New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2016WP/NOC_2016 – NEMO

Version 9 (modified by clevy, 9 years ago) (diff)


NOC-NEMO - 2016 actions

Last edited LastModified()?

Additional members if System Team working on Specific Actions

Name Institution % Position
George NurserNOC-S 20

Summary: List here the actions NOT listed in SHARED ACTIONS

Action Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status
NOC-1 Eden and Greatbatch parameterisation

Summary of SHARED ACTIONS (listed here forcontinuity)

Action Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status Shared Action Stream
HPC-5 Implement larger haloes HPC
ConfigMan-2 BDY tools development and tests
SIMPLI-6 Reimplement Smagorinsky
ROBUST-12 Reference manual update for v3.6 stable
ROBUST-13 System support and verification work

NOC-1 - Eden and Greatbatch parameterisation

Motivation: The Eden and Greatbatch parameterisation ( Ocean Modelling , 20 ,223-239) provides an eddy closure which is not purely dependent on local density gradients and leads to more realistic simulations with maximum EKE values towards the end of jets rather than near their origins. The expected result is a more realistic distribution of EKE with greater spreading away from generation sites.
Status :
Main tasks : Implement parameterisation; test and evaluate in ORCA1 and ORCA025 configurations with emphasis on the Gulf Stream separation region.
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
Depends on:
Principal Investigator : George Nurser