Version 88 (modified by flavoni, 10 years ago) (diff) |
NEMO 2015 workplan - Shared actions
NEMO 2015 workplan - Shared actions
- AGRIF-2 / CNRS-7 - Investing in AGRIF expertise
- AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-4 - AGRIF + time-splitting compatibility (ctnd)
- AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-5 - Enable vvl and AGRIF
- High Performance Computing
- HPC-1 / CMCC-1 - Scalability with MPI-OPENMP
- HPC-2/ MERCATOR-3 - investigate on openMP
- HPC-3 / CNRS-17 - OASIS coupling between OPA and LIM/CICE
- Configuration Manager
- System simplification
- Wave Coupling
NEMO robustness
- ROBUST-1/MERCATOR-6 - TOP online coarsening
- ROBUST-3 / Met_Office-12 - Validation (including ORCA025/AMM12/AMM7)
- ROBUST-4 / MERCATOR-7 - test NEMO3.6 with global configuration
- ROBUST-5 / CMCC-5 - OBC with BDY for biogeochemistry
- ROBUST-6 / CNRS-9 - Improvment of lateral diffusion and dissipation
- ROBUST-7 / Met_Office-10 - Effiency improvements in OBS
- ROBUST-9 / CNRS-11 - Lead working Group on Tests cases
- GMD/ MERCATOR-8 - GMD special issue: Modelling turbulent vertical mixing …
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Action | Brief description | From | PI |
AGRIF | |||
AGRIF-1 | Implement Vertical Grid Refinement | Met Office | Daley Calvert/Tim? Graham |
AGRIF-2 | Investing in AGRIF expertise | CNRS | Sebastien Masson |
AGRIF-3 | test last developpment of coupling at barotropic time step and vvl adaptation with new version of agrif | Mercator | Jerome Chanut |
AGRIF-4 | AGRIF + LIM3 | CNRS | Clément Rousset |
HPC | |||
HPC-1 | Scalability with MPI-OpenMP | CMCC | S. Mocavero |
HPC-2 | investigate on openMP | MERCATOR | M. Chekki |
HPC-3 | OASIS coupling between OPA and LIM/CICE | CNRS | S. Masson |
Config. Manager | |||
CONFIGMAN-1 | Agree and test SIREN code | working group | |
CONFIGMAN-2 | BDY configuration tool | NOC, CMCC | James Harle, Stefania Ciliberti |
CONFIGMAN-3 | Merge BDY configuration tool and SIREN | Mercator, NOC, CMCC | Julien Paul, James Harle, Stefania Ciliberti |
System simplification | |||
SIMPLIF-1 | Non-linear free surface as default option | NOC | Andrew Coward |
SIMPLIF-2 | time-splitting (suppression of solvers) | MERCATOR | |
SIMPLIF-3/4 | advection/lateral diffusion | CNRS | |
SIMPLIF-5 | Configurations | CNRS/Met Office (+all) | |
SIMPLIF-2 | Removal of obsolete options | CMCC/Met Office | Dorotea Iovino/Tim? Graham |
Wave coupling | |||
WAVE-1 | Surface coupling modifications for waves | Met Office | Francois-Xavier Boquet |
WAVE-2 | Implementation of the WAVE-WG 2014 results | INGV | E. Clementi |
WAVE-3 | Definition of a configuration to test wave-current interactions | INGV | E. Clementi |
WAVE-4 | Definition of wave coupling at small (coastal) scale | INGV | M. De Dominicis |
NEMO robustness | |||
ROBUST-1 | TOP online coarsening | Mercator, CNRS | Clement Bricaud, Coralie Perruche, Christian Ethé |
ROBUST-2 | NEMO ready for ESMs-CMIP6: ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES | CNRS | Claire Levy |
ROBUST-3 | Validation of NEMO3.6 (inc. ORCA025 and AMM7) | Met Office | Enda O'Dea, Tim Graham, Dave Storkey |
ROBUST-4 | test NEMO3.6 with global configurations + test new features (LIM3, VVL, time-splitting, flux form,...) | Mercator | Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Clement Bricaud, Jerome Chanut |
ROBUST-5 | OBC with BDY for biogeochemistry | CMCC | Tomas Lovato |
ROBUST-6 | Improvement of lateral diffusion and dissipation | CNRS | Sebastien Masson/Gurvan? Madec |
ROBUST-8 | Efficiency improvements in OBS | Met Office | Jennie Waters |
ROBUST-9 | Lead working Group on Tests cases | CNRS | Simona Flavoni |
GMD Special Issue | |||
Coupling NEMO with wave model: first step and sensitivity experiments in the Mediterranean Sea | INGV | E. Clementi | |
Atmospheric pressure in semi -enclose basin using time-splitting and filtered free surface formulation | INGV | P. Oddo | |
Split-explicit free surface and tide (Yellow Sea) | CMCC | D. Wang | |
Performance and results of the high-resolution biogeochemical model PELAGOS025 within NEMO | CMCC | I. Epicoco | |
The coupling of the flexible stoichiometric model BFM with NEMO | CMCC | M. Vichi | |
Comparison of TKE and GLS (submitted) | MERCATOR | G. Reffray, R. Bourdalle-Badie | |
PISCES : An ocean biogeochemical model for carbon and ecosystem studies (submitted) | CNRS | O. Aumont | |
NEMOTAM: tangent and adjoint models for the ocean modelling platform NEMO (submitted) | CNRS | A. Vidard |
AGRIF-1 / Met_Office-7 - AGRIF vertical grid refinement
Motivation: Vertical grid refinement in NEMO would be a useful tool in simulating some aspects of the ocean (e.g. overflows)
Status: Laurent Debreu has a first attempt version of this.
Main Tasks: Take Laurent's 1st attempt code and update/improve it to provide this functionality
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: Medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Daley Calvert/Tim? Graham (TBD)
AGRIF-2 / CNRS-7 - Investing in AGRIF expertise
Motivation : Hands on AGRIF for xx test cases. Gathering and sharing expertise. Towards a NEMO-AGRIF tutorial/training course.
To be elaborated with other members of the consortium (making AGRIF compatible with split-explicit time stepping, s- and z-tilde coordinates, sea-ice...)
Status :
Main tasks :
(1) use of AGRIF in coupled ocean-atmosphere and coupled oceanic configurations
(2) contribute to the shared expertise by building a tutorial/training course
(3) write a documentation of the NEMO interface to AGRIF
(4) salve the issue of AGRIF with TKE (and GLS) vertical physics at the Equator
Science Reviewer: Jerome Chanut
System Reviewer: Jerome Chanut
Deadline: end 2015
Priority: high
Depends on :
Principal Investigator : Sébastien Masson
AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-4 - AGRIF + time-splitting compatibility (ctnd)
Motivation: Enable AGRIF and time splitting: 2nd step: coupling at barotropic level
Status : started in 2014
Main tasks : run with a regional configuration
Science Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
System Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
Deadline: 2015
Priority: medium
Depends on: Design of future time stepping
Principal Investigator : Jerome Chanut <jchanut@…>
AGRIF-3 /MERCATOR-5 - Enable vvl and AGRIF
Motivation: AGRIF currently works with fixed in time vertical grid
Status : not started
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
System Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
Deadline: 2015
Priority: low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Jerome Chanut <jchanut@…>
High Performance Computing
HPC-1 / CMCC-1 - Scalability with MPI-OPENMP
Motivation: Improve NEMO scalability.
Status : continuation of 2014 dev CMCC-1
Main tasks : extension of the hybrid OpenMP/MPI approach to the entire code
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: December 2015
Priority: HIGH
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : S. Mocavero (silvia.mocavero@…)
HPC-2/ MERCATOR-3 - investigate on openMP
Motivation: scalability.
Status : working with CMMC; waiting for CMCC report.
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: December 2015
Priority: HIGH
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Mondher Chekki <mondher.chekki@…>
HPC-3 / CNRS-17 - OASIS coupling between OPA and LIM/CICE
Motivation: Improve NEMO scalability.
Status : under development with E. Maisonnave and G. Madec
Main tasks : modify coupling interface to be able to do a coupling between OPA and LIM/CICE (through the Stand Alone Surface Module)
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: May 2015
Priority: P1
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : S. Masson (smasson@…)
Configuration Manager
CONFIGMAN-1 / MERCATOR-1 - NEMO working group - Agree and test SIREN code
Motivation: A configuration manager demonstrator (SIREN) was added to NEMO TOOLS. Some bugs were fixed this year. Now those code should be agreed and tested.
Status :
Main tasks :
- check AGRIF and SIREN ouput compliancy
- check use of ice/tracers/dynamics data on boundary
- SIREN can not handle north fold. An arbitrary limit of 88°N was added. However this imit has to be tested, and may be changed
Science Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
System Reviewer: sebastien masson <smasson@…>
Deadline: end of 2015
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Julien Paul <julien.paul@…>
CONFIGMAN-2 / NOC-1 - BDY configuration tool
Motivation: The ability for NEMO to be configured and run as a regional model with open boundaries forced with output saved from a wider area configuration is under-used due to the difficulty of preparing suitable boundary files. This task aims to contribute to the Configuration manager shared action by providing a high-level tool capable of completing all the necessary steps.
Status :
Main tasks : To produce an open source Python tool to configure open boundary (BDY) condition files for use with NEMO v3.4 onwards by transferring data from global NEMO simulations to defined regional domains. The tool will produce tracer/ice/dynamics (including tidal boundaries from TPXO7.2) BDY files. Written in Python this tool will be ready for integration into an all encompassing 'Configuration Manager' if desired.
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : James Harle
CONFIGMAN-3 / MERCATOR-2 - Merge BDY configuration tool and SIREN
Motivation: Two different tools to create regional configuration (SIREN and BDY configuration tool) will be added to NEMO. We have to merged those tools.
Status : not started
Main tasks : Check compatibility of those tools. And try to make it work as one.
Science Reviewer: James Harle
System Reviewer: James Harle
Deadline: end of 2015
Priority: medium
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Julien Paul <julien.paul@…>
System simplification
SIMPLIF-1 / NOC-3 - System support and Simplification work
Motivation: The need for simplifying NEMO in preparation for next generation computer architecture work has been accepted by the NEMO community. The exact details of what is to be done and the timing and order of these changes has yet to be decided. NOC expects to take an active role in this process and reserves a substantial block of its annual contribution to ensure it can respond accordingly to the consortium plans. This block also covers routine system team work to respond to user initiated tasks (bug-fixes, requests for assistance, documentation etc.).
Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Andrew Coward
SIMPLIF-2 / CMCC-4 - System simplification
Motivation: CMCC will contribute to the simplification process removing obsolescent features. Specific details on what and when have yet to be worked out.
Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Dorotea Iovino
SIMPLIF-3 - System simplification
Motivation: Met office will contribute to simplification process either via code cleaning or simplifying the vertical coordinates (Details to be determined)
Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Dave Storkey/Tim? Graham
Wave Coupling
Wave Coupling-1 / Met Office-8 - Modifications to surface coupling required for surface waves
Motivation: Surface wave coupling will require changes to sbccpl to allow surface waves in coupled models (Action from Wave WG meeting) [BR]] Main tasks : Changes to sbccpl
System Reviewer:
Priority: high
Depends on: Wave Coupling-2
Principal Investigator: Francois-Xavier Boquet
Wave Coupling-2 / INGV-1 - Implementation of the WAVE-WG 2014 results
Motivation: In 2014 the Wave–WG defined a series of developments to be implemented by the WG participants in order to implement processes occurring from meso-scale to large-scale. A temporary branch hosting the surface wave components from ECMWF already exists and some modifications respect to this branch have been identified. INGV will take care of some of the developments identified
Status : Implementation of some of the identified processes has been started in 2014. To be continued in 2015
Main tasks :
- 3D Stokes drift computation will be modified according to Breivik et al., (2014) formulation. It will be a public variable to be used also in other terms (tracers and momentum advection, surface vertical velocity);
- implementation of surface vertical velocity accounting for the Stokes Drift in case of wave coupling;
- implementation of the tracers advection accounting for the 3D Stokes drift;
- implementation of the Qiao et al., (2010) formulation accounting for the enhanced vertical mixing induced by waves;
- others if agreed by the WAVE-WG.
System Reviewer:
Priority: high
Depends on:
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Clementi (emanuela.clementi@…)
Wave Coupling-3 / INGV-2 - Definition of a configuration to test wave-current interactions
Motivation: A proper configuration is needed in order to test the wave-current developments as agreed by the WAVE-WG
Status : To be started
Main tasks: Contribute, within the WAVE-WG, in the definition and implementation of a configuration to test the wave-current processes implemented
System Reviewer:
Depends on: INGV.01 and NEMO-WAVE WG actions
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Clementi (emanuela.clementi@…)
Wave Coupling-4 / INGV-3 - Definition of wave coupling at small (coastal) scale
Motivation: According to the WAVE-WG, in order to achieve a full wave-current coupling, the small (coastal) scale processes need to be investigated
Status: To be started
Main tasks: Contribute, within the WAVE-WG, in the analysis of this issue in order to finalize the discussion started in 2014 before proceeding with any new implementation
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Depends on:
Principal Investigator: Michela De Dominicis (michela.dedominicis@…)
NEMO robustness
ROBUST-1/MERCATOR-6 - TOP online coarsening
Motivation: run online top/pisces with lower resolution than physics
Status : developped on NEMO_3.4 / run with ORCA025
Main tasks :
-bug correction for output coarsening ( already in NEMO 3.6 )
-test output coarsening with ORCA025
-phasing new routines for TOP/PISCES and OPA from 3.4 to 3.6
-adaptation to VVL
-time degradation
Science Reviewer: Gurvan Madec <gm@…>
System Reviewer: Gurvan Madec <gm@…>
Deadline: april 2015
Priority: high
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud <cbricaud@…>,Christian Ethé <Christian.Ethe@…>, Coralie Perruche <cperruche@…>
Motivation: Set-up run and validate the ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES configuration on nemo_v3.6_STABLE release to be ready for CMIP6
Status : Started in 2014. First control run available
Main tasks : Finalize physical and numerical choices for this configuration. Run and validate the forced reference experiments. Distribute this shared configuration on a specific svn/dods project (separate from NEMO reference)
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: May 2015
Priority: 1 (= for CMIP6)
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Claire Lévy
ROBUST-3 / Met_Office-12 - Validation (including ORCA025/AMM12/AMM7)
Motivation: Model configurations need to be validated before the release of the model.
Status: Main Tasks:
- Upgrading configs to new model version (after merge party)
- Assessment of changes to output
- SETTE testing at latest revision
- Finding & fixing causes of any issues Science Reviewer: N/A
System Reviewer: N/A
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Tim Graham/Dave? Storkey/Enda? O'Dea
ROBUST-4 / MERCATOR-7 - test NEMO3.6 with global configuration
Motivation: Model configurations need to be validated before the release of the model.
Status: ORCA025_LIM2 with filtread free surface or time splitting is already running at Mercator
Main Tasks: Test and validation with ORCA025 of:
-LIM2 vs LIM3
-time-splitting vs filtred free surface
-vector form vs UBS for momentum advection
-run ORCA025 with Z*
-online coarsening
-run ORCA12 with time-splitting/LIM2/GLS/UBS?
-online coarsening
Science Reviewer: Martin Vancoppenolle <martin.vancoppenolle@…>,"Andrew C. Coward" <acc@…>,Gurvan Madec <Gurvan.Madec@…>
System Reviewer: N/A
Priority: medium
Depends on: implementation of online coarsening
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud <cbricaud@…>,Romain Bourdallé-Badie <rbourdal@…>, Jerome Chanut <jchanut@…>
ROBUST-5 / CMCC-5 - OBC with BDY for biogeochemistry
Motivation: finalize the treatment of boundary conditions for TOP
Status : continuation
Main tasks : use BDY with biogeochemistry using the structures implemented in 2014 development.
Science Reviewer: D. Storkey
System Reviewer: C. Ethé
Deadline: March 2015
Priority: HIGH
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Tomas Lovato
ROBUST-6 / CNRS-9 - Improvment of lateral diffusion and dissipation
Motivation: simplify and improve the lateral diffusion and dissipation in NEMO/OPA
Status : Continuation
Main tasks :
- Simplification:
- change the way the eddy diffusivity and viscosity are specified and controlled by the user
- Improvements:
- introduce Beckers et al. (2000) compact stencil in the cross-isoneutral direction in triads formalism
- introduce in both iso-neutral operator the Method of Stabilizing Correction (Lemarié et al. (2012)
- implement bilaplacian iso-neutral operator (Lemarié et al. (2012)
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Deadline: May 2015
Priority: Medium
Depends on: N/A
Principal Investigator : Gurvan Madec/Sebastien? Masson
ROBUST-7 / Met_Office-10 - Effiency improvements in OBS
Motivation: OBS operator needs to be more efficient for future use in high resolution models (e.g. ORCA12) Status: Main Tasks: Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Jennie Waters
ROBUST-9 / CNRS-11 - Lead working Group on Tests cases
Motivation: There are several motivations to define a suite of standard test-cases for NEMO (e.g. for pedagogical purpose and/or for demonstrating the benefit of new features and/or for illustrating the effect of a numerical scheme). This work will be done in throughout a Working Group. The purpose of the Working Group is to (i) specify the expected outcome of standard test-cases in NEMO and (ii) to define how standard test-cases should be distributed within NEMO. There will be interactions with Configuration Manager Working Group to decide how input files (bathymetry, coordinates,...) will be given, and how they will be maintained. In 2015, this new working group will need to be started (list of members to be fianlised during Developer’s Committee 2014).
Status : Starting
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: P2 (2nd semester 2015)
Depends on: Simplification, Configuration Manager…
Principal Investigator : Simona Flavoni
GMD/ MERCATOR-8 - GMD special issue: Modelling turbulent vertical mixing sensitivity using a 1-D version of NEMOC
Motivation: comparison of TKE and GLS
Status : submitted, in revision
Main tasks : corrections
Principal Investigator : Guillaume Reffray <greffray@…>