Action | ENHANCE-1_Nicolas New Website
| PI(S) | Nicolas MARTIN
In 2016, the new website has been installed in Mercator_Ocean IT facilities and build on the technical side.
The new plan of the website has been showed and approved during the MP, for instance the new top entries of the menu will be:
- 'Modeling Framework'
- 'European Consortium'
- 'Associated Projects'
- '!Bibliography & !Documentation'
From there, the writing of all articles detailed in this plan has to be addressed and distributed over institutes to finalize the new website.
Besides, an another shared work will be to gather the BibTeX entries of the missing publications to complete the void period 2009-2016 in the current NEMO publications database.
Dependencies | NA
| Target | End of Q1 2017
| Trac Ticket | #1814
| SVN branch | NA
| Previewer(s) | Andrew Coward
| Reviewer(s) | Andrew Coward
| Status | In progress
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-2_Martin Melt Ponds
| PI(S) | Martin Vancoppenolle
Addition of melt ponds at the surface of sea-ice following the PhD work of Olivier Lecomte (2014) (UCL)
Dependencies | Depends on ...
| Target | Priority or deadline
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/2017/dev_r${REV}_${WG|INSTITUTE}-${NUM}_${PIS}-${KEYWORD}
| Previewer(s) | Ed Blockley
| Reviewer(s) | Ed Blockley
| Status | Started and ongoing
| Links | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-3_Nicolas New Users Environment on Trac
| PI(S) | Nicolas MARTIN
The new website will contain only common informations and no restricted area, as a result NEMO Trac has to evolve for hosting all the Users environment (account creation, documentation & support).
Much of it has already being done by installing several plugins to upgrade and extend its functionalities, still some works has to be addressed and distributed over institutes to finalize it.
From current website, the users content need to be rewritten and updated for implementing:
- Set of wiki pages for technical informations on different topics (installation, configuration, tools and interfaces)
- Few discussion forums with a small description to guide the user and a FAQ-tagged subject to answer common questions and issues.
Also for efficiency, the existing mailing lists '[Nemo]' & '[Nemo_st]' will be replaced respectively by '[Newsletter]' & '[Systeam]' with a different configuration (newsletter and confidential list) on the 'Universalistes' service offered by RENATER.
The aim is to split the administration of the lists between the institutes, remove the moderation actions by disallowed public posts and redirect the support requests to the appropriate area in Trac.
Dependencies | NA
| Target | End of Q1 2017
| Trac Ticket | #1815
| SVN branch | NA
| Previewer(s) | Andrew Coward
| Reviewer(s) | Andrew Coward
| Status | In progress
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
| Wiki page "2017WP/ENHANCE-04_Jerome_freesurface" does not exist
Action | ENHANCE-5_Gurvan — RK-3 time stepping
| PI(S) | Gurvan Madec
Introduce an optional RK3 time-stepping scheme. The scheme will:
- be a valuable alternative to the current Modified Leap-Frog (MLF, Leclair and Madec OM2009) scheme,
- prepare the futur introduction of a compensated time-space scheme,
- allow AGRIF to be exactly conservative, and
- make much more easier to use time coarsening of TRC and OFF-line variable volume calculation
- make feasible to properly implement an implicit computation of top and bottom friction (properly means consistent with the ssh time splitting scheme)
As such a change will impact many module of OPA, it has been preferred to develop the RK3 version in a separate directory, RK3_SRC, put at the same level as OPA_SRC and being a copy of OPA_SRC as starting point.
In addition to the RK3 scheme, a Forward-Bacward Scheme (FBS) will be introduced. The goals associated with FBS are the following:
(i) FB scheme is also a two levels time-stepping scheme but much simpler than a RK3. Its implementation will prepare all the required environment for the RK3 scheme, while been much easier to develop and test.
(ii) FB scheme may be a valuable alternative for low resolution simulations (in particular ORCA 2° and 1°) which do not necessarily need a high order time-stepping scheme, although FB scheme requires to used UBS scheme on advection of both dynamics and tracers.
In practice the work done in 2017 is :
- start from the trunk, updated with HPC09 branch (i.e. ZDF modifications)
- update with the ICEMODEL branch (i.e. new sea-ice model)
- update with the dev_rev8689_LIM3_RST branch (improved sea-ice restart read/write)
- linear dynamics option and no selection of dyn_adv scheme by default
- add a NONE case fort dyn/tra/trc logicals on advection and diffusion and no selection by default
- remove split explicit vertical advection option on tracer and dynamics
- remove all work_nemo from DOM, DYN, LDF, and TRA
- replace nn_timing by ln_timing (in TRA, DYN, DOM and ZDF)
- CFL criteria re-rewritten a,d now controlled by ln_diacfl logical
Postponed to 2018 workplan:
- create RK3_SRC directory a a copy of OPA_SRC
- implement the FB scheme in a stp_fbs routine (found either in step.F90 or in stpfbs.F90), i.e. changes in most of SBC, TRA, DYN and ZDF modules
- implement the RK3 scheme in a stp_rk3 routine (found either in step.F90 or stprk3.F90)
Dependencies | no
| Target | 2017 merge party
| Trac Ticket | #1911
| SVN branch | dev_r7881_ENHANCE09_RK3
| Previewer(s) | Names
| Reviewer(s) | Names
| Status | Started and ongoing : RK3 directory not updated in the ENHANCE09_RK3, and not added in the dev_merge_2017
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-6_Nicolas Improving Trusting tool
| PI(S) | Nicolas MARTIN
In 2015, as a first phase the trusting tool has been imported from IPSL and adapted to NEMO to follow-up the development of the code.
For now, 3 reference configurations for the 2 main branches (3.6 and trunk) run regularly on 2 French HPC centers (TGCC and IDRIS):
For the second phase, in addition to fix existing bugs and overall improve the tool, I plan to upgrade it to have the same abilities as SETTE tool for the validation process (repeatability, reproducibility and restartability).
Dependencies | NA
| Target | End of 2017
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WGorINSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
| Previewer(s) | Names
| Reviewer(s) | Names
| Status | Pending
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-07_Gurvan-Vertical Advection
| PI(S) | Gurvan Madec
Vertical advection scheme : 4th order capability for both tracer and momentum in all context (including ISF case).
- adapt the compact 4th order (CPT4) scheme for ISF
- CPT4 currently with CEN2 at top & bottom boundary, add a homogeneous Neumann boundary condition (better)
- add a CPT5 case smaller CFL but better solution
- flux form advection: CPT4 (and 5 ?) on vertical momentum advection
- vector form : add an higher order scheme for vertical momentum advection (based on CPT scheme)
- SIMPLIFICATION issue: Introduce a generic tridiagonal solver and use it in vertical CPT advection, implicit vertical diffusion, TKE and GLS.
Dependencies | Depends on Gurvan's availability
| Target | Before the 2017 merge party
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WGorINSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
| Previewer(s) | Names
| Reviewer(s) | Names
| Status | Postponed: a preliminary version exists on my lap-top only. Not enough time to finalize the work
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-9_Gurvan-Bulk_improvements
| PI(S) | Gurvan Madec
| - add cool skin and warm layer in the bulk package so they are used in fluxes computation.
- split in two parts the sbc_blk routine one for turbulent fluxes computation and a second for the other fluxes (preparation of Atmos. Boundary Layer component)
Dependencies | None
| Target | Priority or deadline
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WGorINSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
| Previewer(s) | Names
| Reviewer(s) | Names
| Status | Postponed : depend on Laurent Brodeau availability...
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
| Wiki page "2017WP/ENHANCE-10_Jerome_ztilde" does not exist
Action | ENHANCE-11_GuillaumeR_QuickestAdv
| PI(S) | Guillaume Reffray
| - replace order 2 centered scheme by order 4 centered or FCT4 as done in TVD
- change order of update ( zonal meridional vertical ) at each time step to "reproduce" cross terms
Dependencies | Depends on ...
| Target | Postponed : not started,; will not be ready for end 2017
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WGorINSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
| Previewer(s) | Laurent Debreu
| Reviewer(s) | Gurvan Madec
| Status | Not started
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-12_Romain-massfluxconvection
| PI(S) | Romain Bourdalle-Badie
Implementation of a mass flux scheme for convection.
Resolution of the convection as in atmospheric model.
Improvement of the deep convection and vertical velocity associated (up and down).
Alternative at evd or npc formulation.
Dependencies | none
| Target | 2018
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WGorINSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
| Previewer(s) | Gurvan Madec
| Reviewer(s) | Gurvan Madec
| Status | new?
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-13_GuillaumeS_dragairice
| PI(S) | Guillaume Samson
Improving Sea-Ice/air drag using new parametrization: Lüpkes, C., and Gryanik, V. (2015). Parameterization of drag coefficients over polar sea ice for climate models. Mercator Ocean Quarterly Newsletter-Special Issue, 51, 29-34.
Dependencies | Depends on ...
| Target | Expected end 2017: pre-review and developpment OK; expected to by done for Merge Party next december
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WGorINSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
| Previewer(s) | Clement Rousset
| Reviewer(s) | Clement Rousset
| Status | Postponed form 2016
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-14_Jerome_SAL
| PI(S) | Jerome Chanut
Tidal modelling: implementation of Self Attraction and Loading (SAL)
Self Attraction and Loading effects represent the modification by tides of the earth gravity field through mass redistribution. Accounting for this is particularly important to obtain accurate representation of tides at the global scale.
This can be achieved in numerical models by adding an additional term to the existing astronomical potential. The exact computation of this term (which depends on the model tidal solution) is particularly expensive on a numerical point of view and is not part of this implementation.
We will provide here the proper interface in the tidal module and user interface as well to read the SAL potential from external models (TPXO for instance).
The possibility to use a simple "linear" approximation from the sea level anomaly, a commonly used alternative, will also be implemented.
Dependencies | Depends on ...
| Target | Expected end 2017: development/running OK; expected to by done for Merge Party next decemberPriority or deadline
| Trac Ticket | #1926
| SVN branch | [source:/branches//2017/dev_r8329_ENHANCE14_SAL dev_r8329_ENHANCE14_SAL
| Previewer(s) | Names
| Reviewer(s) | Names
| Status | progress
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-15_Clement_LIM3adv
| PI(S) | Clément Rousset
WP2016 continuation.
In 2016 a new family of advection scheme has been added in LIM3 base on an ULTIMA-MACHO scheme.
In order to finalize this work, Lipscomb and Hunke (MWR 2004) test cases will be implemented, and the new schemes will be compared to CICE incremental remapping scheme.
Dependencies | Depends on ...
| Target | Priority or deadline
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WGorINSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
| Previewer(s) | Names
| Reviewer(s) | Names
| Status | Started and ongoing
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-16_Clement_ICEMODEL
| PI(S) | Clement Rousset
A framework for the new sea ice model will be implemented in NEMO for the next release 4.0.
Dependencies | Depends on 1) dev_r8126_ROBUST08_no_ghost & 2) dev_r6859_LIM3_meltponds & 3) v3_6_CMIP6_ice_diagnostics
| Target | deadline merge december 2017
| Trac Ticket | #XXXX
| SVN branch | branches/2017/dev_r8183_ICEMODEL/
| Previewer(s) | Names
| Reviewer(s) | Names
| Status | Successful by Dec 2017
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-17 — MCO (Multi-Column Ocean scheme)
| PI(S) | Gurvan Madec & Antoine Barthélemy
Introduction of the Multi-Column Ocean scheme (MCO) developed by Barthélemy et al. (Ocean Modelling 2016), i.e. a subgrid-scale representation of ice-ocean interactions.
LIM3 includes an ice thickness distribution, which provides heterogeneous surface buoyancy fluxes and stresses. The MCO scheme take them explicitly into account, by computing convection and turbulent vertical mixing separately in the open water/lead fraction of grid cells and below each ice thickness category. The resulting distinct temperature and salinity profiles of the ocean columns are allowed to be maintained over several time steps.
Dependencies | Depends on nothing
| Target | 2017 merge party
| Trac Ticket | #1918
| SVN branch | source:/branches/2017/dev_r8218_ENHANCE17_MCO
| Previewer(s) | -
| Reviewer(s) | -
| Status | Started and ongoing : the MCO scheme resulting from Antoine's PhD work is now saved on the branch. This was the major objective: a branch with MCO before Antoine leaves the research community. Its return back to a reference version is a much lower priority, and requires a significant amount of work.
| Link | ExtractUrl(.)?