortium expert

Summary: List here the actions listed in SHARED ACTIONS

Action Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status
CONFIGMAN-1/MERCATOR-1 Configuration manager woking group to be continued in 2016
CONFIGMAN-2/MERCATOR-2 Merge BDY configuration tool and SIREN posptoned in 2016 James Harle
HPC-2 /MERCATOR-3 OpenMP Silvia Mocavero
AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-4 Agrif: AGRIF + time-splitting compatibility (ctnd) done Merged in NEMO_3_6_STABLE Sebastien masson
AGRIF-4 /MERCATOR-5 Agrif: Enable vvl and AGRIF posptoned in 2016 Sebastien masson
ROBUST-1 /MERCATOR-6 online coarsening to be continued in 2016 Gurvan Madec/Christian? Ethé
ROBUST-4 /MERCATOR-7 test NEMO_3.6 and ORCA025/ORCA12 in progress ; to be continued in 2016 Martin Vancoppenolle,Andrew C. Coward,Gurvan Madec
GMD /MERCATOR-8 Comparison of TKE and GLS done. published in GMD ( 22.01.2015)
SIMPLIF-2 /MERCATOR-9 Explicit or split-explicit free surface only (suppression of solvers) Finished:
25 Nov 2015 Gurvan Madec OK

Summary: List here the actions NOT listed in SHARED ACTIONS

Action Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status
MERCATOR-10 enable LIM3 initialisation with a netcdf file

CONFIGMAN-1 / MERCATOR-1 - NEMO working group - Agree and test SIREN code

Motivation: A configuration manager demonstrator (SIREN) was added to NEMO TOOLS. Some bugs were fixed this year. Now those code should be agreed and tested.
Status :
Main tasks :

  • check AGRIF and SIREN ouput compliancy
  • check use of ice/tracers/dynamics data on boundary
  • SIREN can not handle north fold. An arbitrary limit of 88°N was added. However this imit has to be tested, and may be changed

Science Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
System Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
Deadline: end of 2015
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Julien Paul <julien.paul@…>

CONFIGMAN-3 / MERCATOR-2 - Merge BDY configuration tool and SIREN

Motivation: Two different tools to create regional configuration (SIREN and BDY configuration tool) will be added to NEMO. We have to merged those tools.
Status : not started
Main tasks : Check compatibility of those tools. And try to make it work as one.
Science Reviewer: James Harle
System Reviewer: James Harle
Deadline: end of 2015
Priority: medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Julien Paul <julien.paul@…>

HPC-2/ MERCATOR-3 - investigate on openMP

Motivation: scalability.
Status : working with CMMC; waiting for CMCC report.
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: December 2015
Priority: HIGH
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Mondher Chekki <mondher.chekki@…>

AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-4 - AGRIF + time-splitting compatibility (ctnd)

Motivation: Enable AGRIF and time splitting: 2nd step: coupling at barotropic level
Status : started in 2014
Main tasks : run with a regional configuration
Science Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
System Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
Deadline: 2015
Priority: medium
Depends on: Design of future time stepping
Principal Investigator : Jerome Chanut <jchanut@…>

AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-5 - Enable vvl and AGRIF

Motivation: AGRIF currently works with fixed in time vertical grid
Status : not started
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
System Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
Deadline: 2015
Priority: low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Jerome Chanut <jchanut@…>

ROBUST-1/MERCATOR-6 - TOP online coarsening

Motivation: run online top/pisces with lower resolution than physics
Status : developped on NEMO_3.4 / run with ORCA025
Main tasks :
-bug correction for output coarsening ( already in NEMO 3.6 )
-test output coarsening with ORCA025
-phasing new routines for TOP/PISCES and OPA from 3.4 to 3.6
-adaptation to VVL
-time degradation
Science Reviewer: Gurvan Madec <gm@…>
System Reviewer: Gurvan Madec <gm@…>
Deadline: april 2015
Priority: high
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud <cbricaud@…>,Christian Ethé <Christian.Ethe@…>, Coralie Perruche <cperruche@…>

ROBUST-4 / MERCATOR-7 - test NEMO3.6 with global configuration

Motivation: Model configurations need to be validated before the release of the model.
Status: ORCA025_LIM2 with filtread free surface or time splitting is already running at Mercator
Main Tasks: Test and validation with ORCA025 of:

-LIM2 vs LIM3
-time-splitting vs filtred free surface
-vector form vs UBS for momentum advection
-run ORCA025 with Z*
-online coarsening
-run ORCA12 with time-splitting/LIM2/GLS/UBS?
-online coarsening

Science Reviewer: Martin Vancoppenolle <martin.vancoppenolle@…>,"Andrew C. Coward" <acc@…>,Gurvan Madec <Gurvan.Madec@…>
System Reviewer: N/A
Priority: medium
Depends on: implementation of online coarsening
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud <cbricaud@…>,Romain Bourdallé-Badie <rbourdal@…>, Jerome Chanut <jchanut@…>

GMD/ MERCATOR-8 - GMD special issue: Modelling turbulent vertical mixing sensitivity using a 1-D version of NEMOC

Motivation: comparison of TKE and GLS
Status : submitted, in revision
Main tasks : corrections
Principal Investigator : Guillaume Reffray <greffray@…>

SIMPLIF-2 /MERCATOR-9: Free surface simplification

Motivation: Simplification of free surface options
Status :  Done
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: end of 2015
Priority: medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Jérome Chanut <jchanut@…>

MERCATOR-10 - enable LIM3 initialisation with a netcdf file

Motivation: read snow thickness, ice thickness and ice temperature 2D field in a netcdf file ; redistribute ice thickness on ice categories
Status :working with fldread at Mercator on 3.6
Main tasks : code cleaning + phasing with last revision
Science Reviewer: Clement Rousset <crlod@…>
System Reviewer: Clement Rousset <crlod@…>
Deadline: end of 2015
Priority: medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud <cbricaud@…>,Romain Bourdallé-Badie <rbourdal@…>