2018 Shared actions
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
ST members involved
Name | Institution | % | Position
Bricaud Clément | Mercator Ocean | 40 | Officer
Chanut Jerome | Mercator Ocean | 20 | Developer and AGRIF WG leader
Bourdalle-Badie Romain | Mercator Ocean | 20 | Developer
Paul Julien | Mercator Ocean | 20 | Developer
Simona Flavoni | CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris | 50 | Robustness WG leader
Christian Ethé | CNRS IPSL, Paris | 50 | ...
Claire Lévy | CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris | 100 | Project manager
Sébastien Masson | CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris | 50 | CNRS officer
Nicolas Martin | CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris | 50 |
Gurvan Madec | CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris | 30 | Scientific Expert
Clément Rousset | CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris | 50 |
Martin Vancoppenolle | CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris | 20 |
Andrew Coward | NERC NOC | 60 | Officer
George Nurser | NERC NOC | 20 | Developer
Yevgeny Aksenov | NERC NOC | 20 | Sea Ice developer
Emanuela Clementi | CMCC | 30 | Officer
Gelsomina Mattia | INGV | 25 |
Massimiliano Drudi | CMCC | 25 |
Damiano Delrosso | INGV | 20 |
Dorotea Iovino | CMCC | 25 | Officer
Tomas Lovato | CMCC | 20 |
Silvia Mocavero | CMCC | 40 |
Stefania Ciliberti | CMCC | 20 |
Francesca Mele | CMCC | 20 |
Pierre Mathiot | Met-Office | 20 | Officer
Mike Bell | Met-Office | 20 | HPC WG leader
Dave Storkey | Met-Office | 20 |
Enda O'Dea | Met-Office | 20 |
Mireck Andrejczuk | Met-Office | 20 |
This wiki page only includes the summaries from workplan action pages, follow the link to edit each cell of the table.
List of pages: ENHANCE-01_Romain-massfluxconvection, ENHANCE-02_Jerome_freesurface, ENHANCE-03_jchanut-ZTILDE, ENHANCE-04_Gurvan-RK3, ENHANCE-05_Gurvan-Vertical_Advection, ENHANCE-06-Gurvan-Bulk_improvements, ENHANCE-07-CRousset_LIM3adv_valorisation, ENHANCE-08_Gurvan-Implicit_Drags, ENHANCE-09_Gurvan-GEOMETRIC, ENHANCE-10_Nicolas-TrustingSetteCooperation, ENHANCE-11_Nicolas-RepositoryCleaning, ENHANCE-12_Yevgeny-IceWaves, ENHANCE-13_Olivier-Vertical_Sinking, ENHANCE-14_CEthe_PISCES_LBC
Action | ENHANCE-1_Romain-massfluxconvection
PI(S) | Romain Bourdalle-Badie
Implementation of a mass flux scheme for convection.
Resolution of the convection as in atmospheric model.
Improvement of the deep convection and vertical velocity associated (up and down).
Alternative at evd or npc formulation.
Dependencies |
| Target |
Trac Ticket | #2052
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-4_Gurvan-MLF_RK3
PI(S) | Gurvan Madec
New ocean engin based on two time stepping schemes :
- a Modified Leap-Frog scheme (MLF, Leclair and Madec OM2010).
- a 3rd order Runge-Kutta scheme (RK3).
Possibly, later on, a third scheme may be considered for O(1°) resolution configuration:
- a Forward/backward scheme (FBS)
Muti-year action started in 2017 (see2017WP), not expected to end in 2018.
Dependencies |
| Target | low
Trac Ticket | #1911
SVN branch | dev_r9838_ENHANCE04_MLF and dev_r9838_ENHANCE04_RK3
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-5_Gurvan-Vertical_Advection
PI(S) | Andrew Coward
| - introduce a semi-implicit vertical advection on both momentum and tracers
- add 4th order vertical advection option on momentum (flux form only)
Will be done in the new FBS/RK3 ocean engine
Probably adapted also to the 2018 version (i.e. in leapfrog environnement)
Dependencies |
| Target | normal
Trac Ticket | #2042
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) | Gurvan Madec
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-6-Gurvan-Bulk_improvements
PI(S) | Gurvan Madec
| - add cool skin and warm layer in the bulk package so they are used in fluxes computation.
- split in two parts the sbc_blk routine one for turbulent fluxes computation and a second for the other fluxes (preparation of Atmos. Boundary Layer component)
Dependencies = | availability of Laurent Brodeau for the first point
| Target = | low priority
Trac Ticket | #0000
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | ENHANCE-08_Gurvan_Implicit_drags
PI(S) | Gurvan Madec and/or Jérome Chanut (?)
proper treatment of implicit top, bottom and sea-ice frictions.
Will be implemented with a 2-level time stepping framework (FBS or RK3)
Dependencies = | depend on the progress on FBS-RK3 action
| Target | medium priority
Trac Ticket | #2045
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
| Section "summary" not found in wiki page "2018WP/ENHANCE-10_Nicolas-TrustingSetteCooperation"
Section "summary" not found in wiki page "2018WP/ENHANCE-11_Nicolas-RepositoryCleaning" |
Action | ENHANCE-12_Yevgeny-Icewaves
PI(S) | Andrew Coward and Yevgeny Aksenov
Introduce a coupling between waves, sea ice and ocean (Marginal Ice Zone) that accounts for sea ice break up by waves, wave attenuation by sea ice and combined collisional ice rheology
Initially, ice break up by waves will be included using the wave forcing fields with a view to full coupling with WW3 when available.
Dependencies |
| Target |
Trac Ticket | #2020
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
List of pages: HPC-01_SilviaMocavero_singlecoreperf, HPC-02_FrancescaMele_hybrid, HPC-03_SilviaMocavero_globcomm, HPC-04_SilviaMocavero_mpi3, HPC-05_AndrewC-extendedhaloes, HPC-06_andmirek-XIOSread, HPC-07_andmirek_XIOSwrite, HPC-08_Mixed_precision, HPC-09_Maisonnave-ATOS-ESIWACE
Action | HPC-01_HPCWG_singlecoreperf
PI(S) | HPC subgroup/Silvia Mocavero & Tim Graham as members of ST
The activity is based on the work started in 2017. A portable tool to extract the hardware performance counters needed for the analysis of the NEMO single-core performance has been implemented and tested on NEMO. A preliminary analysis has been done on Met Office and CMCC systems and memory-bounded routines have been identified.
The action will continue during 2018. The following sub-actions are identified:
(i) integration of the portable tool in the 4.0 release. This action is needed to extend the analysis to several architectures (Tim Graham or someone else from Met Office)
(ii) analysis on other systems (Clement Bricaud)
(iii) investigation of alternative approaches to improve the data locality (Silvia Mocavero)
Dependencies | Availability of HPC subgroup members
| Target | Normal
Trac Ticket | #0000
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | HPC-02_FrancescaMele_hybrid
PI(S) | Francesca Mele/Silvia? Mocavero
Continue the same activity carried out in 2017. The coarse-grained approach, developed in 2017 on the ZDF package (as restructured by Gurvan), will be tested on routines more affected by MPI communications. The effort required for the code restructuring and the gain due to the hybrid parallelisation will be evaluated by the end of this year in order to decide if OpenMP will be introduced in the NEMO code.
Dependencies |
| Target | Normal
Trac Ticket | #0000
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Action | HPC-08_BSC_Mixed_precision
PI(S) | Miguel Castrillo, Oriol Tintó
This is an action on the optimization of the NEMO model by using a mixed precision approach, containing two different sub-actions:
8.1: Study on the precision needed by the different processes in NEMO.
8.2: Implementation of this mixed precision approach on a NEMO version.
Dependencies |
| Target |
Trac Ticket | #2039 #2040
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{SCOPE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}
Previewer(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)?
Can be found here: WorkingGroups
In particular, for details on history of simplification
- Actions on system simplification towards 4.0 can be find here: 2014WP/2014_SystemSimplification_v2
- The status and details of the intrusive simplification work already done is located here: ticket/1593_CNRS9_NOC3_LDF