New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2016WP/2016SharedActions/Workshop_NEMO_in_CMIP6 (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of 2016WP/2016SharedActions/Workshop_NEMO_in_CMIP6

2015-11-12T15:56:05+01:00 (9 years ago)



  • 2016WP/2016SharedActions/Workshop_NEMO_in_CMIP6

    v14 v15  
    2626=== Proposed agenda (first draft, waiting for your inputs!) === 
    27 A 1.5 / 2 days meeting is suggested, in order to have time to share  and discuss the results. Meeting should take place after preliminary  analysis of a first set of experiments going on now, but earlier enough  for each group to take benefits of discussions for the CMIP6  experiments.  Agenda of the meeting should also be discussed: sessions  by configuration, by MIP, by open questions (for example: adjustment of  vertical parametrization in coupled mode, or coupling frequency...).[[BR]]Prerequisite is to have the list of experiments available prior to the meeting (see below). 
     27'''Meeting will start right after the end of DRAKKAR meeting (i.e. 28 January, or 27 afternoon, maybe), and end 29 at lunchtime at the latest).'''[[BR]]A 1.5 / 2 days meeting is suggested, in order to have time to share  and discuss the results. Meeting should take place after preliminary  analysis of a first set of experiments going on now, but earlier enough  for each group to take benefits of discussions for the CMIP6  experiments.  Agenda of the meeting should also be discussed: sessions  by configuration, by MIP, by open questions (for example: adjustment of  vertical parametrization in coupled mode, or coupling frequency...).[[BR]]Prerequisite is to have the list of experiments available prior to the meeting (see below). 
    2929'''List of subjects to discuss '''(more soon with your feedbacks):[[BR]]The following list concerns ORCA1 in forced and coupled mode, and ORCA025 if available 
    5252=== List of participants === 
    5353|| Family Name || First name || Institution || email || 
     54|| Levy || Claire || CNRS - NEMO System Team || || 
     55|| || || || || 
     56|| || || || || 
     57|| || || || || 
     58|| || || || || 
    5459|| || || || || 