New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2018WP – NEMO

2018 Workplan

NEMO is a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art software for research and operational oceanography. Its development is defined in a yearly workplan.
The yearly work plan is based on the NEMO Development Strategy Version 2 : 2018-2022.

The next 2 sections describe the 2018 workplan.

Shared Actions

SharedActions contains the workplan's core: the development priorities for all NEMO consortium's institutions which are expected to be directly related to the long term goals.

AGRIF CONFIGMAN Enhancement HPC Publication Robustness Sea-Ice Validation

    Specific Actions

    SpecificActions contains the other planned developments for the year, as agreed by all consortium members

    CMCC CNRS-INSU? INGV? Mercator Océan Met_Office? NERC-NOC?

            Overall status

            2018 WP

            2018 release-4.0

            Ticket Summary Owner Milestone
            #2031 AGRIF-02_crousset-LIM3 clem 2018 release-4.0
            #2017 AGRIF-03_jchanut-TOOLS jchanut 2018 release-4.0
            #2019 ENHANCE-03_jchanut-ZTILDE jchanut 2018 WP
            #2042 ENHANCE-05_Gurvan-Vertical_Advection acc 2018 WP
            #2020 ENHANCE-12_Yevgeny-Icewaves acc 2018 WP
            #2053 ENHANCE-13_Olivier-Vertical_Sinking aumont 2018 WP
            #1943 HPC-02(2017WP)_Francesca Development of the NEMO hybrid parallel version based on MPI/OpenMP francesca 2018 WP
            #2010 HPC-03_Mocavero_globcomm francesca 2018 release-4.0
            #2021 HPC-05_AndrewC-extendedhaloes acc 2018 WP
            #1953 HPC-06(2017WP) XIOS restart read functionality andmirek 2018 release-4.0
            #1962 HPC-07(2017WP) Write restart file using XIOS andmirek 2018 release-4.0
            #2056 PUBLI-02_nicolas_Project_Bibliography nicolasmartin 2018 WP
            #1426 ROBUST-01(2015WP)/MERCATOR-6 online coarsening cbricaud 2018 WP
            #2061 ROBUST-01_rbourdal_C1D rbourdal 2018 release-4.0
            #2037 ROBUST-05_clevy_shaconemo_future clevy 2018 WP
            #2025 ROBUST-06_Andrew-reporting acc 2018 release-4.0
            #2047 ROBUST-07_SFlavoni-Notebook-testcases flavoni 2018 WP
            #2000 ROBUST-14(2017WP) Removal of configuration-dependent hardcoding from closea module in OPA davestorkey 2018 release-4.0
            #2205 Update BDY documentation mathiot 2018 release-4.0
            #2024 VALID-01_cbricaud_HR cbricaud 2018 release-4.0
            #2048 VALID-03_SFlavoni_global_configuration flavoni 2018 release-4.0
            #2030 VALID-06_storkey_global validation of proto-NEMO 4.0 release in ORCA1, ORCA025 and ORCA12 davestorkey 2018 release-4.0
            #2028 VALID-07_odea-AMM deazer 2018 release-4.0
            #2014 VALID-08_Drudi_Wave_ORCA2 mdrudi 2018 release-4.0
            #2013 VALID-09_Lovato_TestWave_MedSea gmattia 2018 release-4.0
            #2026 VALID-10_GeorgeN-evalOSMOSIS agn 2018 release-4.0
            #2060 VALID-11_cethe_TOP_Offline cetlod 2018 release-4.0
            #2147 VALID-12_CLEVY_CoupledInterface clevy 2018 WP

            Add an action

            Append your action(s) to the list by initiating 2 resources to track and archive your development work: a wikipage to describe and follow the ongoing work through different steps, and a ticket to gather the group discussion and monitor the overall workplan progress.

            Action name
            Institute for specific actions, Stream for shared actions
            Check the tables above to define open number
            Identify PI(s) and field(s), no space recommended
            Submit / Reset

            See the instructions page of NEMO development task workflow.

            Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 2019-01-11T16:46:47+01:00