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2017WP/ROBUST-12_SystemTeam-Trunk-Validation/Results – NEMO

Version 5 (modified by clevy, 8 years ago) (diff)


2017 Work on trunk validation

Last edited LastModified()?

Color(lime,This page should be updated as often as possible through the year)?

Date Rev number SETTE results Other specific results Comments and propositions
After 2016 Merge Party 7614 50 years climatological ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES
Active cpp keys: key_trabbl key_lim3 key_zdftke key_zdfddm key_zdftmx key_iomput key_mpp_mpi key_top key_nosignedzero
CORE II forcing
Namelist and xml files and plots in pdf
Convection seems too strong in Antartica (to be confirmed)
7715 ADA CNRS, Simona Flavoni

GYRE_PISCES,ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES,ORCA2_OFF_PISCES,AMM12, ISOMIP andORCA2_LIM3_OBS restart and repro OK,SASrun but not tested restarts, WORCA2AGUL_2_2 run short_NO zoom ok in revision 7746
NOTA BENE :ORCA2_LIM3_OBS is created from reference configurationORCA2_LIM3_PISCES. maybe discuss on how to remove pisces in sette tests (just withoutkey_topcode do not compile: error at trcnam_my_trc routine) WORCA2AGUL_2_2 run short_NO zoom ok in revision 7746: but I saw that I had these cpps: bld::tool::fppkeyskey_trabblkey_lim2key_zdftkekey_zdfddmkey_zdftmxkey_mpp_mpikey_iomputkey_nosignedzerokey_agrif
7731 and 7746 EKMAN IBM, INGV, Damiano Delrosso

SETTE tests have been carried out with and without openMP AGRIF configs do not compile. trc.f90(154): error [ #6838]: An object must not have both the POINTER and the TARGET attribute. [TRCDTA_BDY]
7723 ATHENA, CMCC, Francesca Mele

SETTE tests have been carried out with and without openMP
recent SETTE Tests performed on the trunk with openMP before 2nd March
2 March 2017 It is decided that tests should be performed on the trunk (as soon as Silvia has reverted it removing openMP modifications) to check if everything is ok before starting 2017 developments There are still problems with AGRIF when removing key-top.
Agrif was working with zoom after merge: It was not restartable but it was running.
It is not clear if the problem came out when including openMP modifications since there are not tests just before including the hybridization.
Clement is about to end compatibility between AGRIF and LIM3. The best is to have bug corrections in the trunk.

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