Version 16 (modified by clevy, 9 years ago) (diff) |
MET OFFICE -NEMO - 2016 actions
MET OFFICE -NEMO - 2016 actions
- MET OFFICE-1 - Biharmonic GM
- MET OFFICE-2 - Investigate use of Zanna Scheme
- MET OFFICE-3 - Output diagnostic of in-situ temperature
- MET OFFICE-5 - Ocean tide water parametrisation
- MET OFFICE-6 - Improved numerical schemes for partial steps
- MET OFFICE-7 - Suppression of global communications
- MET OFFICE-8 - Removal of useless communications
Last edited LastModified()?
Additionnal members of System Team working on Specific Actions members
Name | Institution | % | Position |
Summary: List here the actions NOT listed in SHARED ACTIONS
Action | Brief description | Status | Branch name | Trac ticket n° | Wiki page name | Reviewer(s) | Review status |
METO-1 | Biharmonic GM | ||||||
METO-2 | Investigate use of Zanna scheme | ||||||
METO-3 | Output in-situ temperature diagnostic | ||||||
METO-4 | Implement changes for CICE with meltponds and multilayers | ||||||
METO-5 | Ocean/tide water glacier parametrisation |
Summary of SHARED ACTIONS (listed here forcontinuity)
Action | Brief description | Status | Branch name | Trac ticket n° | Wiki page name | Reviewer(s) | Review status | Shared Action Stream |
METO-6 / ROBUST-2 | Improved numerical schemes for partial steps | |||||||
METO-7 / HPC-1 | Suppress global communications | |||||||
METO-8 / HPC-3 | Removal of useless communications | |||||||
WaveCpl-3 | Wave coupling task (carried forward from 2015) | |||||||
AGRIF-1 | Continue vertical grid refinement from 2015 |
MET OFFICE-1 - Biharmonic GM
Motivation: Biharmonic Gent-McWilliams? may be useful for reducing noise in high resolution models (ORCA025 or higher). The scheme was developed my Malcolm Roberts & David Marshall.
Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: Low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Dave Storkey
MET OFFICE-2 - Investigate use of Zanna Scheme
Motivation: Laure Zanna (Oxford) has approached us to see if it is possible to include her parametrisation in NEMO. This could provide useful functionality for NEMO.
Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: Low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : ??
MET OFFICE-3 - Output diagnostic of in-situ temperature
Motivation: This is a useful diagnostic for model evaluation purposes
Status : This diagnostic is used in a Met Office branch but it's not certain whether it is fully consistent with NEMO's equation of state.
Main tasks : Check whether existing code is consistent with NEMO's equation of state. If it is tidy up code and test (possibly move calculation to EOS module). Otherwise rewrite in a consistent way in EOS module. Add field to iodef.xml files.
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: Low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Enda O'Dea.
Motivation: In preparation for CMIP6 we have added functionality to run CICE with meltponds and multilayers. This should now be returned to the NEMO trunk.
Status : Branch currently exists but needs tidying before inclusion in trunk
Main tasks : Modify current branch to make sure that it works correctly without key_cice. Ensure that changes to sbccpl will not affect use of NEMO with other ice or atmosphere models (branch has been created for use with Met Office UM).
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: Low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : ??
MET OFFICE-5 - Ocean tide water parametrisation
Motivation: This parametrisation allows to compute melt along vertical land ice face as tide water glacier (greenland) and ice shelf front. This is required to represent water masse properties into Greenland fjord. By the way it will allow to use ice shelf parametrisation and explicit ice shelf in the same run
Status: First implementation done based on the 3.6 stable
Main tasks: Need update, polishing and better integration (file name, directory ...) and alsoclean the isf code to move the isf parametrisation from isf code to tide water glacier code
Science Reviewer: Adrian Jenkins (BAS, Cambridge) / N. Jourdain (LGGE) ?
System Reviewer: J.M. Molines (LGGE) ?
Priority: Low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Pierre Mathiot
MET OFFICE-6 - Improved numerical schemes for partial steps
Status :
Main tasks :
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: Low
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Mike Bell
MET OFFICE-7 - Suppression of global communications
Motivation: Global communications can be expensive for parallel computing
Status :
Main tasks : Met Office task will be to look at efficiency improvements in stp_ctl module.
Science Reviewer: Andrew Coward
System Reviewer:
Deadline: Nov 2016
Priority: High
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Tim Graham
MET OFFICE-8 - Removal of useless communications
Motivation: There are several halo updates in NEMO which may not be needed. These are slow for HPC so should be removed
Status :
Main tasks : Use a script to find all communications and test whether they can be safely removed. In consultation with the rest of the ST consider whether haloes should no longer be included in output files. This would mean that halo updates wouldn't be needed for diagnostics.
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Priority: high
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : Tim Graham