New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2016WP/SIMPLIF-5_ACC (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of 2016WP/SIMPLIF-5_ACC

2016-03-07T17:13:08+01:00 (9 years ago)

Fix the text area names for comments in addind a 'c' (duplicate with drop-down menu)


  • 2016WP/SIMPLIF-5_ACC

    v4 v5  
    8989#!submit_label 'Submit Preview' 
    9090|| Questions || Answer || Comment || 
    91 || Does the previewer agree with the proposed methodology? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.1 -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    92 || Does the previewer agree with the proposed flowchart and list of routines to be changed? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.2 -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    93 || Does the previewer agree with the proposed new list of variables, including agreement with coding rules? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.3 -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    94 || Does the previewer agree with the proposed summary of updates in reference manual? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.4 -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    95 || ... ... ... || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.X -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     91|| Does the previewer agree with the proposed methodology? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.1c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     92|| Does the previewer agree with the proposed flowchart and list of routines to be changed? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.2c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     93|| Does the previewer agree with the proposed new list of variables, including agreement with coding rules? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.3c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     94|| Does the previewer agree with the proposed summary of updates in reference manual? || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.4c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     95|| ... ... ... || [ -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.Xc -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    9696==== ''Updated on [tf.form_updated_on:] by [tf.form_updater:]'' ==== 
    106106#!submit_label 'Submit Tests' 
    107107|| Questions || Answer || Comment || 
    108 || Can this change be shown to produce expected impact? (if option activated)? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.1 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    109 || Can this change be shown to have a null impact? (if option not activated) || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.2 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    110 || Detailed results of restartability and reproducibility when the option is activated. Please indicate the configuration used for this test || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.3 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    111 || Detailed results of SETTE tests (restartability and reproducibility for each of the reference configuration) || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.4 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    112 || Results of the required bit comparability tests been run: Are there no differences when activating the development? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.5 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    113 || If some differences appear, is reason for the change valid/understood? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.6 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    114 || If some differences appear, is the !ticket describing in detail the impact this change will have on model configurations? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.7 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    115 || Is this change expected to preserve all diagnostics? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.8 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    116 || If no, is reason for the change valid/understood? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.9 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    117 || Are there significant changes in run time/memory? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.10 -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    118 || ... ... ... || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.XX -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     108|| Can this change be shown to produce expected impact? (if option activated)? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.1c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     109|| Can this change be shown to have a null impact? (if option not activated) || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.2c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     110|| Detailed results of restartability and reproducibility when the option is activated. Please indicate the configuration used for this test || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.3c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     111|| Detailed results of SETTE tests (restartability and reproducibility for each of the reference configuration) || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.4c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     112|| Results of the required bit comparability tests been run: Are there no differences when activating the development? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.5c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     113|| If some differences appear, is reason for the change valid/understood? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.6c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     114|| If some differences appear, is the !ticket describing in detail the impact this change will have on model configurations? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.7c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     115|| Is this change expected to preserve all diagnostics? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.8c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     116|| If no, is reason for the change valid/understood? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.9c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     117|| Are there significant changes in run time/memory? || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.10c -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     118|| ... ... ... || [ -id=piform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.XXc -id=piform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    119119==== ''Updated on [tf.form_updated_on:] by [tf.form_updater:]'' ==== 
    128128Code changes and documentation 
    129129|| Question || Answer || Comment || 
    130 || Is the proposed methodology now implemented? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.11 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    131 || Are the code changes in agreement with the flowchart defined at Preview step? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.12 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    132 || Are the code changes in agreement with list of routines and variables as proposed at Preview step?[[BR]]If not, are the discrepancies acceptable? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.13 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    133 || Is the in-line documentation accurate and sufficient? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.14 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    134 || Do the code changes comply with NEMO coding standards? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.15 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    135 || Is the !ticket of development documented with sufficient details for others to understand the impact of the change? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.16 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    136 || Are the reference manual tex files now updated following the proposed summary in preview section? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.17 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    137 || Is there a need for some documentation on the web pages (in addition to in-line and reference manual)?[[BR]]If yes, please describe and ask PI. A yes answer must include all documentation available. || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.18 -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    138 || ... ... ... || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.XXX -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     130|| Is the proposed methodology now implemented? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.11c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     131|| Are the code changes in agreement with the flowchart defined at Preview step? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.12c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     132|| Are the code changes in agreement with list of routines and variables as proposed at Preview step?[[BR]]If not, are the discrepancies acceptable? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.13c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     133|| Is the in-line documentation accurate and sufficient? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.14c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     134|| Do the code changes comply with NEMO coding standards? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.15c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     135|| Is the !ticket of development documented with sufficient details for others to understand the impact of the change? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.16c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     136|| Are the reference manual tex files now updated following the proposed summary in preview section? || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.17c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     137|| Is there a need for some documentation on the web pages (in addition to in-line and reference manual)?[[BR]]If yes, please describe and ask PI. A yes answer must include all documentation available. || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.18c -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
     138|| ... ... ... || [ -id=revform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:3.XXc -id=revform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || 
    139139Review Summary 
    140140Is the review fully successful?[ -id=revform '' Yes No][[BR]] 
    141 [tf.textarea:status -id=revform 'If not, please indicate what is still missing.' 50 10] 
     141[tf.textarea:comment -id=revform 'If not, please indicate what is still missing.' 50 10] 
    142142Updated on [tf.form_updated_on:] by [tf.form_updater:] 