Version 9 (modified by mathiot, 7 years ago) (diff) |
Status of work on dev_merge_2017 branch
Status of work on dev_merge_2017 branch
- 30 January 2018: NOC: eORCA1 testing: Pb with Weddell Sea Polynya
- 12 January 2018: Pb in ORCA2_LIM3_OBS
- 12 January 2018: Pb ORCA2OFFPIS (SOLVED)
- 12 January 2018: Pb lib_mpp ?
- 11 January 2018: pb with dynspg_ts (time splitting)
- 11 January 2017 : AGRIF not restartable nor reproducible for now with …
- SETTE test results
Last edition on Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(author)?
The 2017/dev_merge_2017 branch has been created by merging all the 2017 developments during Merge party in Exeter. This branch is expected to be back into the trunk as the prelimnary version of future NEMO release as soon as possible in 2018. This page allows developer to share information and results on the on going testing work on this branch.
For each new subject, please follow format as below (== for title level 2) in order to have them listed at top of page, and add SOLVED in the title when it is done.
30 January 2018: NOC: eORCA1 testing: Pb with Weddell Sea Polynya
George has been running an eORCA1 configuration with the dev_merge_2017 branch. The configuration runs successfully but fails after 6 years (from 1978) with issues associated with a Weddell Sea polynya. Initial impression is also that the mixed layer depths (using OSMOSIS) are shallower than in runs using the pre-merge development branch.
12 January 2018: Pb in ORCA2_LIM3_OBS
Sette, as it is, is succesfull with ORCA2_LIM3_OBS on MetO machine BUT ocean output contains an E R R O R. Only one time step is present in run.stat. Error is in dia_obs, the sea-ice model is not detected by dia_obs. I (PM) added a test in sette_rpt (r9223) to catch these cases (it looks for E R R O R in ocean.output). Not perfect (we should compare the number of lines in run.stat to nitend as well) but good enough for now I think.
12 January 2018: Pb ORCA2OFFPIS (SOLVED)
Sette ORCA2OFFPIS failed to run on MetO machine. It stop during the initialisation phase. I (PM) added a test on the presence of the config directory in NEMO_VALIDATION repository to catch it (r9221).
12 January 2018: Pb lib_mpp ?
Dave Storkey tested the dev_merge_2017@9209. eORCA1 job currently blows up on the first timestep with this lib_mpp issue. eORCA025 job runs OK for a month. He thinks that it does look like it might be an F-pivot/T-pivot thing.
11 January 2018: pb with dynspg_ts (time splitting)
Clément Rousset thinks there might have been a problem during merge of developments with dynspg_ts: looks like drag is computed twice so that energy is wrong and too big. This may be the reason for the crash of ORCA2 configuration for now after 200 timesteps (so that is is not seend through SETTE tests sopping after 150 timesteps! Could Jérôme have a look at this?
11 January 2017 : AGRIF not restartable nor reproducible for now with sea-ice
Clément Rousset and Simona are working on it, building a test case for that. It is an important issue to solve at first.
Please add new subjects ABOVE this line
SETTE test results
To be completed:
Date | revision | who did it? | SETTE results | Comments |
Dec 2017 | end merge party | all ok?? | ||
01/02/2017 | 9274 | MET-Office | ORCA2_LIM3_OBS failed | For ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES need to move from -O2 compilation option to -O0, ORCA2_LIM3_OBS contain error in dia_obs |
01/10/2017 | INGV | all ok | pb to create rebuild nemo executable with NETCDF4 (ok with NETCDF3) | |
01/10/2017 | CMCC | all ok |