New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2017WP/SharedActions – NEMO

Version 19 (modified by diovino, 8 years ago) (diff)


2017 Shared actions

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

ST members involved

Name Institution % Position
Simona Flavoni CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 50 Officer
Christian Ethé CNRS IPSL, Paris 50 ...
Claire Lévy CNRS LOCEAN_IPSL, Paris 100 Project manager
Pierre-Antoine Bouttier CNRS LGGE- OSUG, Grenoble 50 ...
Nicolas Martin CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 50 ...
Gurvan Madec CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 30 Scientific Leader
Gurvan Madec CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 30 Scientific Leader
Clément Rousset CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 50 ...
Martin Vancoppenolle CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 20 ...
Dorotea Iovino CMCC 20 Officer
Tomas Lovato CMCC 20 ...
Stefania Ciliberti CMCC 20 ...
Silvia Mocavero CMCC 20 ...
Francesca Mele CMCC 20 ...
... ... ... ...

Inputs from Working Groups

  • Actions on system simplification towards 4.0 can be find here: 2014WP/2014_SystemSimplification_v2
  • The status and details of the intrusive simplification work already done is located here: ticket/1593_CNRS9_NOC3_LDF
  • HPC actions listed below are the list of required actions. What we can do this year remains to be determined. See Sebastien Masson's document for more details: HPC_tasks_Masson.doc

Summaries from Actions forms

#!comment Configure and insert in corresponding table cells the following Trac macro to include the summary of each shared action you have created [[Include(2017WP/${WORKING_GROUP}-${ACTION_NUMBER}_${PI}/Summary)]]


Wiki page "2017WP/AGRIF-1_Clement-LIM3/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/AGRIF-2_TimGraham-vertical/Summary" does not exist

AGRIF-3_Jerome-vvl: Agrif compatible with vvl


Action AGRIF-3_Jerome-vvl Agrif compatible with vvl
PI(S) Jérôme Chanut


Enable online nesting (i.e. AGRIF) with non-linear free surface (z* coordinate, eventually z~).

  • Ensure correct fluxes at child grid edges from parent level with time varying vertical thicknesses.
  • Ensure correct update of vertical grid at child grid open boundaries.
  • Implement update of vertical scale factors and volume weighted update of tracers.
Dependencies Depends on: -
Target - Expected end 2017:development OK; running OK.
Trac Ticket #1965
SVN branch branches/2017/dev_r8624_AGRIF3_VVL
Previewer(s) Tim Graham
Reviewer(s) Tim Graham
Status Under review
Link ExtractUrl(.)?


This section should be completed before starting to develop the code, in order to find agreement on the method beforehand.

Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found

Once the PI has completed this section, he should send a mail to the previewer(s) asking them to preview the work within two weeks.


Since the preview step must be completed before the PI starts the coding, the previewer(s) answers are expected to be completed within the two weeks after the PI has sent his request.
For each question, an iterative process should take place between PI and previewer(s) in order to reach a "YES" answer for each of the following questions.

Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found

Once all "YES" have been reached, the PI can start the development into his development branch.


Once the development is done, the PI should complete this section below and ask the reviewers to start their review in the lower section.

Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found


A successful review is needed to schedule the merge of this development into the future NEMO release during next Merge Party (usually in November).

Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found

Once review is successful, the development must be scheduled for merge during next Merge Party Meeting.

Configuration Manager

Wiki page "2017WP/CONFIGMAN-1-Julien_improvment/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/CONFIGMAN-2-Julien_tide_OB_forcing/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/CONFIGMAN-3-Julien_runoff/Summary" does not exist



Wiki page "2017WP/HPC-1_Miguel_Mondher_GatherComm/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/HPC-2_TimGraham_allocate/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/HPC-3_SilviaMocavero_globcomm/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/HPC-4_SilviaMocavero_singlecoreperf/Summary" does not exist


Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-1_PierreAntoine-SEABASSTestCase/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-2_Simona-TestCases/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-3_Clement_CRS/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-4_Jerome_freesurface/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-5_Christian-TOPDoc/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-6_Gurvan-RK3/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-7_Christian-TOPRevisit/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-8_Nicolas-Trusting/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-9_Nicolas-CDE/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/Robust-10_Tim_Graham_CMIP6doc/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/ROBUST-11_AndrewC-Wetting_and_drying/Summary" does not exist


Wiki page "2017WP/SIMPLIF-1_Gurvan-ZDF/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/SIMPLIF-2_Simona-UserDefMod/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/SIMPLIF-3_AndrewC-MPP_no_ghost/Summary" does not exist

Wave Coupling

Wiki page "2017WP/WAVE-1_Delrosso_Improvements/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/WAVE-2_Clementi_add_coupling/Summary" does not exist

Wiki page "2017WP/WAVE-3_Mattia_Test_Mediterranean/Summary" does not exist