New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.

Version 19 (modified by nicolasmartin, 7 years ago) (diff)


CNRS 2017

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

Link: ExtractUrl(.)?

Additional NEMO ST members involved

Name Institution % Position
Martin Vancoppenolle CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 10 CNRS
Laurent Debreu IMAG, Grenoble 0 INRIA, AGRIF Working Group Leader
Marie-Alice Foujols IPSL, Paris 0 CNRS
Rachid Benshila LEGOS, Toulouse 0 CNRS

Summaries from Actions forms

List of pages: CNRS-14_Merino-ICB, CNRS-1_Martin-LIM3PTRA

Action CNRS-1_Martin-LIM3PTRA Add generic passive tracer to LIM3
PI(S) Martin Vancoppenolle


In order to prepare a Biogeochemical compartment in sea ice, a generic passive tracer interface will be added in LIM3

Dependencies Depends on ...
Target Priority or deadline
Trac Ticket #XXXX
SVN branch [source:/branches/2017WP/dev_r{REV}_{WG or INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}]
Previewer(s) Names
Reviewer(s) Names
Status Pending/In progress/Postponed/Ready
Link ExtractUrl(.)?

Action CNRS-14_Merino ICB
PI(S) Nacho Merino


Improve NEMO-ICM (icebergs) ocean column properties.

Proposed modifications consists in considering the ocean column properties in the dynamics and thermodynamics parametrizations of the NEMO-ICB module: 1- In the computation of the ocean drag term for the iceberg dynamics equation we propose the use of the depth-integrated ocean velocity as described in equation 2.1 of Merino et al 2016, instead of considering the ocean surface velocity. In the situation where the submerged part of an iceberg is greater than the ocean bathymetry, the integrated velocity considers zero velocity for the part of the iceberg which is deeper than the ocean bathymetry. This parametrization has the effect of reducing the iceberg velocity when icebergs transit through shallow regions of the ocean. We have chosen not to stop or stuck icebergs in such situation since this has a strong impact in the iceberg distribution and it would require a representation of subgrid bathymetry. 2- For the computation of the basal turbulence melt rate term, we propose to consider the ocean temperature at the iceberg depth (equation 2.2 in Merino et al 2016) instead of the sea surface temperature. In cases where the submerged part of the iceberg is greater than the ocean bathymetry we propose to consider the ocean temperature at the ocean bathymetry depth. 3- For the buoyant convection term, we propose to integrate this term along the submerged part of the iceberg (equation 2.3 of Merino et al 2016), instead of only consider the ocean surface temperature. In cases where the submerged part of the iceberg is greater than the ocean bathymetry, the ocean temperature considered in the integral for the part of the iceberg which is found deeper than the ocean bathymetry (no temperature is defined deeper than the ocean bathymetry) is the temperature of the ocean at the bathymetry depth.

Dependencies Depends on nothing
Target Priority or deadline
Trac Ticket #1900
SVN branch No need of specific branch: the code exist and has been tested and its use published
Previewer(s) Tim Graham or Pierre Mathiot
Reviewer(s) Tim Graham or Pierre Mathiot
Status Ready & succesful : Incorporated in dev_merge_2017 in early January 2018
Link ExtractUrl(.)?